S Sivaram Kaushik1, Andrew Huettner2, Peter LaViolette3, Andrew Nencka3, and Kevin Koch3
1MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 2MR Systems Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 3Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States
nonlinear iterative optimization algorithm was used to design an adiabatic
inversion pulse with a bandwidth of 3.2 kHz. With a larger bandwidth, the new
pulse maintains the same SAR as the original inversion pulse and also has an
improved spectral profile. Images obtained on a phantom, and in-vivo, show
improved fat suppression, and reduced ripple artifacts in the slice domain. In
addition to improving image quality, the optimized RF pulse may improve the diagnostic
ability of STIR with 3D multi spectral imaging.
Conventional magnetic resonance
imaging sequences are severely hampered in the presence of high susceptibility
metallic implants. This limitation has been overcome using 3D-multi spectral
imaging sequences (3D-MSI) such as MAVRIC SL1 and SEMAC2. While
conventional contrasts such PD, T13, T24, and even diffusion weighting5 have been shown to be feasible around metal implants, fat suppression using
phase based approaches has been extremely difficult to accomplish. Even in the
presence of advanced phase processing6, Dixon based approaches will show fat
water swaps close to the implant surface which should be avoided. Hence, fat suppression
around metal has taken advantage of the T1 differences between fat
and water, using the Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) sequence. The quality
of these STIR images relies heavily on the quality of the inversion pulse. The
work presented here seeks to optimize the spectral quality of the adiabatic
inversion pulse using an iterative Fourier series based optimization approach. The
optimization also seeks to increase RF bandwidth of the pulse, while having no
impact on the SAR. Methods
The original pulse is
a 16 ms adiabatic inversion pulse, with a dwell time of 40 μs, a FWHM of 2400
Hz, with a nominal flip angle of 200°, and a peak b1 of 12.18 μT. For the
optimization algorithm, a hyperbolic secant pulse with a similar duration and
dwell time was chosen as the initial condition. Its RF bandwidth was chosen to
be equal to that of the slice selective pulse (3200 Hz). This pulse was Fourier
transformed, and 130 Fourier coefficients (65 real, 65 imaginary) were chosen
for optimization. These coefficients were tested in a Bloch simulation at 3 RF
amplitudes (B1, B1+25%, B1+50%; B1 = 17μT) to test its adiabatic performance. These
numbers were used to evaluate a cost function χ
where the first 3 terms represent
the Bloch simulation evaluation at 3 RF amplitudes, f is the number of points
in the spectral domain, N in the time domain. and were empirically determined to be 1000, and 50
respectively. This cost function information was used in a nonlinear
optimization routine that updated the Fourier coefficients. Post convergence,
the Fourier coefficients were used to generate the time domain RF pulse. The
algorithm is summarized in Figure 1.
The performance of
the RF pulse was first tested using a prototype MAVRIC SL sequence in a
fat-water phantom with a hip implant. The RF pulse was also tested on human
volunteers. Written, informed consent was obtained prior to image acquisition,
and the study was approved by the local institutional review board.
Figure 2 compares the spectral
performance of the original and optimized pulses. Compared to the initial
condition pulse, the optimized inversion pulse has significantly lower peak b1
(23 μT Vs 18.4 μT), and retains the cleaner spectral profile of the initial
Figure 3 shows STIR images
obtained in a fat-water phantom with a Co/Cr hip implant. While the 2D-FSE are
heavily warped, both 3D-MSI images accurately delineate the implant boundary.
The optimized inversion pulse shows a 60% improvement in fat suppression, and
no banding artifacts in the slice dimension. The pulses showed similar
performance when imaging the the human volunteer (Figure 4). Compared to the 2D
FSE images, the 3D MSI images show no artifacts, and the optimized pulse has a better
fat suppression, and no ripple artifacts in the slice domain. Discussion and Conclusions
Compared to recursive approaches
used before7, the Fourier based approach to optimization lent itself more
naturally to optimizing the inversion pulse. While the fat suppression of 2D
FSE is superior, the fat suppression in 3D MSI is limited by its need to cover
multiple frequencies. This is demonstrated in figure 5. While the on resonance
spectral-bin has excellent fat suppression, as we move further off resonance,
the RF power applied to the fat and water frequencies are lower, increasing the
relative T1 recovery. Thus when the bins are combined, the effective
fat suppression is lowered. The optimized inversion pulses provide a dramatic
improvement in image quality, and fat suppression. Also, the newer pulses help
reduce bin-combination artifacts, which are often seen in the slab-selective
dimension. This original source of artifact arose from the lower bandwidth of
the original inversion pulse, which led to incomplete inversion of frequencies
at the edge of the refocusing pulse. While retaining the same SAR, the larger
bandwidth of the optimized pulse helped cover a larger portion of the
refocusing bandwidth, leading to fewer non inverted frequencies (figure 2B). Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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