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Bi-exponential  T2* mapping of peripheral nerve from in-vivo human scans with a 3D UTE cones sequence.
Daehyun Yoon1 and Brian Hargreaves1

1Department of Radiology, Stanford university, Palo Alto, CA, United States


Previous studies with nerve samples have demonstrated the existence of multiple signal components with different T2 or T2* relaxation times in peripheral nerves. The short- T2* signal component has received significant research attention, based on its correlation with myelin health of nerve fiber in many neurological diseases. However, little research has been conducted with in vivo human scans to separate the short-T2* component and the long-T2* component in peripheral nerves. Using a 3D ultra-short echo time (UTE) cones sequence, we demonstrate the feasibility of capturing and separating both bi-exponential T2* signal components from in vivo human nerve scans


To demonstrate bi-exponential T2 mapping of peripheral nerve with in vivo human scans using a 3D ultra-short echo-time cones sequence.


Peripheral nerve is composed of layers of connective sheaths surrounding nerve fiber as shown in Figure 1A. Water molecules trapped in these layers and the myelin sheath of nerve fiber may exhibit different T2/T2 relaxation properties. In fact, previous studies demonstrated the existence of multiple T2/T2 signal components in in vitro nerve samples and in vivo animal nerves1-4. In particular, the short-T2 component has received considerable attention because of its correlation with the health of myelin sheath, which is very important in evaluating many neurological diseases. However, to our knowledge, few in vivo human studies have been conducted to separate short and long T2 signal components in peripheral nerves. In this abstract, we demonstrate the result of bi-exponential T2 mapping with in vivo human nerve scans using a 3D UTE cones sequence5.


We conducted bi-exponential T2 mapping on tibial nerve in human ankle. We scanned a normal volunteer on a 3T GE Discovery 750 MRI scanner with a 16 channel flex coil. For anatomic information, we collected high resolution 3D GRE images.

We performed two sessions of the 3D UTE cones sequence where each session collected signal at 5 different TEs. For fitting with the resulting magnitude images, we adopted a bi-exponential model, y(n)=AseTE(n)/T2,s+AleTE(n)/T2,l+C. TE(n) and y(n) are the n-th echo time and the magnitude signal at the n-th echo time, the T2,sand T2,l are the short and long component of T2. As and Al are the amplitudes of short and long T2 decay components, and C is the noise offset in the magnitude signal. To estimate these parameters, we first used later echoes to fit the long-T2 component where we can assume the short-T2 component decayed sufficiently to be negligible. Next, we subtracted the estimated long-T2 component from early echoes, and used these processed echoes to fit the short-T2 component. This segmented fitting approach was previously performed in bi-exponential decay fitting for IVIM6. A non-negative least squares method was adopted for all parameter fitting, and it was performed on the averaged magnitude signal on the ROI of tibial nerve. Figure 2 summarizes the scan parameters of the high-resolution GRE sequence, and the multi-echo UTE cones sequence.

In addition, we repeated the 3D UTE cones sequence with different flip angles to investigate how the amplitude of each T2 component changes. For this experiment, we only acquired 3 echoes in each sequence, and used the values estimated in the previous experiment to determine only the amplitudes (As and Al) and the noise offset (C).

Results and Discussion

The high resolution GRE image in Figure 1B shows the tibial nerve in the yellow box, where we performed the bi-exponential T2 mapping. Figure 3A shows the mono-exponential T2 fitting result using all 10 echoes, yielding T2 of 9.8ms. However, the mono-exponential T2 fitting with later echoes (TE > 5ms and TE > 10ms) yields T2 of about 27ms, suggesting the existence of very short-T2 decay signal in the early echoes. Figure 3C illustrates the mono-exponential T2 fitting with early echoes (TE < 4ms) where we subtracted the long-T2 component (T2= 27ms) before fitting. The short-T2 estimated from these processed early echoes was 1.4ms. The estimated short-T2 value (1.4ms) indicates that signal sampling at ultra-short echo time with the UTE sequence is very important in robust separation of short and long T2 components. Figure 4A illustrates the estimated bi-exponential T2 decay curve, which is a simple sum of short and long T2 decays determined in the previous step. Figure 4B shows the amplitude of the estimated T2 components (As and Al), where the long-T2 component was the more dominant of the two.

Finally, Figure 5 demonstrates the amplitude of each T2 component for different flip angles. The peak of the long-T2 component was between 8° and 12° while the peak of the short-T2 component was at 20°. This suggests a noticeable difference in T1 between these two T2 components and the possibility of selectively suppressing the long-T2 component with inversion recovery methods5,7.


In this abstract, we have demonstrated the feasibility of bi-exponential T2 mapping for peripheral nerves with in vivo human scans using a 3D UTE cones sequence to separate the short-T2 signal component (T2 = 1.4ms) and long-T2 signal component (T2 = 27.3ms).


NIH R01 AR0063643, NIH P41 EB015891, GE Healthcare


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2. M. D. Does, and R. E. Snyder. T2 relaxation of peripheral nerve measured in vivo. Magn Reson Imaging., 13:575–580, 1995.

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5. J. Chen, M. Carl, Y. Ma, H. Shao, X. Lu, B. Chen, E.Y. Chang, Z. Wu, and J. Du. Fast volumetric imaging of bound and pore water in cortical bone using three-dimensional ultrashort-TE (UTE) and inversion recovery UTE sequences. NMR. Biomed., 10:1373-80, 2016.

6. E. E. Sigmund, G. Y. Cho, S. Kim, M. Finn, M. Moccaldi, J. H. Jensen, D. K. Sodickson, J. D. Goldberg, S. Formenti, and L. Moy. Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging of tumor microenvironment in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Mag. Res. Med., 65(5):1437-1447, 2011.

7. S. Oh, M. Bilello, M. Schindler, C. E. Markowitz, J. A. Detre, and J. Lee. Direct Visualization of Short Transverse Relaxation Time Component (ViSTa). Neuroimage., 83:485-492, 2013.


Figure 1. The multi-layered structure of peripheral nerve (A), and high resolution GRE (0.23x0.23x2mm) image (B) showing nerve fascicles of tibial nerve. The enlarged tibial nerve image in (B) is followed by lower-resolution UTE cone images at different echo times. The average of the magnitude signal in the ROI (yellow circle) is used for bi-exponential T2* fitting.

Figure 2. The sequence parameters of high resolution 3D GRE sequence for anatomy and multi-echo UTE 3D cones sequence for bi-exponential T2* fitting. 10 different echo time data were collected for bi-exponential T2* mapping. To observe signal amplitude changes of each T2* component for different flip angles, 8 different flip angles were tested.

Figure 3. The mono-exponential T2* fitting with all 10 echoes from TE = 0.5 ~ 30ms yields T2* ≈ 9.8ms (A). However, the mono-exponential T2* fitting with later echoes (either TE> 5ms or TE > 10ms) yields T2* ≈ 27ms (B). This discrepancy suggests existence of another short-T2* decay in the early echoes. The mono-exponential T2* fitting to early echoes (TE < 4ms) after offsetting the contribution from long-T2* (27ms) yields T2* ≈ 1.4ms (C).

Figure 4. The fitted bi-exponential T2* decay where the short-T2* and long-T2* were 1.4ms and 27.3ms respectively (A). (B) shows the amplitude of each decay, and the long-T2* component was more dominant than the short-T2* component. The relative amplitude of these peaks may change when nerve tissue is injured.

Figure 5. The amplitude changes of each T2* component for different flip angles. Because spectral fat-saturation is performed for every 5 excitations, the estimation of T1 using the Ernst-angle equation is not possible. However, the peak located at the higher flip angle (around 20°) of the short-T2* component may suggest that long-T2* component suppression based on inversion-recovery may be feasible.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)