Martin Schwartz1,2, Guenter Steidle1, Petros Martirosian1, Ander Ramos-Murguialday3,4, Alto Stemmer5, Bin Yang2, and Fritz Schick1
1Section on Experimental Radiology, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Institute of Signal Processing and System Theory, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 3Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, 4Neurotechnology Laboratory, TECNALIA Health Department, San Sebastian, Spain, 5Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
mechanical activity in musculature (SMAM) can be observed from time to time in diffusion-weighted
images (DWI) of the human lower leg. In DWI, motion sensitivity is usually restricted
to a time window between diffusion-sensitizing dephasing and rephrasing
gradients. Capabilities to detect SMAM occurring outside this time window by
DWI are expected to be clearly reduced. The temporal sensitivity of
diffusion-weighted sequences to
SMAM is evaluated by varying diffusion-sensitizing time. In addition, concurrent
surface electromyography (sEMG)
measurements were
performed in order to reveal the temporal correlation of the events in both
Series of diffusion-weighted
(DW) images of the human lower leg can be impaired by spontaneous mechanical
activities in musculature (SMAM) with random appearance in temporal and spatial
domain1. It was shown that these SMAMs have a high correlation to electrical
activity as measured by concurrent surface electromyography (sEMG)2,3
with a large variability in number of occurrences depending on the applied DW
sequence4. A high accordance between detection capability and
diffusion-sensitizing time is expected, but previous studies have shown a large
difference between number of events in sEMG and SMAMs in DWI3. To provide
more insight into the relation between diffusion-sensitizing time of DW
sequences and the capability to image SMAMs, concurrent sEMG and DWI
measurements with varying diffusion-sensitizing times (Fig.1) were
carried out.Methods
volunteers (age: 36±14 years, BMI: 26.3±2.6 kg/m²) were examined with concurrent
sEMG and DWI. MR acquisition: Series
with 500 repetitions of transverse image were recorded at maximum diameter of
the right calf with a prototype diffusion-weighted stimulated-echo EPI
(STE-DWI) sequence with varying diffusion-sensitizing time and a
diffusion-weighted Stejskal-Tanner spin-echo EPI (SE-DWI) sequence. Measurement
parameters: matrix size: 64 x 64;
FoV: 192 x 192 mm²; TE: 31 ms (SE-DWI:
41 ms); TR: 500 ms; BW: 2004 Hz/px; slice-thickness:
6 mm; diffusion-sensitizing time Δ: 100/150/200/250 ms (SE-DWI:
Δ: 17 ms); b-value: 100 s/mm²; 6/8-readout; SPAIR for fat
suppression. All images were acquired on a 3 T MR scanner (MAGNETOM Skyra,
Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a 15-channel Tx/Rx-coil. sEMG acquisition: Concurrent sEMG measurements
were recorded with an MR-compatible system (BrainAmp ExG MR, Brain Products
GmbH, Gilching, Germany) at the same location: sampling rate: 5 kHz;
inter-electrode distance: 2 cm; current-limiting resistor: 15 kΩ;
bi-polar channels: 4; resolution: 0.5 µV. Electrodes were placed over the
m. gastrocnemius medialis. Post-Processing:
SMAMs in DWI were evaluated by an automated graph-based segmentation approach5.
To correct for MR gradient switching induced artifacts in recorded sEMG
measurement, artifact correction according to Niazy et al.6,7 was
applied in EEGLAB8. To suppress physiological distortions,
e.g. ballistocardiogram artifacts, sEMG signal was band-pass filtered (fbp = 20-500 Hz).
For a robust detection of spontaneous events in sEMG, a semi-automated
procedure based on a two-class support vector machine (600/600 training-dataset,
radial-basis kernel, 10-fold cross-validation, grid-search optimized, 20 signal
parameters for training9,10,11,12) was implemented based on Chang et al.13 with a subsequent human-observer
decision to ensure detection reliability.
Evaluation: Gross movements of the
lower leg were discarded in both modalities. Number of events and event count
maps (ECM) for different diffusion-sensitizing times were evaluated. For
sensitivity estimation, SMAMs within a region of 3 cm around sEMG
electrodes were assumed to be measureable. sEMG events with and without visible
SMAM in DWI within a period of 500 ms were mapped separately with respect
to the their occurrence in the TR interval.Results & Discussion
The automated sEMG detection achieved a
test-accuracy 91.9 % in average.
In Fig.2, ECMs of all volunteers show clear
differences for DWI sequences with different diffusion-sensitizing times. Very
short or very long diffusion-sensitizing time led to reduced sensitivity to
SMAMs. Overall numbers of SMAMs were maximal for diffusion-sensitizing times Δ
ranging from 150–200 ms (using a constant b-value = 100 s/mm2
for all measurements) (Fig.3). It was expected that very short Δ might lead
to reduced sensitivity to SMAMs. The unexpected result that STE-DWI with very
long Δ = 250 ms also led
to reduced numbers of visible SMAMs compared to shorter Δ is possibly caused by
complete relaxation of the muscle motions of a SMAM within the longer time
intervals, and therefore complete rephasing of signals.
Temporal distributions of sEMG events with (blue) and without (red) visible SMAMs in the following DWI are
indicated in Fig.4. It can be seen that especially sEMG events with
longer delay time to the next motion sensitive period in the DWI sequence do
not result in visible SMAMs. It must be considered that there is a temporal gap
between the electrical activity (visible in sEMG) and force onset also for
spontaneous unintended muscle activities leading to visible SMAMS in DWI. For
active muscle contraction an electromechanical delay of 49.73±7.99 ms was
reported in the literature14.
temporal sensitivity characteristics were successfully estimated based on
concurrent sEMG and DWI with varying diffusion-sensitizing time. A strong
dependence between diffusion-sensitizing time and overall number of SMAMs visualized
by DWI was clearly shown by this technique. Results are important for sequence
optimization and for protocol standardization in MR imaging of SMAMs, and they
give more insight in the temporal correlation of related electrical and
mechanical activities.Acknowledgements
thank Shiman, F., Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioural Neurobiology,
University of Tuebingen, and Erb, M., Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University
of Tuebingen, for their valuable technical support on this project.References
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