Michela Antonelli1, Edward W Johnston 2, Manuel Jorge Cardoso1, Benoit Presles1, Shonit Punwani*2, and Sebastien Ourselin*1,3
1Translational Imaging Group, CMIC, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Academic Radiology, University College London Centre for Medical Imaging, London, UK, 3Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK
segmentation of the prostate into peripheral and transition zones is
paramount in developing computer aided diagnosis systems for prostate cancer
diagnosis, as cancer behaves differently in each zone. We propose a multi-atlas
based segmentation (MAS) algorithm characterized by a
new atlas selection strategy: the performance of a subset of atlases is evaluated
considering how well that subset segments the image that is most similar to the
target image. Comparison of our
method with
three other MAS algorithms on fifty-five patients
shows a
statistically significant improvement on the segmentation
magnetic resonance (mpMRI) has been shown to be effective in prostate cancer
detection1, but interpretation requires a high level of expertise
and time. The prostate consists mainly of two anatomical zones:
peripheral (PZ) and transition zones (TZ). Cancers
behave differently for different zones, thus, segmenting
and characterising these regions is paramount. Multi-Atlas based Segmentation (MAS)
algorithms have been successfully applied to many medical image segmentation
tasks2-4, but success relies on a large number of atlases and good
image registration performance. Due to anatomical and pathological variability
of the prostate, choosing well-registered
atlases for label fusion is crucial for an accurate segmentation. We propose a MAS
based on a new similarity-based atlases selection strategy (SAS-MAS) that
automatically chooses a subset of the full atlas database using a surrogate
image similarity metric computed against the most similar (intensity-wise)
propagated atlas, thus estimating a well-registered
subject-specific atlas subset. Methods
I be the image to be segmented each
one composed by an image and a manual segmentation of the TZ and PZ regions.
idea is to estimate the performance of a subset of all atlases (SA) by evaluating how well this subset
segments the atlas that is most similar to I,
under the assumption that this atlas is a good surrogate of the target appearance.
To this end, all atlas images were first affinely
(using a block matching approach) and then non-rigidly registered (cubic
B-spline non-rigid registration) using
NiftiReg5. The
similarity between each registered atlas image and I is then
calculated as
the GLNCC, defined here as the
global mean of the voxel-wise local
normalized correlation coefficient (LNCC)6. Second, atlas images are
sorted according to the GLNCC and the most similar atlas (denoted BA) is used as the pseudo-target
image. The remaining atlases are added sequentially, in order of
GLNCC, to the subset SA and
fused according to a weighted voting strategy where each atlas is locally
weighted by the LNCC between each atlas and BA. The Dice overlap metric between the segmentation
of the fused subset SA and the BA segmentation is estimated for each
subset SA. The subset SA with the highest Dice score is chosen
as the optimal subset to segment the target image I. Finally, BA is added
to SA, producing the final subset.
The subset SA
is then fused using a voting strategy weighted by the LNCC between
each atlas and I. Results
was tested on T2-weighted scans from fifty-five patients, acquired on a 3T MRI scanner.
The manual segmentation of PZ and TZ provided by an expert radiologist was used
as the ground truth. The automatic segmentation performance was evaluated using
the Dice coefficient (DSC), the Hausdorff Distance (HD)7 and the
average boundary distance (ABD)7. The results of SAS-MAS were compared
with two MAS algorithms, each characterised by a different atlas selection
strategy. Namely, a MAS that uses all the
available atlases (ALL-MAS), and a MAS that uses a number of atlases equal to
the one used by SAS-MAS but where the atlases are randomly selected (RAND-MAS). Finally, we compare the performance of SAS-MAS
against the standard STAPLE algorithm8.
1 shows the mean and the standard deviation of DSC, HD, and ABD for the four
algorithms and Fig.1 the corresponding
box-plot. Both Tab. 1 and Fig.
1 demonstrates that SAS-MAS generates more accurate
segmentations for the two
prostate zones. To statistically validate this result, and due to the
non-Gaussian nature of the errors, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for pairwise
comparison was applied, considering SAS-MAS as the control algorithm. Table 2
shows the results of the test, where the null
hypothesis is rejected for almost all the comparisons; only ALL-MAS obtains a
better HD on the PZ segmentation. We can thus conclude that SAS-MAS generates significantly
more accurate segmentations than those generated by ALL-MAS, RAND-MAS and
STAPLE. Finally, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3
show some visual examples of segmentations obtained by the four algorithms. Discussion and Conclusion
this paper we have presented a MAS algorithm characterised by a new atlas
selection strategy. The results show that the new selection strategy improves
the performance of MAS, and produces a statistically better segmentation than
all the other MAS algorithms. Such algorithms harbour potential value for
computer-assisted prostate cancer diagnosis in the future, which could be used
to meet the current rise in demand that prostate MRI is experiencing. Future
work will involve using this segmentation for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer
in prostate applications. Acknowledgements
for this work was received from the EPSRC, the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and by the Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre (CCIC).
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