Filip Klimeš1,2, Andreas Voskrebenzev1,2, Marcel Gutberlet1,2, Agilo Kern1,2, Till Kaireit1,2, Alexander Rotärmel1,2, Frank Wacker1,2, and Jens Vogel-Claussen1,2
1Institute of Radiology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Biomedical Research in Endstage and Obstructive Lung Disease Hannover (BREATH), Hannover, Germany
Fourier Decomposition (FD) is able
to assess lung ventilation and perfusion in one free breathing measurement
without any contrast agent. To establish a ventilation-perfusion (VQ) scan
robust measurements and absolute quantification is required. Unlike for
absolute perfusion quantification, there has been only little success regarding
absolute ventilation quantification using FD MRI. Borrowing concepts from
oxygen enhanced imaging a regional alveolar ventilation measurement in free
breathing is introduced. This method is compared with Fractional Ventilation
(FV) and tested for physiological plausibility by assessment of volunteers in
supine and prone position. The results show good agreement with available
literature and show a similar gravitational behaviour as FV.
Lung ventilation imaging, which does
not require hyperpolarized gases gained interest during the last years. The
most known technique - Fourier Decomposition (FD)1 is carried out in
free-breathing without any contrast agent and offers perfusion and ventilation mapping
in one measurement. Since one important goal is to establish a VQ scan, FD is a valuable candidate for clinical translation in the future.
Although there are already methods for absolute perfusion quantification2,
ventilation is usually quantified using FV3,4,
which is only a relative measurement. In this study, similarly to
oxygen-enhanced MRI5, the proton density is measured in the lung by
acquisition of two FD acquisitions with different echo times and quantified using a phantom to calculate Alveolar Ventilation (AV).
Thus the study purpose was
to test the feasibility of absolute ventilation quantification method in
free-breathing in prone and supine position in comparison to FV derived by FD
Six healthy volunteers (3 female and 3 male, age 24-51) were enrolled in
this study. Scans in prone and supine position were performed on a 1.5T scanner.
A gadolinium doped water phantom (matching a lung T1 of approx. 1200ms) was situated
on or under the subject’s chest depending on the posture during the scan as a
reference for proton density quantification. A
sagittal slice of the right lung was measured in free breathing using a 2D spoiled
gradient echo sequence for two different echo times (TE1=0.82ms, TE2=1.3ms,
FOV 50x50cm2, Matrix size=128x128, Slice thickness=15 mm, TR=3ms,
bandwidth=1500 Hz/pixel, FA=5°,
GRAPPA=2) over a period of 48s at a temporal resolution of 192ms. The measurement was repeated with the body coil. All images were registered by
Advanced Normalization Tools6 towards the
intermediate respiratory image. The exponential
decay model was used to determine the proton density weighted signal S0,
using the averaged signal S in inspiration and expiration:S=S0e−TE/T2∗. Next,
the body coil acquisition was used to calculate a coil sensitivity profile and
used for correction of S0. Using the phantom the water content
in the S0 images was calculated. Assuming
that the air content can be approximated by (1–water density) and a known
voxel volume, the AV in mm/min/ml can be calculated
from the air difference (expressed in ml) between expiration and inspiration
multiplied by the breathing frequency. Alternatively, AV with units of
ml per breath per ml was calculated to calculate a respiratory
rate independent AV. The FV was determined using the mean expiration and inspiration image according
to Zapke et al.3: FV=SExp−SInspSExp.
The lung parenchyma region of interest (ROI) was segmented to
evaluate FV and AV. The ROI was divided into quarters
(ventral, mid-ventral, mid-dorsal and dorsal), for which mean FV and AV values
were calculated. The mean of all subjects was calculated for each
quarter and used to determine the slope as follows: Δ = \frac{Val_{1} – Val_{2}}{Val_{1}}*100, where
Val1 represents FV or AV in ventral quarter and Val2
represents FV or AV in the dorsal quarter of the ROI.Results
Figure 1 shows AV and FV maps of exemplary volunteer in prone and supine position. Similar ventilation
distributions can be observed with both methods. Figure 2 demonstrates ventral-dorsal
distributions of AV and FV values in supine (2a-c) and prone position (2d-f). A gravitational decrease from dorsal to ventral quarter is observed
for AV (Δ=51%) and FV (Δ=54%) in supine posture. On the contrary, the results for
prone posture delivered a more homogenous dorsal-ventral distribution of AV and
FV values.Discussion
The quantified regional lung ventilation was obtained. Similarly to previous results the differences of FV and AV between ventral and dorsal lung
regions were more pronounced in supine than in prone posture.5 Although
the absolute AV values are higher than in the literature5, these
differences can be attributed to different breathing frequencies (Table 1).
Multiplying the AV (with units of ml/ml per breath) from our study (Figure 2b
and 2e) with the breathing frequency similar to the respiratory commands in the
Henderson study1 leads to AV values in a very similar range
(1-3 ml/min/ml). Although
FV lacks an absolute unit, AV as well as FV show a physiologic behaviour in
prone and supine position.
limitation of this study is the susceptibility to errors
due to proton density mapping using only two TE measurements. Consequently,
more robust proton density measurements could be implemented.
The feasibility of a novel
free-breathing method for absolute ventilation quantification was demonstrated.
Although the presented protocol and image quality has potential for
improvement, an important step towards a fully quantified FD
V/Q measurement has been taken.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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