The dispersion imaging has shown great promise in prostate DCE-MRI, but there still exist practical limitations due to the complex model fitting. We describe a modified dispersion model to overcome these limitations by adapting a simple dispersion factor into the existing population-averaged arterial input function. We use the regions of interest, derived from the histological analysis, to evaluate both the quality of the model fitting and the ability of DCE-MRI parameters to delineate between cancerous and normal prostate tissues using 25 prostate patient cases available with the whole-mount histopathology.
The recently proposed dispersion imaging [1] has shown the microvascular architectures of PCa can be characterized without need for a separate arterial input function (AIF) estimation. However, the proposed dispersion model sometimes suffers from unstable results because of possible local minima in the model fitting. To overcome this limitation, we have modified the dispersion model by introducing a simple dispersion factor β for a given AIF, Cb(t) [2]. The modified dispersion model can be described as a convolution with a vascular transport function h(r,t) at a position r from Cb(t) (Fig 1):
Cbdispersed(r,t) = Cb(t) * h(r,t), where h(r,t) = 1/β(r) e (-t/β(r)).
In the modified dispersion model, we used the Parker AIF [3] for Cb(t), and β is directly fitted to time-concentration curves (TCCs) along with Ktrans and kep in the standard Tofts model, limiting the number of free parameters in the model fitting to avoid the possible local minima.
DCE-MRI data was acquired in 25 patients who later underwent radical prostatectomy on Siemens 3T systems. The DCE-MRI protocol consisted of a 3D spoiled gradient echo acquisition with the temporal resolution of 4.2s, TE of 1.5ms and TR of 3.9ms. T1 maps were measured using the variable flip angle (VFA) imaging with a set of flip angles (2°, 5°, 10°, and 15°) for the conversion of signal intensity to contrast agent concentration. The histopathological analysis was meticulously carried out such that accurate correlation could be achieved between cancerous regions of prostate identified from pathology and the imaging slices. ROIs containing cancerous tissue derived from the histology were drawn onto the corresponding imaging slices. Reference ROIs in normal transition zone (TZ) tissue were used for comparison to assess how well the modeled parameters delineate between cancerous and normal TZ tissue.
We compared the modified dispersion model with three population-averaged AIFs, including Parker [3], Weinmann [4], and Fritz-Hans [5], using the standard Tofts model [6]. The residual errors were measured by a sum of the squared residual values during the 90 sec initial contrast uptake (the gray area in Fig 2). β(r) was grouped into two classes, low- and high-dispersion, using the Gaussian mixture model, and the normalized low-dispersion map was multiplied to the dispersion-based Ktrans to create the dispersion-weighted Ktrans. The dispersion-weighted Ktrans and Ktrans with three different AIFs were evaluated in normal TZ and PCa ROIs over the cohort of 25 patients.
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