Calculation of the ejection fraction from cardiac cine MR images requires segmenting multiple images of the left ventricle. This process, which is often performed manually, is time-consuming and observer-dependent. In this work, an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, combining hidden Markov random field and optical flow, has been proposed to perform semi-automatic tissue segmentation on T1/T2-weighted low-rank tensor images that have a built-in feature space due to low-rank factorization performed during image reconstruction. The segmentation results then allow automatic EF calculation. Demonstrated results have higher efficiency and similar accuracy compared with manual segmentation, and were stable with respect to different initializations.
Images were acquired using low-rank tensor-based cardiovascular MR (CMR) multitasking6, resulting in different T1/T2-weighted contrast images at different time points. In this way, it provides many features to uniquely identify a specific tissue. This imaging method was selected because the temporal subspace constraint at the foundation of low-rank tensor CMR multitasking also provides a convenient feature space for image segmentation, bypassing the need for feature extraction. By assuming the values in this feature space follow a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), we cluster the results according to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion. A neighborhood potential term is incorporated to enforce the spatial and temporal continuity. Edges are preserved by disregarding the effect from neighboring voxels on a contour7. The resulting model is a hidden Markov random field (HMRF) model8 defined on a 3-D space (2 image dimensions and a time dimension depicting cardiac motion). Then the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm9 is applied to solve the following optimization function.
where Y is the configuration of all clusters (i.e., tissues) that each voxel belongs to, X denotes the data in the feature space and Θ denotes the distribution parameter set (which is time-variant due to blood flow effects). The two potential terms represent neighborhood potential and probability potential respectively in the following form:
U(\bf{X}|\bf{Y};\Theta)=-\sum_{i} \log{P(\bf{x}_i|y_i;\Theta)}
U(\bf{Y})=\sum_{c \in C} V_c (\bf{Y})
where P is the Gaussian distribution probability, C denotes all the neighboring pairs and Vc(Y) denotes the potential on pair c. In order to more easily allow volumes to change size between successive frames, an optical flow10 algorithm was used to predict values of Y at neighboring times. Specifically, we estimate the velocity (vx, vy) at each voxel from black-blood images:
\left[\begin{matrix}\bf{I}_x^T\bf{I}_x & \bf{I}_x^T\bf{I}_y \\\bf{I}_x^T\bf{I}_y & \bf{I}_y^T\bf{I}_y\end{matrix}\right]\left[\begin{matrix}v_x \\v_y\end{matrix}\right]=-\left[\begin{matrix}\bf{I}_x^T\bf{I}_t \\\bf{I}_y^T\bf{I}_t\end{matrix}\right]
where Ix, Iy and It denote the corresponding derivative vectors.
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