The conventional IVIM model assumes a two-compartment model; this might not apply for regions with enlarged perivascular spaces (PVS) in cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD). Regularized non-negative least squared was used to deconvolve the IVIM signal in multiple diffusion components. Sixty-three cSVD patients and thirty-five controls received IVIM imaging and visual scoring of enlarged PVS. An additional component to the assumed parenchymal and perfusion components was revealed. We show that the fraction of this component is related to the amount of scored enlarged PVS. Quantifying PVS is a time-consuming process and this method might aid the development of automatic quantification.
Study population Participants (n=98), consisting of patients with cSVD (n=63, 69.6±11.0y) and controls (n=35, 68.1±11.9y) were scored on enlarged PVS in the basal ganglia by two neurologists. Participants were divided into three groups: those who had low (n=56), moderate (n=22) or high (n=20) prevalence of enlarged PVS.
Data acquisition IVIM imaging was performed for all participants on a 3T MR scanner (Philips Achieva TX). A Stesjkal-Tanner diffusion weighted (DW) spin echo single shot echo planar imaging (EPI) pulse sequence was applied (TR/TE = 6800/84 ms, FOV: 221x269 mm2, 58 slices, 2.4 mm voxel size) using 15 b-values (0, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100, 200, 400, 700, 1000 s/mm2, in the anterior-posterior direction, scan time 5:13 min). To minimize contamination of CSF, an inversion recovery pre-pulse (TI = 2230 ms) was implemented prior to the DW sequence.5
Data analysis The IVIM signal was analyzed per voxel using the regularized NNLS algorithm.6 Here the signal was assumed to be composed of multiple exponential basis functions according to:
where Sb is the signal as a function of the b-value, S0 the signal at b=0 s/mm2, M the number of basis functions, Di the i-th diffusion coefficient (where Di>0), and fi the individual fraction of the corresponding Di. For the algorithm, 250 log-spaced D-values between 0.01–1000·10-3 mm2/s were used. This analysis provides a diffusion spectrum as a function of the corresponding fraction fi (Fig. 3). We defined the D of parenchymal diffusivity to be Di<1.5·10-3 mm2/s, of PVF to be between 1.5≤Di< 4.0·10-3 mm2/s and of microvascular perfusion Di≥4.0·10-3 mm2/s (Fig. 3B). The fraction of perivascular fluid PVF (fPVF), was quantified by taking the sum of the fractions between 1.5≤Di<4.0·10-3 mm2/s. Note that it is expected that these Di values have no or a small fraction in a voxel with low prevalence of enlarged PVS (Fig. 3A), but do have fractions for a voxel with high prevalence of enlarged PVS (Fig. 3B). Mean fPVF was calculated over all voxels in the putamen, a deep grey matter structure, which is part of the basal ganglia and where enlarged PVS can be often found. Mean fPVF were compared between the three groups using a Student's t-test.
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