Tzu Cheng Chao1,2, Yu-Chia Cheng3, Wen-Chau Wu4,5, Hsu-Hsia Peng6, Tzu-Chao Chuang7, Hsiao-Wen Chung5,8, Teng-Yi Huang9, and Yi-Jui Liu3
1Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2Institute of Medical Informatics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 3Department of Automatic Control Engineering, Feng-Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 4Graduate Institute of Oncology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 5Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 6Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 7Department of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 8Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 9Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
Time-resolved PCMRI has been
applied to measure pulse wave velocity (PWV) for the assessment of aortic
stiffness. However, longer scan time hinders its practice to achieve a high
spatial and temporal resolution scan, especially required for the arteries inside
of the head and neck. In the present work, an accelerated Time-resolved PCMRA
was implemented to shorten scan time. The reconstruction combines temporal
strategy and self-reference information to retain reasonable imaging quality.
The results suggest that the proposed method differentiate PWV delay time from
Common-Carotid artery to Middle-Cerebral arteries via Internal-Carotid artery with
good quality within a 10-minute scan.
resolved phase contrast MRI (Time-resolved PCMRI)1 has
been extensively used to evaluate vascular function such as 4D flow2. The
potential of this technique includes providing dynamic physiological
information and morphology of the imaged vessels. While Time-resolved PCMRI has
been successful in monitoring dynamics of cardiovascular system, its
application to cerebral vessels as Time-resolved PCMRA and
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) imaging is still challenging due to the requirement
of high temporal and spatial resolution and the inherited long scan time. Although
ultrasound also provides 2D illustration of PWV3, the
imaging region is limited to the anatomy where ultrasonic wave can go through. Henceforth, an MR-based alternative should be favorable when deeper brain regions are of
The present work aims
at developing an acceleration strategy for Time-resolved PCMRA covering from
carotid arteries to its downstreams for PWV evaluation. Current implementation
involves the two strategies, MUSE4 and hybrid SENSE5 in a hope to retain morphological and dynamic
information at good quality within short scan time. Methods
Four healthy
subjects were recruited and scanned following informed consent, using an
IRB-approved protocol on a 3.0T scanner (GE Discovery MR750). After scout scans
to locate the orientation of
carotid arteries, the proposed fast Time-Resolved PC MRI was performed with eight
7-mm slices (FOV = 26cm within a 256x256 matrix) to encompass carotid arteries and its downstream branches. The other imaging
parameters are as follows: TR=5.0ms, TE=2.8ms , View per segment=1, and
Venc=180cm/s along three orthogonal directions leading to temporal resolution
equal to 20ms. A variable density sampling function (Fig. 1) covering the
central quarter of k-space at two-fold acceleration and the rest at four-fold
acceleration was used. The total scan time for a single slice required 80
cardiac cycles. Despite heart rate variability for each subject and different heart
rates among subjects, the scans were all done within 10 minutes. Photoplethysmogram(PPG) was used to monitor pulses for
cardiac gating and for gradient encoding synchronization to achieve
fully gating reconstruction.
The data without velocity encoding were
firstly averaged to remove artifacts for coil sensitivity
estimation. The acquired data were processed by a two pass reconstruction to
improve SNR and to retain temporal accuracy as suggested in the reference
algorithms4-6. The
first-pass reconstruction was performed using SENSE on all the acquired data with
prospective cardiac gating. A spatial low-pass filter was applied after the
reconstruction to improve SNR and to serve as the regularization information in
the second-pass reconstruction. Subsequently, the original undersampled data
were retrospectively regridded in terms of cardiac phase and processed by the algorithm expressed by:ˆρy,f,→v=argminρy,f,→v||sk,t,→v−Ek,tρy,f,→v||22−λ||M−1y,f,→vρy,f,→v||22, where
Ek,t represents the encoding matrix including
Fourier transformation from k-t space, the sampling trajectory, the
density compensation and the coil sensitivity, M−1y,f,→v stands for the regularization information from
the filtered first-pass reconstruction with its weight λ to minimize noise amplification, ρy,f,→v
denotes the final reconstruction and sk,t,→v
is the input rawdata. The number of
cardiac phases in retrospectively-gating reconstruction was set to be 80. For the visualization purpose and the analysis of PWV, ρy,f,→v is then transformed back to time domain to calculate flow speed and direction multiplied by the magnitude mask to
enhance temporal vascular signals. Results
Fig.2 shows
the temporal flow speed changes from subject 1. Enhancement can be found starting from the
common carotid arteries (CCA) followed by the internal carotid arteries (ICA)
then to the middle cerebral arteries (MCA). The animated version of the full
time series is shown in Fig. 3 on the on-line version. Figure 4a shows a spatial-temporal Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) result using
data from subject 2. Temporal signals from the three ROIs, CCA, ICA and MCA, are
shown in Figure 4b. Significant delay among different vascular segments can be noticed and
due to high temporal resolution, delay time from the adjacent ROIs of ICA and
MCA could still be resolved. Discussions and Conclusion
The results
suggest that to resolve small vessels and the latency of pulsatile flow in the
cerebral arteries required high spatial and temporal resolution. If no
acceleration strategy is involved in the sequence, it will take 256 cardiac
cycles to achieve similar spatial and temporal resolution for scanning one
slices, roughly around 4 minutes. The volumetric scan using proposed method has brought the scan time down to 10 minute. According to Figs 2 and 4, not
only carotid arteries and its downstreams but also the vertebral arteries and
the basilar arteries can be enhanced. Thus the present strategy could have the potential to help monitor cerebral PWV as a risk factor of cerebral vascular stiffness7.Acknowledgements
Support is acknowledged from MOST grants:105-2314-B-006 -044 –MY2, 105-2314-B-007-003, and 105-2221-E-035 -049 -MY2 and Mind Research and Imaging Center in National Cheng-Kung
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