Yihao Xia1, Yaqiong Chai2,3, Adam M Bush2, Natasha Lepore3, Thomas Coates4, and John Wood3,5
1Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Radiology, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angels, CA, United States, 4Section of Hematology, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angels, CA, United States, 5Division of Cardiology, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angels, CA, United States
Sickle cell disease
(SCD) is a genetic blood disorder with a high prevalence of cerebral
vasculopathy and stroke. Arterial Transit Time (ATT) refers to the time it
takes blood to flow from the labeling plane, to the vascular imaging
compartment and reflects cerebrovascular
impairment in SCD. We used pseudo continuous arterial spin
labeling to measure ATT with flow encoding arterial spin tagging technique in patients with SCD and ethnicity matched, healthy controls. Our findings demonstrated sensitivity of ATT to vasculopathy.
Sickle cell disease
(SCD) is a genetic blood disorder with a high prevalence of cerebral
vasculopathy and stroke. Arterial Transit Time (ATT) refers to the time it
takes blood to flow from the labeling plane, to the vascular imaging
compartment and may be a potential physiologic parameter that reflects cerebrovascular
impairment in SCD. In this study, we used pseudo continuous arterial spin
labeling (PCASL) to measure ATT with flow encoding arterial spin tagging
(FEAST)1 in patients with SCD and ethnicity matched, healthy controls.
Our hypothesis was that patients with SCD would exhibit shorter ATT due to
elevated cerebral blood flow (CBF) and velocity2.Methods
derived based on a two-compartment perfusion model3. The perfusion
signal, ΔM, acquired without bipolar gradients, contains
two sources of signal contribution: vascular and micro-vascular blood flow. By
applying a velocity encoding (venc, 5cm/s during a T2 preparation module)
gradient, the vascular signal is nulled and only the micro-vascular signal, ΔM′, remains and can be
represented by the following equationsΔM=2T1αM0fαλ[e−ω/T1α−e−(τ+ω)/T1α] (1) ΔM=2T1αM0fαλ[e−δ/T1α−e−(τ+ω)/T1α] (2),
where f is CBF, T1a is the longitudinal relaxation time of blood (1850 ms), M0 is the equilibrium magnetization of brain, α is labeling efficiency, λ is blood/tissue water partition
coefficient (0.9), w is post labeling
delay (1525 ms), τ is
labeling duration (1150 ms) and δ is arterial transit time. After measuring ΔM and ΔM′, we then solved for δ. We performed motion correction using MCFLIRT4
and used blood flow velocity acquired by phase-contrast (PC) MRI to estimate α for
each subject5. All studies were conducted under an approved IRB
protocol using a 3T Philips MRI scanner with an 8-channel head coil.
acquired PCASL MR images for 31 subjects, including 19 SCD patients (7M, 12F,
age: 21.4±9.7) and 12 healthy controls (3M; 9F; age: 33.6±14.4). All patients
had normal MR angiograms except one patient with bilateral anterior cerebral
artery stenosis. Cerebral artery territories were manually masked into left/right
hemisphere, anterior and posterior areas for regional ATT analysis shown in Fig.
1 (d). In Fig. (a), (b) and (c), the regional ATT maps are shown for a healthy control
subject, a relatively healthy patient with SCD, and the SCD patient having
severe bilateral proximal anterior cerebral artery stenosis. Overall, there was
no difference in regional ATT between the groups (1676±74 ms and 1666±98 ms for controls and SCD,
respectively). No asymmetry was detected between left or right hemisphere in
any patient. The control group showed a significant posterior-anterior ATT
difference compared with patients with SCD. In addition, resting CBF estimated
by PC was positively associated with ATT (p<0.04) in controls but had no
significant association in patients with SCD. However, ATT was markedly
prolonged (1838 ms) in the patient with severe vasculopathy (Fig. 1 (c)),
particularly in the anterior territory circulation (1843 ms) compared with
posterior territory (1808 ms), demonstrating sensitivity of ATT to
vasculopathy. Discussion
this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to quantify ATT in patients SCD using
FEAST ASL. Our ATT estimates are in excellent agreement with the literature,
and match expected physiology in healthy controls6 and
pathophysiology in individual patients (Fig. 1). We expected ATT to decrease in
patients with SCD due to elevated CBF. Additionally, we postulated that there
might be right-left asymmetries in ATT due to right-left CBF asymmetries in
these patients with SCD7. We
were unable to observe either of these effects in our patient population. By
the central volume theorem, increased CBF in the presence of normal ATT implies
that SCD patients must have increased cerebral blood volume. ATT was
sufficiently sensitive to detect major vessel stenosis, but further studies are
ongoing to determine whether ATT and CBV may be a useful prognostic biomarker of
micro-vascular damage in SCD.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the National Heart
Lung and Blood Institute U01HL117718.References
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