Differentiation of Functional Activity within the Thalamus during Rest and Visual Task
Wolfgang Grodd1, Philip Ehses1, Klaus Scheffler1, and Vinod Kumar1

1Dep. of Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany


The presented study explores the capability of high resolution functional MRI (fMRI) at 9.4 Tesla to study functional changes in the primary visual cortex and the human thalamus during rest and natural picture viewing. We found increased intrinsic thalamic connectivity during both eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) condition in the viewing task compared to rest.


Alpha waves in the range of 7.5-12.5 Hz1 play an important role in visual perception and processing2. EEG studies have shown that variations in the alpha rhythm are most prominent3 when subjects change visual perception from eyes open (EO) to eyes closed (EC) condition. As the visual input to the cortex is driven by lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), changes in alpha power suggests that the EEG activity is mediated by the thalamus4–6. However, the functional relationship between the thalamus and visual cortex is still under investigations. A number of studies comparing BOLD and alpha activity have yielded inconsistent results with positive, negative or no correlations7–15. Using resting state fMRI (rsfMRI) and ICA analysis it has been shown that the visual cortex and thalamus share at least one functional component with a similar positive time course16. In addition, correlation between seed regions in the visual cortex and other cortical areas were repeatedly observed17–23. However, no significant correlation was found between the thalamus and the primary visual cortex. In this study, we want to explore the capability of high resolution fMRI at ultra-high-field to study changes in the spontaneous brain activity using rsfMRI as well as by applying a natural viewing picture task with EC and EO condition (s. Fig. 1).


fMRI Acquisition: The data acquisition was performed at 9.4 T Siemens (Erlangen, Germany). A modified distortion corrected EPI sequence with 22 slices, TR of 2 sec., 0.9 mm isotropic resolution, and 20 scans were acquired covering the thalamus and part of visual cortex in 6 right-handed male subjects (age 26-34 years).

rsfMRI and Task: First, a rsfMRI session was performed under EC condition (acquisition time 6.73 min). The consecutive visual task last for one minute and contained different 12 natural landscape pictures each appearing for 5 second. The visual task started with EC condition, and the volunteers were instructed by the inflation of an air balloon in their right hand to open the eyes and to close their eyes at the end of the block (s. Fig. 1). In total 3 blocks of EC and 3 blocks EO were acquired in the visual task. The task paradigm was designed by using the Presentation software®.

fMRI Analysis: fMRI data were distortion and motion corrected. A visual inspection of the motion correction data was done, and smoothing with a 3 mm kernel was applied. Skull extraction was performed using the Mean EPI image mask to remove voxels outside the brain. The GLM Bayesian-I model was used to calculate the task activation maps (s. Fig. 2).

ICA Analysis: 29 sub-compartments in both thalami were obtained using a probabilistic-ICA16. Session specific ICA parcellations reveal intrinsic spatio-temporal correlations but also variability in their spatial configuration and location during different conditions (s. Fig. 3). Session-specific parcellated (nodes x nodes) time course matrices were used for functional connectivity analysis (s. Fig. 3). The session-specific sets of node time series were calculated using dual regression of the resting state ICA clusters to calculate network consistency, hierarchy and pairwise causality using FSL (s. Fig. 4).


The GLM analysis of EO minus EC during the task revealed activations in the primary visual cortex, as well as in the left lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) (Fig. 2). To detect interthalamic communication during rest, EO and EC condition, we performed an ICA with dimensionality of 29 and extracted their time courses for rest, picture viewing task and eyes close during task session and calculated correlation between every node of the time series (Fig. 3). This intrinsic thalamic connectivity displayed weaker connections with a lower number of correlated nodes at rest and stronger connectivity during the EO and EC task condition. An estimation of the effective intrathalamic connectivity revealed enhanced communication during the visual task suggesting that the LGN communicates to other thalamic nuclei in enabling visual picture processing (Fig. 4).

Discussion and Conclusion

We found activation in the primary visual cortex and the left LGN during picture viewing task as reported by several other visual studies. The human thalamus maintains recurrent cortical dynamics during rest and relays information to the cortical areas during task and therefore exhibits a distinct different interconnectivity profile during rest and task. This stronger thalamic-interconnectivity modulation during task might not be only due to visual perception, but can also be caused by an enhanced information flow during cognitive and awareness processing. Probably such thalamic integration is essential and therefore, the LGN displayed effective connectivity with other thalamic parcels.


This work was supported by the German research council (DFG) Grant GZ: GR 833/11-1.


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Fig. 1: fMRI Task: Illustration of the fMRI task with viewing landscape pictures during eyes open (EO) condition followed by black color picture displayed at rest during eyes closed (EC) condition. The x axis indicates the time /scans: Block design indicates the task starts with eyes closed rest block for one minute and followed by eyes open natural picture viewing task. The rest and task are repeated for three times each lasting approx. 1 minute

Fig. 2: Functional activation of EO minus EC (GLM results): Top: Schematic drawing of thalamic nuclei and selected slices depicting activation in the calcarine fissure, the primary visual cortex, as well as in the left lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). Bottom: Corresponding slab of slices showing the functional activation of whole image set.

Fig. 3: Left: Result of spatio-temporal ICA: Dimensionality of 29 components for resting state (top), picture viewing task (middle), and eyes close task (bottom). Right: Corresponding intrinsic thalamic connectivity ICA matrix using full correlation between every node of the time series for resting state (top), picture viewing (middle), and ED task (bottom).

Fig. 4: Interactive network matrix of 14 Selected ICA components during visual task depicting pairwise causality measures with full correlations (left) and pairwise causality to closest cluster to LGN (right).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)