Vitaliy Zhurbenko1, Vincent Boer 2, and Esben Thade Petersen 1,2
1Technical Univ. of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 2Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark
High field MRI coils
are often based on transmission line resonators. Due to relatively short
wavelength of RF fields, such coils produce uneven field patterns. Here we
show, that it is possible to manipulate magnetic field patterns of microstrip
resonators in both planes (sagittal and transverse) segmenting stripe and
ground plane of the resonator with series capacitors. The design equations for
capacitors providing symmetric current distribution are derived. The
performance of two types of segmented resonators are investigated
experimentally. To authors’ knowledge, a microstrip resonator, where both,
strip and ground plane are capacitor-segmented, is shown here for the first
To increase sagittal
and transverse uniformity of the magnetic field in transmission line
resonators. An efficient circuit model allowing to design segmented resonators
with symmetric current distribution is developed. The described approach to
control magnetic field would be useful in the design of coils with uniform
field patterns.Background
For the purpose of boosting
the efficiency of transmission line coils they are usually operated as
resonators. This results in a large standing wave ratio (SWR) on the line. To
minimize that, coils based on transmission line resonators are typically shorter
than half a wavelength and proper capacitive loading is used to achieve
symmetric current distribution along the line1. The resulting
current magnitude reduces at the ends of the line due to destructive
interference of the incident and reflected electromagnetic waves, as it is
shown in Fig. 1 (red dotted curve). It is, however, preferable to have a
uniform current distribution. That would result in a more uniform magnetic
field in the sagittal plane. Uniform current distribution could be achieved by
either segmenting the microstrip with series capacitors2, or using zeroth
order resonance3. The advantage of both approaches is that they
allow to build resonators of arbitrary length3,4. A uniform current
distribution along the resonator, however, does not guarantee the uniformity of
the field in the transverse plane. The field distribution in the transverse
plane, on the other hand, can be manipulated by segmenting the ground plane of
the microstrip resonator5.Methods
The considerations
above suggest that in order to improve field uniformity in both sagittal and
transverse planes, both conductors, strip and ground plane, of the microstrip
line have to be segmented. A circuit model of such a structure is shown in
Fig. 2. (b). Series capacitors Cs
are inserted in both current-carrying conductors unlike the case shown in Fig. 2. (a)2,
where only the stripe is segmented. These capacitors can
compensate for self-inductance of the transmission line by introducing opposite
phase shift. Imposing a symmetry condition for current distribution we will
achieve identical currents in both cases (Fig. 2) if the series capacitors
are chosen in the following way:
where l
is the total length of the segmented transmission line resonator; N is the number of segments after
inserting series capacitors (in this example, using two series capacitors will
result in N = 3); β is the phase constant; Z0 is the characteristic
impedance of the implemented transmission line; f0 = 298 MHz is the operating frequency.
Both resonators in Fig. 2 will have identical
current distribution corresponding to the blue solid curve in Fig. 1. The
curves in Fig. 1 suggest, that the sagittal field distribution for
segmented resonator will be more uniform in comparison to conventional
resonator. However, the transverse field distribution depends on the
implemented transmission line technology and can be estimated by either full
wave simulations or measurements.
Photographs of the fabricated
transmission line resonators using suspended microstrip technology is shown in
Fig.3. In resonator with capacitor-segmented strip (refer to Fig. 3 (a)),
series capacitors are formed by overlapping adjacent transmission line sections2.
The resonator with capacitor-segmented ground plane in Fig. 3 (b)
uses lumped components for convenient and identical segmentation of stripe and
ground plane. To minimize current discontinuities, each segmentation employs
two parallel capacitors having half the required value.
In order to evaluate behavior of the designed
coil in the presence of lossy tissue, phantom studies were conducted using a 7T
system. The measurement
results using a saline phantom are shown in Fig.4.
Discussion and Conclusion
As can be
seen from comparison in Fig. 4, the design with segmented ground plane
provides more uniform field in the transverse plane. On the other hand,
sagittal field pattern is not as uniform as for the design with uniform ground
This shows that the magnetic field
patterns of the transmission line resonators can be manipulated in sagittal and
transverse planes by segmenting both current-carrying conductors with series
capacitors. While the field pattern in the sagittal plane depends on current
distribution along the resonator, transverse field pattern depends on
implemented transmission line technology and can not be estimated using a
simple circuit model.
Evenly distributed capacitors were considered in
this work (equal value capacitors inserted between equal length line sections).
It is expected, that higher homogeneity over a wider field of view could be
achieved using unevenly distributed capacitors with variable values.Acknowledgements
The authors would
like to thank Danish National Research Foundation (grant DNRF124) and Danish
Council for Independent Research (grant 6111-00349A) for partial support of the
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2. Zhurbenko V. Optimal Value of Series
Capacitors for Uniform Field Distribution in Transmission Line MRI Coils.
Journal of Sensors, vol. 2016, Article ID 3480965. pp.1-7.
3. Panda V. et al. Zeroth-Order Resonator
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4. Zhurbenko V. et al. Large
Field-of-View Transmission Line Resonator for High Field MRI. Proceedings of EuMW2016,
5. Yan X., Gore J. C., and Grissom W. A. Tuning
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