Tissue-equivalent phantoms with well-defined T1- and T2-relaxation behaviour are often required for sequence optimisation and quality control purposes. Based on numerous T1 and T2 measurements at 3T and 7T with varying concentrations of Agarose and gadopentetate dimeglumine (Magnevist), we herein present a formula for creating phantoms with T1-values between 700 ms and 3000 ms and T2-values between 30 ms to 250 ms at both field strengths.
Twenty phantoms were created in test vials, each consisting of different concentrations of Agarose (Sigma-Aldrich) (0.5-4 %) and gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA, Magnevist; Bayer) (0-200 µmol/kg) distributed on an irregular grid. The combinations were chosen as to improve the density of the samples in regions relevant for grey and white matter at 7T. Additionally, 0.1% of NaCl5 was added for conductivity adjustments (target of 0.55 S/m, equivalent to brain tissue at 7T6) and 0.05% of NaN3 for the prevention of bacterial growth.
T1 and T2 relaxation times were measured at 3T (Prisma Fit, Siemens) and 7T (Magnetom 7T, Siemens) using a 20 and 32 channel head coil, respectively. Each measurement contained five samples in a saline solution with a DC conductivity of 0.39 S/m. T2 was measured using a multi spin-echo (MSE) sequence with 32 contrasts (Siemens, se_mc, TR/TE = 8s/14ms, 0.5x0.5x5 mm³, 256x256x1 px³). T1 was measured using an inversion recovery turbo spin echo (IR-TSE) sequence with a delay time of 6 s (Siemens, TI 50/100/200/400/800/1000/1500/2000/2500/3000/3500 ms, Turbo Factor 20, 0.3x0.3x5 mm³; 3T: tir, TE 15ms, 448x448x1 px³; 7T: tse_uhf, TE 14ms, 432x432x1 px³). Additionally, a turbo flash based flip angle (FA) map was acquired. Data analysis was performed using Matlab (Mathworks).
A mono-exponential function was non-linearly fitted to the MSE data and the general equation for T1 relaxation for imperfect pulses7 to the IR-TSE data for the evaluation of T2 and T1 respectively. The mean value in each ROI representing a vial was used as the relaxation time at the corresponding Gd-DTPA and Agarose concentrations. For T2, only voxels with an error in FA less than 10% were used in each ROI.
Finally, similar to Hattori et al.3, a linear model was fitted to the relaxation rates R1 and R2 using linear least squares:
where Gd and A represent the concentration of Gd-DTPA and Agarose respectively and B the B0 field strength in tesla and Tx either T1 or T2.
In contrast to previous studies at lower field strengths3,4, our choice of Gd-DTPA as T1-modifier was able to significantly reduce the field dependency of the phantoms, while at the same time creating a very simple model for human brain tissue equivalent phantoms. The low field dependence of the longitudinal relaxation of Gd-DTPA for Larmor frequencies above 100 MHz8 might be able to explain the low field dependence in the phantoms and makes it possible to use essentially the same phantoms at both field strengths.
The good fit of the data to the simple model has its merits, as it is easily invertible by the usage of linear algebra for the calculation of Gd-DTPA and Agarose concentrations for given T1 and T2 times.
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