In this study, we have developed and demonstrated a GOIA-semi-LASER sequence with density-weighted (DW)-concentric rings trajectory (CRT) that performs robustly at 7 Tesla and within a clinically feasible acquisition time. DW-CRT has been validated in a series of phantom experiments and its feasibility assessed in a healthy volunteer with an in-plane resolution of 5×5 mm2. Experiments qualitatively demonstrate the advantage of DW-CRT over uniformly-weighted (UW)-CRT in terms of its improved resolution and reduced contamination of spectra from neighboring voxels.
All phantom and healthy volunteer measurements were conducted at 7T using a whole body MR system (Siemens, Erlangen) with a Nova Medical 32-channel receive array head-coil. B0 shimming was achieved using GRESHIM (8). The semi-LASER (9) localization using GOIA pulses (HS8.R50) (TR = 1.5 s, TE = 36 ms, was used to excite a 120 mm x 120 mm x 20 mm region centrally within the field of view (FOV= 240 mm x 240 mm). For UW and DW-CRT, 64 points per ring were collected with an ADC bandwidth of 80 kHz, resulting in 512 temporal samples in an effective spectral bandwidth (SBW) of 1250 Hz (Figure 1). Temporal interleaves were implemented by inverting the readout trajectory to increase SBW (2500Hz). To cover the 48x48 grid, 24 rings resulting in an individual voxel size of 0.5 mL were acquired for UW and DW-CRT. The weighting function, w(k) (Eq. 1) was used to compute radial sampling locations for the DW-CRT:
w(k)=∆x/2 (1+cos (2πk∆x/1.71)) Eq. 1
where Δx is the nominal spatial resolution. For DW-CRT, four spatial interleaves (96 unique rings) were used to ensure that minimum field of view requirements were met, resulting in an acquisition duration of 288s with temporal interleaves. The number of averages (NA) for the phantom acquisitions was 4 for UW-CRT, corresponding to the same acquisition duration with temporal interleaves. All reconstructions were implemented in MATLAB using the non-uniform FFT (NUFFT) toolbox (10).
We have developed and demonstrated a GOIA-semi-LASER sequence with DW-CRT that performs robustly at 7 Tesla and within a clinically feasible acquisition time. DW-CRT has been validated in a series of phantom experiments and its feasibility assessed in a healthy volunteer with an in-plane resolution of 5×5 mm2. Experiments qualitatively demonstrate the advantage of DW-CRT over UW-CRT in terms of its improved resolution and reduced contamination of spectra from neighboring voxels. Future work will focus on implementing the method in whole brain with a reduced TR.1. Otazo R, Mueller B, Ugurbil K, Wald L, Posse S. Signal-to-noise ratio and spectral linewidth improvements between 1.5 and 7 Tesla in proton echo-planar spectroscopic imaging. Magn Reson Med 2006;56(6):1200-1210.
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