Samarth Singh1, Darshan Shivaramu Keelara1, Chennagiri Rajarao Padma1, Rashmi Rao1, Imam Ahmed Shaik1, and Sairam Geethanath1
1Medical Imaging Research Centre, Dayanand Sagar Institutions, Bangalore, India
A cost-effective RF Signal Transmit-Receive chain with
independent transmit and receive coil was designed with inexpensive
off-the-shelf electronic components, costing around 175 US dollars. A Direct
Digital Synthesizer (DDS) module was controlled using an Arduino Uno R3
microcontroller board. RF pulses were timed to precision using Arduino IDE, and
the 405 kHz sine wave required to operate a 9.5 mT system was pulsed to a
transmit coil. This signal was detected successfully by a custom-made surface
coil. While the transmit, pulse was at 1.12Vpp from the DDS module, the surface coil
successfully picked up a 1.75 Vpp signal.
Field(ULF) MR could play an important role in neurocritical applications, owing
to its portability1, and ability to provide clinically relevant
images of the brain2, complementing traditional MRI systems. Previous research3 also shows a
portable earth field NMR spectrometer at an operating cost of under 200 $. The
emerging research interest in ULF MRI motivated for construction of a
cost-effective RF signal transmit-receive chain with a target field operating
at 9.5 mT. Inexpensive and readily available electronic components were
utilized, resulting in a total cost of around 175 US dollars (refer Table 1).Methods
The RF Signal Chain had an independent transmit
and receive coil, which were custom designed. The Arduino UNO R3
microcontroller board, based on the ATmega328P (8-bit AVR RISC-based
microcontroller), formed the pulse programmer. This board was chosen due to its ease of programming,
robustness and a low cost of 25 $. It was utilized to digitally program the DDS
module, operating based on the AD9850, which is an integrated device that uses Direct Digital Synthesis
(DDS) technology coupled with an internal D/A converter and comparator to form
a complete, digitally programmable frequency synthesizer and clock generator
function. It is capable of producing pure sine waves up to 40 MHz with minimal
noise. The device also provides five bits of digitally controlled phase
modulation, which enables phase shifting of its output in increments of 180°,
90°, 45°, 22.5°, 11.25°, and any combination thereof. The DDS module acted as
the RF Pulse transmitter, pulsing 405 kHz of pure sine waves for stimulating a
coil to operate at 9.5 mT. An Arduino controlled reed relay switch, COTO
8L02-05-00, was utilized to implement accurate pulsing of the sine wave.
Arduino provides its own IDE for development,
which offers an abstraction to embedded C programming utilized for controlling
the ATmega328P. A simple pulse sequence was designed using the Arduino IDE,
allowing sub micro-seconds precision timing, and is shown in Fig 2. For testing
purpose, a total TR of 12 seconds was utilized, with Ton
equal to Toff. The pulse duration was kept at 5 seconds, with a
starting delay of 5 ms. This test was to ensure the receiver coil would get
sufficient time to pick up the transmitted pulse, contrary to conventional
systems where the two are required to be decoupled. Open source libraries4
to operate the DDS module were utilized. These libraries were incorporated into
the pulsing program for interfacing the Arduino UNO R3 with the DDS module. The
405 kHz pulsed sine wave was fed to the transmit coil, which was a solenoid of
diameter 11cm wound around a PVC pipe, through an RF amplifier operating with
12V DC and 1 A current. 2 baluns were incorporated to avoid reflection of the
pulsed sine wave into the reed relay switch. The receive chain consisted of a
single surface coil which fed its output directly to a Tektronix TBS1102B-EDU
oscilloscope. Results
RF Signal Transmit-Receive chain was successfully operated with an RF pulse of
405 kHz. The field in the transmit coil upon pulsing RF was measured by a
Lutron EMF-828 EMF tester, and the Z component was measured to be 0.26 µT. Intermediate
results at each stage are collated in Fig 3. As seen in Fig 3a, the DDS module
output is at 405 kHz, and a pure sine wave can be observed. Fig 3b depicts the
relay output, which is the RF pulse as compared to the signal generator output.
Figure 3c shows an amplified output of the RF amplifier, with a constant delay
of 0.2µs added due to the introduction of 2 balun circuits utilizing LC
components. Figure 3d shows an output frequency of 405 kHz being detected by
the receiver coil, when compared to the relay output.Conclusion
RF Signal Transmit-Receive chain successfully pulsed and detected a 405kHz sine
wave through an independent coil setup, and with a total build cost of under 175$.
It can be employed as part of a low field brain MRI system, operating at 9.5 mT.
Future work includes digitizing the signal from the receiver coil utilizing the
inbuilt ADC on the Arduino UNO, which is capable of sampling frequencies around
40kHz. LT1568 based filtration for isolating received signal from noise shall
be used. The received signal’s centre frequency shall be shifted to 0 Hz from
405 kHz by mixing the received signal with the 405 kHz sine wave to obtain an
intermediate frequency, which ensures the ADC’s sampling criterion is met.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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