Stefan HG Rietsch1,2, Stephan Orzada1, Andreas K Bitz3, Marcel Gratz1,2, Mark E Ladd1,3, and Harald H Quick1,2
1Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MR Imaging, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 2Highfield and Hybrid MR Imaging, University Hospital Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 3Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Remote radiofrequency (RF) body coils are
broadly used as built-in body RF coils for signal transmission in clinical MR
systems at 1.5 and 3T. For ultra highfield MR at 7T, remote body coils in
conjunction with pTx systems have recently been presented. In this work we
present a modified micro stripline RF element with meanders and investigate the
performance of a 7T remote RF transmit array for body imaging applications
featuring 8 of these elements concerning coupling, degrees of freedom within
the B1+ fields, distribution of losses, power efficiency,
and SAR efficiency.
To allow for UHF MRI body applications and to
approach a more clinical workflow, remote radiofrequency (RF) body coils have recently
been investigated for 7T body MRI1,2. These arrays are based on
micro striplines with meanders3. Yet, previous simulations of remote
arrays showed that this type of element has high losses in the bore liner, in the
lambda-over-2 cable, and in capacitors used for tuning and matching4.
Consequently, a modified micro stripline RF element with meanders is examined
in this work.Material and Methods
Simulations were performed in CST Microwave
Studio (CST AG, Darmstadt, Germany) using the finite integration technique.
First, the conventional meander element3 (Figure 1A,B) denoted
as E1 and a modified version denoted as E2 (Figure 1C,D,E) were simulated (Figure
1F,G). E2 is redesigned to enhance the power transfer to the load by reducing
losses in the bore liner and in the network simulation (lambda-over-2 cable,
equivalent series resistance of capacitors for tuning and matching). All performed
simulations include a bore liner (FR4, tanδelectric = 0.025) as well
as a model for the gradient coil and the magnet, both of which are modeled as perfect
electric conductors (Figure 1G). Further simulations (Figure 2A)
modeled an 8-channel remote array with the male body model DUKE5 as
load for both E1 and E2. Here, investigations of the power balance where
performed for the CP+ mode. Data was exported from CST and further
processed in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA) to obtain B1+
fields and virtual observation points6. To evaluate the degrees of freedom
within the B1+ fields, a singular value decomposition was
performed and the cumulative sum of singular values was used as a measure to
compare the arrays7. To evaluate the B1+
efficiency on a voxel basis in the central slices, the sum of the absolute
values of the channel-dependent B1+ fields for 8 kW
peak power equally distributed among the channels was calculated. To compare
the SAR efficiency, again on a voxel basis, non-linear optimization
(Nelder-Mead simplex search algorithm) was used. Starting from random RF shims,
amplitude/phase RF shims with optimized SAR efficiency B1+/max(SAR10g)0.5
for each voxel in the three orthogonal central slices was calculated.Results and Discussion
Simulations of the single coil elements and
phantom showed that the total amount of the stimulated power that is absorbed
in the phantom is increased by 50.4% for E2 (P = 0.1447 W)
compared to E1 (P = 0.0962 W). This trend can also be observed
for the simulations with a body model for the 8-channel configuration
(Figure 2B,C). While the losses in the bore liner are basically equal, E2 achieves
a higher amount of power dissipated in the body model. The comparison of the
encoding capabilities (Figure 2D-F) shows that the arrays are
approximately equivalent. Concerning S-parameters, lower coupling for the array
with E1 (Figure 3A) compared to the array with E2 (Figure 3B) was
observed. The difference between the S-parameter matrices (Figure 3A-B) depicts
the increased coupling for E2 (Figure 3C). Figure 4 demonstrates the
gain in B1+ efficiency using E2 instead of E1. This gain is
maximum on the right and left side and more pronounced in the posterior than in
the anterior region in transversal orientation and decreases from transversal (Figure 4A-C)
to coronal (Figure 4D-F) to sagittal (Figure 4G-I) orientation. While
in the central transversal and coronal orientation a gain in power efficiency for
E2 can be observed in every single voxel, in sagittal orientation there are
also regions where E1 performs slightly better (min -1.4%). The voxel-based
comparison of the SAR efficiency (Figure 5) suggests that a gain in SAR
efficiency using E2 instead of E1 is primary limited to both sides of the torso
(Figure 5C,F), as was also observed for power efficiency. This explains
why on average there is no gain in SAR efficiency in the sagittal orientation
(-0.8 ± 3.4% in Figure 5I), while there is a gain of
12.4 ± 7.3% in coronal (Figure 5F) and 8.0 ± 9.0% in
transversal orientation (Figure 5C).Conclusion
The presented modification of the meander
element provides increased power efficiency and voxel-wise SAR efficiency. With
regard to encoding capabilities, the arrays are approximately equal, while
higher coupling can be observed for the modified version. Overall, it appears
that the modified element may be useful for the construction of remote RF
arrays at 7T.Acknowledgements
research leading to these results has received funding from the European
Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 291903 MRexcite.References
1. Orzada S et al. ISMRM 2015. #630
2. Orzada S et al. ISMRM 2016, #167
3. Orzada S et al. ISMRM 2008, #2979
4. Rietsch S et al. ISMRM 2016, #174
5. Christ A et al. Phys Med Biol 2010;55(2):N23–38.
6. Eichfelder G, Gebhardt M. Magn Reson Med
7. Guérin B et al. Magn Reson Med