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A Simple Setup to Measure the Noise Figure of MRI Preamplifiers
Roland Müller1 and Harald E. Möller1

1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany


Noise figure measurements have the reputation of being intricate and needing special equipment. Here, we will demonstrate that a simple setup involving an RTL-SDR dongle achieves convenient results. It requires, besides the inexpensive dongle, only common equipment, which should be available in all MRI coil labs.


Recently, the RTL-SDR USB dongle was proposed as an inexpensive but versatile device for applications, such as amplitude demodulation to restore the RF-pulse envelope and spectral analysis.1 Here, we investigate its suitability for noise figure measurements as another field of useful applications in the MRI coil lab.


More than 70 years ago, the term “Noise Figure” was introduced by Friis2 as the ratio of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the input and output of a network: F=SNRiSNRo Today, this quantity is typically referred to as “Noise Factor”, and the Noise Figure is expressed in dB according to3 NF=10log10F. From Figure 1A, it is obvious that the signal power, Psig,i (in W), at the input of the device under test (DUT) only depends on the generator output level, Lgen (in dBm), as well as the total attenuation in the cabling and attenuator, ATT (in dB). The input noise power, Pnoise,i, is given by Boltzmann’s constant, kB, the temperature, T, and the bandwidth, Bnoise (in Hz). Hence, the SNRi becomes: SNRi=Psig,iPnoise,i=10LgenATT10103[W]kBTBnoise The RTL-SDR dongle converts the output of the DUT into a complex 2×8-bit data stream,1 from which SNRo is obtained: SNRo=Psig,oPnoise,o Figure 1B shows a corresponding block diagram. After data acquisition, a flattop window is applied to the complex time series followed by an FFT to yield a complex spectrum, from which the power spectrum is determined. Only after this step, spectra are averaged. This is important for obtaining Pnoise,o within the noise detector, where spectral lines from the chosen noise bandwidth are summed. Due to windowing, every line also represents noise contributions from adjacent lines. Hence, the sum must be divided by the normalized effective noise bandwidth, NENBW, a property of every window function.4 Among potential window functions, the maximal amplitude error, emax, is minimal for the flattop windows.4 Thus, Psig,o is easily obtained as the strongest peak in the power-spectrum (CW detector).

According to Figure 1A, the generator can be switched on and off to determine signal and noise power consecutively. However, application of an FFT allows both measurements in one pass. Certainly, a sufficient range of spectral lines close to the generator frequency has to be omitted in the noise detector to avoid distortions from noise sidebands of the generator signal.

The one-pass version, supplemented inter alia by the dongle control and graphic visualization, was implemented in gnu-octave (FSF, Boston, MA). The instrument-control toolbox enables remote control of the signal generator (N5182A, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA) within the script. Temperatures have to be entered manually. The attenuators were FAT-AM5AF5G10G2W20 (JYEBAO, Taipei Shien, Taiwan) and Bird 8304-100N (Bird, Solon, OH). An empty PC-tower case, sealed with copper tape, was used as Faraday cage to prevent RF interference. Because the RTL-SDR dongle (NESDR Mini with R820T tuner, NooElec, Niagara Falls, NY) is not an ideal device, its properties were measured by connecting the attenuator directly to its input. We note that meanwhile a successor product (R820T2 tuner) is available that was not investigated here.

Results and Discussion

Only the highest gain settings of the dongle are suitable for noise measurements (Figure 2) because, otherwise, quantization-noise of the analog-to-digital converter dominates. The usable input-level range was found to be less critical. At the expense of longer acquisitions, it can be extended to lower values by improved FFT resolutions (Figure 3). There are considerable gain changes over the frequency range (Figure 4), requiring a careful input-level selection at frequency sweeps.

Among the error sources, deviations of the generator output power had the strongest influence. We recommend to test attenuators by a network analyzer. Caution is required if the attenuator heats up e.g. by signal power or heat produced by the DUT. It is equally important to avoid unwanted mixing products (“birdies”) within the adjusted noise bandwidth. According to the Friis formula for cascaded networks,2 an assumed dongle-NF of 10dB produces about 0.1dB additional error as long as the DUT gain exceeds 26dB. Known noise properties of the dongle can be easily used to further improve the accuracy.

As a first application, the noise figures of different 7T preamplifiers were measured (Figure 5) yielding realistic results. For comparative measurements (relative to a reference-DUT), knowledge of the exact values of temperature and signal-power is not required, however, negligible drift is important.

The described approach is related to the “signal generator twice-power method”,3 but avoids its disadvantages due to the two separate FFT-based detectors.


The proposed setup requires, besides the inexpensive dongle, only devices that are available in any MRI coil lab.


We are grateful to Dr. Gerhard Fischer for helpful discussions.


1. R. Müller, T. Schlumm, A. Pampel, H.E. Möller. The RTL-SDR USB dongle: A versatile tool in the RF lab. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 2015; 23: 1822.

2. H.T. Friis. Noise Figures of Radio Receivers, Proc. of the IRE, July, 1944, pp. 419-422.

3. Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements. Application Note 57-1. Agilent Technologies. October 2010.

4. G. Heinzel, A. Rüdiger, R. Schilling, Spectrum and spectral density estimation by the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), including a comprehensive list of window functions and some new flat-top windows, Internal Report, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Hannover, 2002.


Figure 1. (A) Simplified schematic of the setup to measure the noise figure and (B) digital signal processing. Generator, coax-cables and the attenuator have the same impedance Z0=50Ω. The RTL-SDR dongle is connected to a personal computer (not shown) via USB cable.

Figure 2. Gain and noise figure of one NESDR Mini vs. gain index steps at 297.2MHz. The approximate gain change per step is slightly larger than 2dB (green graphs). Only at the highest gain settings, the noise figure is below 10dB (red graph).

Figure 3. Measured noise figure of one NESDR Mini vs. input level at 297.2MHz, maximal gain setting, and 50 averages of power spectra. Close to and above full scale, increasing non-linearity distorts the results. At low levels, noise is limiting the determination of the signal power. The available level range can be extended by an FFT with higher resolution because the noise power per bin diminishes with lower bandwidth (blue to red graphs). This is also known as “FFT processing gain”.

Figure 4. Gain and noise figure of one NESDR Mini from 40 to 400MHz at the maximal gain setting. A number of partially abrupt gain changes are observed, which influence the noise figure.

Figure 5. Noise figures of four different types of 7T preamplifiers as a function of frequency. The measurement parameters were: Sampling rate 2400kHz, FFT resolution 10Hz/bin, flattop window HFT144D,4 120kHz noise bandwidth; 50 averages. To avoid the central dc spike common with software-defined receivers, the dongle’s center frequency was tuned 600kHz below the generator. The results as shown above were achieved without any prior or subsequent calibration.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)