Zhi Hua Ren1 and Shao Ying Huang1,2
1EPD, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Singapore, 2Department of Surgery, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
magnet array is a welcome option to provide main magnetic field for portable
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this abstract, we propose an efficient and
fast optimization method which can optimize the filed strength and homogeneity
for the design of permanent magnet arrays. The magnetic field of permanent
magnets with the interference of irons is calculated by applying boundary
integral method (BIM). For optimization, genetic algorithm particle swarm
optimization (GAPSO) is applied which offers highly diversified options and
converges fast. A permanent magnet array is optimized with significantly
improved performance, and it will be built for low-field portable MR imaging.
Portable MRI
scanner is an attractive option for medical imaging for their merits of compact
size, light weight, and low price. Permanent
magnet is a popular option to provide the main magnetic field for portable MRI
scanners due to its low cost, no electric power consumption, and low fringe
field. However, it is challenging
to build a permanent magnet array generating a strong yet homogeneous magnetic
field over a large volume for parts of human body, such as the human head. Here,
we propose an effective and fast optimization method for the design of
permanent magnet arrays. Both magnets and iron blocks are considered as
building blocks.
The proposed design
procedure of a permanent magnet array includes two parts: the calculation of
magnetic fields and the optimization. Magnetic
Field Calculation: Boundary
integral method (BIM) is implemented to calculate the magnetic fields1-3. A
scalar potential φ is
introduced, set \small\overline{H}=-\nabla\varphi (1). Combine
(1) with Maxell’s equations, \small\overline{B} can be expressed
as: \small\overline{B}(\overline{r})=\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\int_{v'}\frac{(\overline{r'}-\overline{r})\nabla'\bullet\overline{M}(\overline{r'})}{|\overline{r}-\overline{r'}|^3 }dv'-\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} \oint_{s'}\frac{(\overline{r}'-\overline{r})\bullet(\overline{M}(\overline{r'})\bullet\overline{n})}{|\overline{r}-\overline{r'}|^3}ds' (2). In equation (2), \small{ν'} is a closed domain with boundary \small{s'}, and \small\overline{M}(\overline{r'}) is the magnetization. \small\overline{r} is the observation point, and \small\overline{r'} is the source point. \small\overline{n} is the normal vector perpendicular to the
surface \small{s'} pointing outside the domain \small{v'}. \small\overline{M}(\overline{r'}) is assumed to be uniform in domain \small{v'}, thus the first integral
in (2) vanishes, and \small\overline{B}(\overline{r}) is written as: \small\overline{B}(\overline{r})=Q(\overline{r})\bullet\overline{M}(\overline{r'}) (3), and \small{Q}(\overline{r})\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\oint_{s'}\frac{(\overline{r}-\overline{r'})\otimes\overline{n}}{|\overline{r}-\overline{r'}|^3} ds' (4). For magnets, \small\overline{M}(\overline{r}) is known and \overline{B}(\overline{r}) can be easily calculated. However, for irons, \small\overline{M}(\overline{r}) is unknown and is determined by both the
interaction between magnets and irons and that among irons themselves. \small\overline{B} and \overline{M} at the
center of the \small{i}_{th} iron is labeled as \small\overline{B}_i and \small\overline{M}_i, so \small\overline{B}_i can be
expressed as: \small\overline{B}_i=\sum_{k=1}^N{Q}_{ik}\bullet\overline{M}_k+\overline{B}_{exi},i=1,2,3\cdots{N} (5), where \small{Q}_{ik} is the interaction matrix caused by the \small{k}_{th} iron at
the center of the \small{i}_{th} iron. \small\overline{B}_{exi} is the field caused by all magnets at the
center of the \small{i}_{th} iron and can be calculated by \small\overline{B}_{exi}=\sum_{l=1}^N{Q}_{il}\bullet\overline{M}_l,{i}=1,2,3\cdots{N} (6), where \small\overline{M}_l is the remanent magnetization of the \small{l}_{th} magnet. If we set \small\overline{M}_i=f(\overline{B}_i),{i = 1, 2, 3\cdots{N}} (7), \small\overline{B}_i can be solved by an iterative procedure. For the \small{p}_{th} step in the iterative procedure, equation (5)
and (6) can be written as \small\overline{B}_i^p=[E-{Q}_{ii}\bullet f(\overline{B}_i^{p-1})]^{-1}\bullet(\sum_{k=1}^{i-1}{Q}_{ik}\bullet\overline{M}_i^P+\sum_{k'=i+1}^{N}{Q}_{ik'}\bullet\overline{M}_{k'}^{p-1}+\overline{B}_{exi}) (8). The iterative procedure is stopped when \small\overline{M}_i^p is stable. So after the iterative procedure, \small\overline{M} of the irons is solved, and \small\overline{B} at the observation points can be computed by
(3) and (4). BIM does not require to discretize free space
between magnets and irons thus it requires less segmentations and less unknowns. Consequently, it has higher computational efficiency than a
conventional approach, e.g. finite element method (FEM). Optimization Algorithm: The optimization procedure is
implemented by applying genetic algorithm particle swarm optimization (GAPSO).
GAPSO combines the PSO’s swam intelligence and GA’s natural selection. As a
result, these advantages make GAPSO have high-diversity potential solutions and
quick solution-seeking speed.4 The flowchart of GAPSO is shown in
Fig. 1. The optimization of the homogeneity and the strength of the magnetic
field is achieved by both optimizing the configuration of the main magnet array
and by introducing small iron parts at locations surrounding the magnet array. Results
The optimization is based on
the design shown in Fig. 2.
5 As shown in Fig. 2, the magnet bars are located
with a distance apart. The distance
between successive bars is optimized to eliminate the end effects caused by the
finite length of bars. The volume of interest (VOI) is a cylindrical one with a
diameter of 200 mm and a length of 50 mm. The magnets are N52 grade NdFeb. The
optimized configuration of the array is shown in Fig. 3.
The optimization results are
verified in CST
6 and are shown in Fig. 4. The Lamor frequency bandwidth
in VOI is optimized from over 500 KHz (over 120000 ppm) to 63.47 KHz (about 14200
ppm), a reduction of 88.2%. In the meanwhile, the field strength is increased by
59.0% from 66 mT to 105 mT. The variations of the magnetization of the magnets
should be taken in account in the future.
We present an
effective and fast optimization method for magnet array design by applying BIM
for the calculation of magnetic field with high computational efficiency and GAPSO for optimization with highly
diversified options and high convergence rate. The effectiveness of
optimization is validated by simulated results. The optimized magnet array will
be built for low-field MR imaging where spatial encoding strategy is applied
for imaging.
This research was
supported by SUTD President's Graduate Fellowship. I would like to take this
opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for their support.References
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