Stephanie Yong1, Boguslaw Tomanek2, and Jonathan C. Sharp2
1Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
TRASE is a k-space encoding method that
uses RF transmit phase gradient fields to achieve mm-level resolution. However,
image quality is critically dependent upon the efficient generation of B1
fields with uniform magnitude and strong phase gradients. We present a new
family of phase gradient coil designs based upon a solenoid twisted about a
transverse axis. Four twisted solenoids wound on a single cylindrical former
are sufficient to encode two spatial dimensions. The design has many attractive
geometric, electrical and magnetic characteristics, including the ability to
encode in the B0-direction, previously not possible for transverse-B0 magnet geometries.
TRASE (Transmit Array Spatial Encoding) is a
k-space encoding method that exploits RF transmit phase gradient fields to
achieve mm-level resolution1-3. The encoding pulse sequence consists
of a train of 180° refocusing pulses. The phase gradient transmit field
is switched between each RF pulse, in an alternating pattern. Since the
conventional gradient encoding system may be replaced by a switched RF transmit
array, TRASE is a promising technique for low field, low cost MRI systems4.
Such low
cost systems often employ permanent magnets, exhibiting a transverse magnetic
presents a need for new designs because there is currently no practical TRASE
transmit design for encoding along the B0 direction for this transverse B0
geometry. Secondly, in TRASE there is an ongoing need for improved coil designs
because image quality is largely determined by the ability to efficiently
generate and switch B1 fields with uniform magnitude and strong phase
gradients. Twisted Solenoid Design Concept and Aims
The design concept was to exploit and
retain all the desirable features a solenoid coil has for a transverse B0 field
(i.e., high efficiency (uT/A)), uniformity, large imaging FOV relative to
aperture), while introducing a twist to the coil-winding pattern to generate a
phase gradient in a transverse axis (along B0). Other key design constraints are:
a |B1| uniformity over
the FOV within +/- 10%, and a strong and linear phase gradient (3 … 5 deg/mm). Design and Methods
Accordingly, we present a new family of phase gradient coil designs based upon a solenoid twisted about a transverse axis (Fig.1). The wire lies on the parametric curve:
where a is the coil radius; A the twist amplitude (controlling the phase gradient strength); ϕ the winding shift; and h determines the turn advance5. For a thin wire, tightly wound coil (current sheet approximation) of radius a and infinite length with its axis along the z–axis, current I, the B field components within the aperture, in cylindrical coordinates (ρ,θ,z) are5:
Analyses using this analytical solution were performed. Also, Biot-Savart simulations of practical coil designs were performed5. These duplicated the general features of the current sheet solution, but include effects of finite length and finite turns. In this low frequency regime (8.2 MHz for 0.2T) Biot-Savart simulations provide a good approximation.
the entire aperture of the coil exhibits a uniform phase gradient, which is an
excellent result.
As expected3,
there is a tradeoff between phase gradient strength and B1 homogeneity (i.e. usable imaging FOV), see table.
twisted solenoid coils are highly efficient, having an |B1| efficiency (uT/Amp)
only slightly lower (10% …15%) than a pure solenoid, and much higher (x2 .. x3)
than a comparable Helmholtz-Maxwell design3. This |B1| efficiency
equates to shorter refocusing pulses, reduced T2 resolution losses, better
off-resonance performance, and a substantially reduced RF peak power
requirement. This also compensates for a slightly lower (typically 75%) phase
gradient strength relative to a Helmholtz-Maxwell design (for equal internal
twisted solenoid coil has a large number of attractive characteristics. It is
notable that the B1 phase gradient direction is determined solely by the RF
coil geometry, not by the B0 direction. This allows the four gradient fields
necessary for 2D encoding
(+GX,-GX,+GZ,-GZ) to be produced by a set of identical coils, oriented
at different rotation angles about the patient axis (Y).
the coil is compact, being wound on a cylindrical former, offering an open
unobstructed aperture, a large fraction being useable as the imaging volume; also the coils can be of any length.
the single current path simplifies PIN diode coil enable/disable circuitry.
Since only a single element is needed for each phase gradient (rather than two3)
each element may be driven with a separate RF power amplifier (RFPA), providing
several advantages, including lower RFPA peak power; elimination of power
combiner / splitter and phase shifter circuitry3; and better duty
cycle performance.Conclusions
Twisted solenoid
RF coils are a new type of compact and efficient phase gradient coil designs
for TRASE imaging in transverse B0 field magnets. By selection of depth of
modulation, coil orientation, number of turns and turn density a family of
phase gradient coils may be designed. In conjunction with a 1D Helmholtz-Maxwell
coil, the twisted solenoid makes full 3D TRASE encoding practical.Acknowledgements
Departments of Oncology and Physics, University of Alberta.References
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B1 transmit phase
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Transmit Array Spatial Encoding (TRASE)
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Available: [Accessed April. 07, 2015].