The intent of this study was to test the potential of parameters extracted by the so-called anomalous diffusion (AD) stretched exponential γ-imaging model, to detect microstructural modifications occurring in brain during normal aging. Conventional DTI metrics was also considered. 27 healthy volunteers with age range 21-77y underwent DW acquisitions. Parametric maps of Mean γ (Mγ) and γ Anisotropy (γA) were obtained and a quantitative analysis was carried in different regions of White and Deep Grey Matter. We found that AD and DTI parameters correlations with age indicate changes in different brain regions diversifying thus aging patterns.
Methodological Detail
27 volunteers, age range 21-77y (15 men and 12 women, with mean age+-SD =43,8+-16,6 years) underwent MRI examination performed at 3.0T Siemens Magnetom Allegra (Medical Solutions,Erlangen,Germany). The same MRI protocol was applied to all the subjects, including whole-brain T1-weighted and Diffusion-Weighted Spin Echo-Echo Planar Imaging (DW-SE-EPI). The diffusion experiments were performed with the following parameters: TR/TE = 6400ms/107ms; Δ/δ = 107ms/35ms; bandwidth = 1860 Hz/px; matrix size = 128x128, number of axial slices=32; in-plane resolution 1.8x1.8mm2; slice thickness 3mm; number of averages=2. The diffusion-encoding gradients were applied along 15 non-collinear directions. Eleven b-values were used (200,400,600,800,1000, 1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,5000s/mm2) by varying the gradient strength g, plus the b=0 image with no diffusion weighting, with an anterior-posterior phase encode direction for all the scans. The acquisition time for the entire diffusion protocol was 42 minutes per subject. The images pre-processing was performed with EDDY tool. Mean Diffusivity (MD), Fractional Anisotropy (FA) together with the three diffusion eigenvalues and eigenvectors (V1,V2,V2) maps were obtained by means of FSL-DTIFIT routine, considering b-values range 0 -1500s/mm2. Mγ, γA,γ//,γ┴ were obtained as described in previous work 1, by using an home-made Matlab script. The data were spatially smoothed by means of a Gaussian filter with full-width-half-maximum of 3.2 mm. The fitting function was: S(b)= S(0)*∏_1^3exp[-A_i b^{γ_i} (V_{ix} G_x+V_{iy} G_y+V_{iy} G_y)^{2γ_i}]. Where b,Gx,Gy,Gz are arrays of dimension 165x1 (where 165 derives from the product between the b-values and the diffusion-encoding directions), Ai are the generalized diffusion constants, γi, the three values of the anomalous exponent projected along the 3 main axes of the DTI reference frame1. The analysis was made in different White-Matter (WM) and Sub-Cortical-Nuclei (SCN) regions. To define WM Regions of Interest (ROIs) we first preformed TBBS tool, creating a common template for all subjects and considering the common WM tracts. Thanks to a specific atlas we individuated the different ROIs. With FIRST tool with we segmented the SCN using T1-images, and then we coregistered the parametric maps to the T1-images. The correlation between AD, DTI metrics and subjects’ age was quantified with a Pearson’s correlation test. p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
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