Radiation necrosis is the most common side-effect of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and has similar characteristics to tumor progression on standard anatomical MRI. Differentiating these two conditions is a major long standing clinical challenge. In this study the potential of chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) in differentiating the two conditions in patient with brain metastases is investigated. The results showed that the magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) of amide and NOE peaks provided the best separation of radiation necrosis cases from tumor progression cases. However, the commonly used amide proton transfer (APT) was unable to differentiate the two conditions.
CEST Metrics: The following metrics were evaluated:
1. CEST spectrum was decomposed into a constant MT effect and four lorentzian line-shapes corresponding to Amide (3.5ppm), Nuclear overhauser effect, NOE (-3.5ppm), Amine (2ppm) and bulk water (0ppm) as follows:
area under the curve (AUC) of CEST peaks corresponding to NOE and Amide peaks (AmideAUC & NOEAUC) were then calculated.
2. The conventional Amide Proton Transfer (APT):APT=S(−3.5ppm)−S(3.5ppm)S(ref)
3. Amide magnetization transfer ratio (AmideMTR):AmideMTR=S(ref)−S(3.5ppm)S(ref)
4. NOE magnetization transfer ratio (NOEMTR):NOEMTR=S(ref)−S(−3.5ppm)S(ref)
5. Direct effect defined as:DirectEffect=√T1T2
which is proportional to full width at half maximum of water peak.
Patients: Eleven patients were recruited under REB approved protocols. All patients had been treated with SRS and had developed an enlarging enhancing lesion (suspected of necrosis or progression) . Six lesions were resected after CEST and histopathological assessment was performed. The remaining five lesions were monitored over time and the diagnosis of radiation necrosis or tumor was rendered clinically (Figure 1 shows representative images of each condition).
CEST: Imaging was performed on a 3T Philips Achieva scanner (with 8-channel SENSE head coil). An axial slice passing through the lesion was imaged with single-shot EPI (TR/TE=1971/29ms, Matrix=80x80. FOV=20x20cm, slice thickness=3mm). CEST spectrum included offset frequencies between -5.9ppm and 5.9ppm with 0.2ppm increments and reference images at ~1500ppm. RF saturation involved 4 block-shaped pulses of 242.5ms (970ms total), B1=0.52µT. The CEST sequence was repeated 4 times (total duration 8.75min). B0 correction was performed by fitting a Lorentzian line-shape to the spectrum and shifting minimum to 0Hz. Drift correction was performed using the reference images at both ends of the spectrum (assuming linear drift).
There were decreased NOEMTR and AmideMTR signals in the lesions (necrosis or progression) compared to normal brain tissue. However, the signal drop was significantly higher in necrosis cases. The APT maps showed an elevated APT signal (compared to normal brain tissue) for the lesion regions for both necrosis and progression cases. However, the difference between the two cohorts was not as pronounced as the MTR signals.
All metrics showed a higher value for the progression cases compared to necrosis cases and these differences were statistically significant for NOEMTR (p=0.006), AmideMTR (p=0.01), MT (p=0.04) and NOEAUC(p=0.02). The best separation was observed in MTR metrics which represents the combination of MT, CEST and direct effect, and the biggest contributor to the differences in MTR values was the MT component (figure 3).
The CEST effects at NOE and Amide peaks were very similar which might be the reason that APT (which represents the difference between these two CEST effects) did not result in statistically significant differences (p=0.83) and could not differentiate radiation necrosis from tumor progression.
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