Huaiqiang Sun1, Ying Chen1, Haoyang Xing1, Su Lui1, and Qiyong Gong1
1Huaxi MR research center, Department of Radiology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, People's Republic of China
A multivariable analysis framework for schizophrenia
prediction with quantitative cortical morphology features features extracted at individual level.
has long been considered a neurodevelopment disease, aberrant cerebral
morphology may involve in the pathology of the disease. Extensive works have
been done in the aspect of volume, cortical thickness, surface area and shape
of certain brain region.1
However, no consistent results have been reached. A potential explanation is
that most studies typically report group level differences on limited samples
and the robustness of differences at individual level is not well established.
The current study extracted shape features at individual level and try to
establish a framework to evaluate to importance of extracted features and
construct predictive model using selected important features. The performance
of predictive model can further reflects the robustness of features exhibited
difference between patients and controlsMethods
Fifty first-episode right handed
schizophrenia patients (26 male, 24 female, age from 18 to 20, mean age 19.1)
recruited from outpatient and inpatient units of the Mental Health Center were included
in this study. Confirmation of diagnosis was determined by clinical
psychiatrists using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID). All
the patients did not receive any type of medication before MRI scanning. The
illness duration of all patients was less than 2 years. Fifty-four controls (25
male, 29 female, age from 18 to 20, mean age 19.5) were recruited from the
local community via poster advertisements. High resolution T1 weighted anatomical
images were acquired on a clinical 3T scanner with a 8-channel phase array head
coil using 3D spoiled gradient (3D-SPGR) sequence (TR=8.5ms, TE=3.5ms,
TI=400ms, Flip angle=12) with 240 x 240 matrix over a field of view of 240 x
240 mm and 156 axial slices of 1mm thickness.
anatomical images were processed with both Freesurfer's recon-all processing
pipeline with Desikan-Killiany-Tourville (DKT) atlas and the ANTs antsCorticalThickness pipeline to
generate labeled cortical and non-cortical volumes. Then the labeled brains
were feed into an open source automatic feature extraction toolkit named
Mindboggle ( Hybrid gray/white segmentation was created
from both FreeSurfer and ANTs output. Surface meshes were generated from each
segmented region. The following measures were computed: (1) Volume and surface
area of all labeled regions. For each participant, the volume of each labeled
region was normalized by his/her total cerebral volume; (2) Surface shape
measures (local cortical thickness, curvature, convexity, travel and geodesic
depth) for every cortical mesh vertex within each label and sulcus; (3)
Statistical properties (mean, standard deviation, skew, kurtosis) for each
shape measure in step (2) within each label and sulcus. The all-relevant
feature selection (implemented in R package “Boruta”)2 and the construction and evaluation of random forest
classifier were performed within same cross-validation loops.3 The overall accuracy,
sensitivity/specificity, kappa score were used to characterize the performance
of the classifiers. Features that were selected in more iterations than would
be expected to occur at random were identified as significant features. The whole workflow was
illustrated in Figure 1Results
A total of 2941 features represent
cerebral shapes were extracted from each participant. In building and
evaluation the classifier for discriminating schizophrenia patients and controls, we performed 100 runs of 10-fold stratified cross-validation, and
computed the mean classifier performance from a total of 1000 folds. The mean
classification accuracy and kappa value achieved via repeated
10-fold cross-validation is 78.7% and 0.61, using features selected by
all-relevant feature selection algorithm. The mean sensitivity and specificity
for schizophrenia patients is 74.2% and 83.0%, respectively. As we embedded the feature selection in
cross-validation procedure, thus a total of 1000 feature subsets were obtained
in each run of classifier construction. The mean length of obtained feature
subsets is 9.3 (range from 6 to 12, from 0.2%–0.4% of all extracted features).
Significant features were list in Table 1.Discussion
current result confirmed the aberrant cortical morphology in temporal and
frontal lobe of patients with first episode schizophrenia at individual level.
In addition, the current results further refined previous voxel based
morphometry (VBM) studies that report reduced gray matter in patients with
schizophrenia as gray matter volume measured in VBM can be sensitive to changes
in gray matter volumes as well as differences in cortical surface curvature,
which cannot be distinguished from each other.Conclusion
current study established a multivariable analysis framework for schizophrenia prediction
with structural features extracted at individual level. The proposed framework has
the ability to figure out the features that relevant to classification, which
can be used as imaging biomarkers and help to understand the underlying
mechanism of the disease. In addition, the selection frequency and classifier
performance reflect the robustness of the selected imaging markers.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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