Xiaowei Zhuang (co-first)1, Ryan R Walsh (co-first)1, Zhengshi Yang1, Virendra Mishra1, Karthik Sreenivasan1, and Dietmar Cordes1,2
1Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 2University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
this study, we explored the dynamics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) brain network
function utilizing the co-activation pattern (CAP) analysis emphasizing
sensorimotor network (SM) function during resting-state. We modified the
routine to calculate group dominant CAPs (d-CAPs) and proposed a novel way to
obtain within-subject CAP switching-rate. Reduced dynamics of the SM network in
PD was demonstrated by both decreased number of d-CAPs and decreased switching-rate,
which corroborates electrophysiologic data.
The dynamics of the
brain’s intrinsic networks have been recently studied using co-activation
pattern (CAP) analysis1, 2. Such methods are important in studying
brain diseases known to impact brain dynamics. Parkinson’s disease (PD), as
previously reported from electrophysiologic studies, is known to involve
changes in synchronization within and between brain regions, changes in
phase-amplitude coupling between brain regions, and appears to limit the
overall dynamic range of brain networks3, 4. Thus, in this study we
explored the dynamics of PD brain network function utilizing the CAP approach emphasizing
sensorimotor network (SM) during resting-state. We modified the approach to calculate
group dominant CAPs (d-CAPs) and proposed a novel way to obtain within-subject CAP
switching-rate, which quantifies the state alternation. We hypothesized there is
a decrease in d-CAPs number and switching-rate in PD as a reflection of
reduction in whole-brain dynamics.Methods
Data Acquisition: A total of 36 subjects (18 NCs (14 males;
64.25±9.50 years), 18
PD-subjects (14 Males; 65.83±7.98 years; UPDRS-III:
38.28±6.95; duration of the
disease: 2.48±1.32 years)) obtained
from Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) database5 were
included in this study. Resting-state functional MRI was performed on 3T Siemens
Trio scanner
(TR/TE/Flip Angle/Resolution=2.4s/25ms/80deg/3.3mm3, 210 time frames).
Preprocessing: All time frames were slice-timing corrected
and realigned to the mean EPI image in SPM12 (http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/), further coregistered to the subjected T1 space
and then normalized to the standard MNI-152 2mm-template using ANTs software (http://stnava.github.io/ANTs/). Six head motion parameters, signals
extracted from subject white matter and CSF were regressed out from each
dataset. All images were spatially smoothed using an 8mm 3D-Gaussian filter, band
pass filtered (0.008Hz<f
<0.1Hz) and converted
to zscore. CAP analysis: Atlases of functional ROIs reported in Shirer
et al6 were obtained and the 6 ROIs extracted from SM network were
used as the seeds for CAP analysis (Fig. 1). CAP analysis was carried out for PD
and NC with each ROI as a seed separately. Time frames with the average seed
signal intensity amongst the top 25% (51 frames) of each subject were extracted
and temporally concatenated. This 25% value was selected by increasing the
threshold from 5% to 95%, calculating the similarity between seed-based
correlation map using all frames and average of the selected time frames,
stopping when the correlation value reached 0.95 (See Fig. 3(A)). Dominant CAP
(d-CAP) concept was adopted from Chen et al2 but determined in a
modified way as follows: we first clustered the concatenated time frames into K
clusters (K = 2 to 20), using k-means clustering based on spatial similarities
of each time frame. Next, for each average cluster map obtained from k-means clustering
(with all K), if the spatial correlation between the average spatial pattern of
the current cluster and all existing d-CAPs were less than a certain threshold
(set to 0.5 here to keep the number of d-CAPs manageable), the current cluster average
map would be merged into the d-CAPs set, otherwise continued with the next
cluster. After the entire d-CAPs set was obtained, another clustering was
carried out for all time frames based on their spatial similarities to each d-CAP.
Switching-rate was then calculated for each subject based on this new
clustering result. For each subject, if the two continuous selected time frames
belonged to two different d-CAPs, we considered there was a state-switch. The switching-rates
for every seed were then compared between two groups separately. We included
Fig. 2 to illustrate all the steps involved in our modified CAP analysis.Results
Fig.3 (B) shows the
conventional seed based correlation maps and the averaging of time frames with
large seed signal intensities (top 25%). Dominant CAPs for seed 4 are reported
in Fig. 4 (|z-score|>2). Overall, there are fewer d-CAPs in PD for SM
network, as compared to NCs. Switching-rate for PD group was overall reduced compared
to NCs as shown in Fig. 5 for seed 1 to 6 separately, reaching statistical
significance (p<0.05) with two seed-based CAP analysis.Discussion and Conclusion
Our results confirm
that conventional seed-based correlation analysis can be reproduced by activity
at a few critical time points1,2 (Fig. 3(B)). The proposed approach
formed a complete routine to determine group d-CAPs and within-subject CAP switching-rate.
As hypothesized, reduced dynamics of the SM network in PD is demonstrated by both
decreased number of d-CAPs and switching-rates (Fig. 4, 5). This corroborates
electrophysiologic data in PD, and demonstrates that such reduced network
dynamics can be demonstrated using resting state fMRI.Acknowledgements
The study was supported partially by the National
Institutes of Health (grant number 1R01EB014284) and by National Institute of General
Medical Sciences (grant number P20GM109025). PPMI is sponsored and partially
funded by The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF). Other
funding partners include a consortium of industry players, non-profit
organizations and private individuals (for a full list see http://www.ppmi-info.org/about-ppmi/who-we-are/study-sponsors/).
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