MRI monitoring of the in vivo permeability increase of brain tumor vessels induced by synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy
Audrey Bouchet1,2, Marine Potez3, Nicolas Coquery 3, Claire Rome3, Benjamin Lemasson3, Elke Bräuer-Krisch4, Chantal Rémy3, Jean Albert Laissue5, Emmanuel Luc Barbier3, Valentin Djonov5, and Raphael Serduc3

1INSERM, Grenoble, France, 2University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 3INSERM, 4ESRF, 5University of Bern


Synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), a spatially fractionated preclinical radiotherapy, is more efficient than broad beam irradiation (BB) at opening the blood-brain tumor barrier of intracranial rodent glioblastomas. MRT-induced increase of tumor vascular permeability is significantly greater, earlier and more prolonged than in the BB alone group, especially in highly proliferative areas. MRT targeted all tumor regions, including areas not impacted by BB. High dose microbeams might be used to facilitate the delivery of intravenously injected drugs to tumoral tissue: Adjuvant chemotherapy might thus be more effective when coupled with MRT than with homogeneous radiation fields used in conventional radiotherapy.


Efficiency of blood-borne chemotherapies is hampered by a limited exposure of all cells of the tumor mass to a sufficient drug concentration due to the anatomic/physiologic characteristics of solid tumors 1. The challenge of drug delivery is increased particularly for brain tumors due to the presence of blood brain barrier (BBB) 2. Conventional radiotherapy was reported as an efficient strategy to overcome these physio-anatomical limitations by temporal disruption of the blood barrier in the tumor 3. Our group has previously shown that synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), a spatially fractionated preclinical radiotherapy, increases as well vessel permeability of high grade brain tumor 4; however the efficacy of the two radiotherapies was never confront until now.

In the present work, we used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to compare the blood tumor barrier permeability changes induced by MRT with a spatially non-fractionated radiotherapy. Vessel permeability (assessed as dynamic contrast enhancement, DCE) was monitored in normal brain tissue and in the whole tumor volume. In addition to find out whether tissue characteristics influence the use of a vascular permeability window for an adjuvant systemic treatment, we evaluate vessel integrity in tumor regions with different cerebral blood flow (CFB), blood volume (BV), oedema (ADC) and tissue oxygenation (CRMO2) values.


Male rats bearing intracranial highly malignant F98 gliomas were randomized into 3 groups: untreated, or exposed to MRT (peak and valley dose: 241 and 10.5 Gy respectively) or to broad beam irradiation (BB) delivered at comparable doses; both applied by two arrays, intersecting orthogonally in the tumor region. In vivo multiparametric MRI5 (tumour volume, diffusion-weighted MR imaging (ADC), blood volume fraction (BVf), cerebral blood flow (CFB), tissue oxygenation (CRMO2) and vessel wall integrity (dynamic contrast enhancement) was performed 1 day before (T-1) and 1, 2, 7 and 14 days after irradiation (T1, T2, T7 and T14). MRI sequences acquired for each animal and experimental timeline are represented Figure 1 A. Data were extracted from the whole tumor region of interest or from specific areas displaying voxels with values inferior (inf-) or superior (sup-) to a threshold defined as the rounded mean values across the tumors of our study before treatment (T-1): 1100 mm2.sec-1 for ADC, 70 ml.min-1.100g-1 of tissue for CBF, 3% for BVf and 6.5 a.u. for CMRO2.


Tumor volumes measured by MRI revealed that MRT reduced tumor growth more than BB irradiation did, i.e. tumors were 3.4 times smaller at T14 (19.5 ± 11.7 mm3) after MRT than after BB (65.9 ± 34.2 mm3, p<0.0001). In the tumor, MRT and BB treatments increased the permeability over the time, with a maximum of DCE 7 days after irradiation. Further, DCEs measured in MRT-treated tumors were significantly higher than those of tumors treated by BB at T2 (+20.7%; p=0.0454), T7 (+21.3%; p=0.0064) and at T14 (+22.6%; p=0.0199); Figure 2. At the maximum increase of the permeability, i.e. 7 days post treatment for both irradiation types (Figure 2), MRT and BB resulted in different efficacies since MRT induced an higher vascular permeability in all physiologically characterized tumor areas, including areas not impacted by BB, as for example the area with the highest BVf, and hypo-oxygenated areas; areas which are in addition mainly distributed in the outer shell of the tumor mass (Figure 3 et 4).


In addition to be more efficient that BB in tumor growth control, MRT does not modify the vascular permeability of normal brain tissue. MRT-induced increased tumor vascular permeability is (i) significantly greater, (ii) earlier and more prolonged than the BB counterpart, especially in highly proliferative tumor areas (iii) and it targets all tumor areas discriminated by physiological characteristics, including those areas not damaged by homogeneous irradiation.


MRT leads to a significantly higher, earlier and more continuous increase in tumor blood vessel permeability than homogeneous BB irradiation, without affecting normal brain tissue. In addition, MRT induces an increase in vascular permeability in all tumor areas with particular physiological characteristics, including those tumor areas not impacted by homogeneous irradiation. Finally, we showed that MRT is more efficiently disrupts brain tumor vessels in the most actively proliferating area of the tumor considered as the relevant target area for adjuvant drug delivery. Therefore, high dose microbeams might be used to facilitate the delivery of intravenously injected drugs to tumoral tissue. An adjuvant chemotherapy might be more effective when coupled with MRT than with homogeneous radiation fields used in conventional radiotherapy.


In fond memory of Régine Farion who has generously and with heartwarming enthusiasm contributed to this work during many years.

The authors thank the Bernische Krebsliga for the support via the grant n.37223, as well as the “Conseil Régional Rhône-Alpes”, la “Ligue contre le Cancer, comité de la Drome”, “l’Association pour la Recherche contre le Cancer” and Imoxy ANR for research funding. Grenoble MRI facility IRMaGe was partly funded by the French program “Investissement d’Avenir” run by the “Agence Nationale pour la Recherche”; grant “Infrastructure d’avenir en Biologie Santé” - ANR-11-INBS-0006.


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4. Bouchet A, Lemasson B, Leduc G, et al. Preferential effect of synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy on intracerebral 9L gliosarcoma vascular networks. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 2010;78(5):1503-1512.

5. Lemasson B, Bouchet A, Maisin C, et al. Multiparametric MRI as an early biomarker of individual therapy effects during concomitant treatment of brain tumours. NMR Biomed. 2015;28(9):1163-1173. doi:10.1002/nbm.3357.


A- Experimental timeline and diagram representing MRI sequences acquired for each animal at each time point. At each delay, a group of untreated (n=5, black), BB- (n=7, blue) or MRT-treated rats (n=6, red) were in vivo follow-up by MRI. BB=Broad synchrotron x-ray beam; MRT= Microbeam Radiation Therapy. B- Tumor volume evolution after treatment. MRI follow-up, DCE-enhancement map of an untreated, BB- or MRT-treated F98 bearing rat at different delays after implantation. Solid and dotted lines delineate the tumor and the contralateral ROI, respectively. C- Individual values (plots) and means (lines) and D- means ± SEM tumor volumes. ****: p<0.0001.

Vessel permeability. Dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) after Gd-DOTA injection measured by MRI in the F98 tumor (solid lines) and normal brain tissue in the contralateral hemisphere (dashed lines) at different times after BB- (blue) or MRT- (red) or no treatment (black). Mean±SEM. *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; ****: p<0.0001.

In vivo vascular permeability and blood volume. a- Example of the spatial distribution of voxels with BVf values inferior (green) and superior (blue) to 3%. b/c-DCE-enhancement in tumor area with BVf inferior (b) and superior to 3% (c). Mean±SEM. *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; ****: p<0.0001.

In vivo vascular permeability and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen. a- Example of the spatial distribution of voxels with CMRO2 values inferior (green) and superior (blue) to 6.5 a.u.. b/c-DCE-enhancement in tumor area with CMRO2 inferior (b) and superior to 6.5 a.u. (c). Mean±SEM. *: p<0.05; **: p<0.01; ***: p<0.001; ****: p<0.0001.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)