Advanced MRI techniques (e.g. – d-MRI, MT, relaxometry etc.) can provide quantitative information of brain tissues. Image voxels are often heterogeneous in terms of microstructure information due to physical limitations and imaging resolution. Quantitative assessment of the brain tissue microstructure can provide valuable insights into neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. - Multiple Sclerosis). In this work, we propose a multi-compartment model for T2-Relaxometry to obtain brain microstructure information in a quantitative framework. The proposed method allows simultaneous estimation of the model parameters.
Damage to Myelin is a critical preliminary stage in neurodegenerative diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Demyelination is usually followed by loss of axons and accumulation of fluids due to inflammation. Although demyelination may be reversible, loss of axons is irreversible. Hence, quantifying the tissue microstructures can provide information on the diseases status.
MRI image voxels are heterogeneous in terms of tissue microstructures due to imaging resolution constraints. This presents a challenge in having a quantitative assessment of critical structures. Myelin is a highly dehydrated structure leading to short T2 relaxation times (10-55ms)1,2. The CSF and fluid accumulated due to inflammation have high T2 relaxation times (till~2sec). T2 relaxation times for water contained in other cellular structures (as axons, etc.) are in the order of~80ms. Advanced MRI techniques as multi-echo T2 relaxometry sequences can be used to capture this distinguishing characteristic of the compartments. In this work we propose a signal model to estimate water fractions corresponding to: (1) Myelin, (2) Cellular structures as axons, (3) Freefluids in a voxel obtained from a T2 relaxometry sequence such as turbo Spin Echo (TurboSE) Sequence.
Since the data is acquired using a multi-contrast TurboSE sequence, the echo decay is not purely exponential, but rather derived from methods as EPG3. T2signal space is modeled as a weighted mixture of probability distributions corresponding to the compartments. Voxel signal,s(ti),ati-th echo(TE=ti)is modeled as:
where,M0is a constant.j={1,2,3}representcompartments;wj:Weight of each compartment;B1:Field;kj,θj):Gamma PDF describing each compartment in T2space. Gamma PDF was chosen observing its properties as non-negativity,skewness.{kj,θj}3j=1are the shape and scale parameters respectively of the Gamma PDF. Hence the cost function optimized for each voxel data series is:
where\;\mathrm{Y}\in\mathbb{R}^m\;is the observed signal and\;m=number of echoes.\:\mathrm{K}=\lbrace{k_i}\rbrace_{i=1}^{3}\,and\:{\Theta}=\lbrace{\theta_i}\rbrace_{i=1}^{3}:\,Shape and Scale parameter vectors respectively.\:{C}\in\mathbb{R}^3\,is a vector of scaled weights:\;c_j=M_0w_j\;from which the weights are obtained as:\;w_j=c_j/\sum_i{c_i}. \Lambda\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times3} whose elements are formulated as:
\mathbf{\Lambda}_{i,j}=\lambda_j(t_i;k_j,\theta_j,B_1)={\displaystyle\int\limits_{T_2}}{\small{\frac{1}{\Gamma(k_j)\theta_{j}^{k_j-1}}T_{2}^{k_j-1}\exp\left(\frac{-T_2}{\theta_j}\right)\;EPG\left(T_2,\triangle{TE},i,T_1,B_1\right)\;dT_2}} Parameters\;\lbrace{\mathrm{K},\Theta,C}\rbrace\;are estimated in a single step.\;\mathrm{B_1}\;is computed by a gradient free optimizer (BOBBYQA6) as it does not have any closed form solution3. We perform\,\mathrm{c}\,and\,\mathrm{B_1}\,optimization alternatively till convergence is obtained in desired error limit.
Since the variables to be estimated are linearly separable, we follow VARPRO approach4. Cost\,function is re-evaluated as:\;\min_{{\mathrm{K},\Theta}}\parallel{{\mathrm{P}^{\bot}_{\Lambda}\mathrm{Y}}}\parallel_{2}^{2}\;where\;\mathrm{{{P}^{\bot}_{\Lambda}}={I}-{\Lambda\Lambda^\dagger}}\;and\;{\Lambda}^{\dagger}\:is the pseudo-inverse of\:\Lambda\:.After\;\mathrm{K}\;and\;\mathrm{\Theta}\;estimation by gradient based optimization scheme,\;\mathrm{C}\;is obtained from\:{\Lambda}^{\dagger}{Y}\:.
The derivatives\;{\small{\partial\Lambda/\partial{k_j}}}\:and\;{\small{\partial\Lambda/\partial\theta_j}}\,are obtained analytically for computing the Jacobian of VARPRO cost function4. The proposed method was implemented using ITK (C++).
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