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Tissue Relaxometry Defined (TRD) pseudo-CT imaging based on a single multi-gradient-echo MRI scan
Jie Wen1, Bin Cai2, Michael Gach2, Olga Green2, Christina Tsien2, Jiayi Huang2, Sasa Mutic2, and Dmitriy Yablonskiy1

1Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States, 2Radiation Oncology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States


Generating MRI-based pseudo-CT images, providing electron density information for dose calculation, is the first step towards MRI-based radiation therapy treatment planning. Existing methods either require prior knowledge of a CT-MR atlas or require acquisition of multiple scans. In this study, we demonstrated the feasibility of producing pseudo-CT images by using a single multi-gradient-echo sequence. This method takes advantage of tissue-specific relaxation properties of MRI signal to provided segmentation of bone, air and other anatomical structures. Since all images are generated from a single scan and are naturally co-registered, this method is fast and avoids registration errors.


To develop a tissue-relaxometry-defined (TRD) method producing robust pseudo-CT images from a single multi-gradient-echo MRI sequence as a first step toward MRI-based radiation therapy treatment planning for brain cancer.


This study was approved by local IRB and the subject provided informed consent. All MRI scans were collected using a 1.5T scanner (Ingenia, Philips Medical System) equipped with a 15-channel phased-array head coil. High resolution Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging (GEPCI)1,2 datasets with a voxel size of 1×1×3mm3 were acquired using a 3D multi-gradient-echo sequence with a flip angle of 30, TR=50ms and total acquisition time of 7min. For each acquisition, 11 echoes were collected with TE1=4ms and ΔTE=4ms. Signals from different channels were combined for each voxel:



where the sum is taken over all channels (m), ¯S denotes complex conjugate of S, λm are weighting parameters and σm are noise amplitudes (r.m.s.). We omit index corresponding to voxel position for clarity. This algorithm allows for the optimal estimation of quantitative parameters, such as magnetic resonance signal magnitude, decay rate constant and frequency and also removes the initial phase incoherence between channels2. R2* constants were obtained by fitting the channel-combined data on a voxel-by-voxel basis:


where ω is a local signal frequency and F(TE) is the F-function describing the influence of macroscopic magnetic field inhomogeneity effects on MRI signal. Herein, we use a voxel spread function algorithm3 for evaluation of F-function.

TRD-CT images were created as described in Fig.1. Magnitude images of the first echo (I(TE1)) were inverted (1/I(TE1)) to create positive enhanced contrasts of the “air” regions and to produce an “air” mask. Due to complex TE-dependent behavior of the MRI signal in fat-rich regions, the χ2 error of fitting the mono-exponential model to experimental data is much larger than in all other areas. The χ2 map was used to create a “fat” mask. R2* from the mono-exponential fitting using first 3 echoes was used to define “soft-tissue” as regions with low R2* values (50s1). By applying air-, fat- and soft-tissue-mask to R2* map, the “bone” areas were highlighted and a “bone” mask was created. Different anatomical structures were assigned a single Hounsfield units value (-1000air, -75fat, 40soft tissue and 1000bone) to create a pseudo-CT.

Brain CT was acquired using a CT Simulator (Brilliance, Philips Medical System,) with 120kVp, 500mAs, 512×512 in-plane dimensions, 0.88×0.88mm2 in-plane spatial resolution and 1.5mm slice thickness. The accuracy of bone segmentation from TRD-CT was determined by calculating the Sorensen-Dice coefficient:


Voxels in CT that had numbers bigger than 500 HU were classified as bone areas. Voxels that had values smaller than -500 HU were classified as air.


Two examples of CT and TRD-CT are shown in Fig.2. For this participant, the Sorensen-Dice coefficients of bone and air were 0.72 and 0.67, respectively.


Previously, atlas-based4-6 and segmentation-based7-9 methods have been used to create pseudo-CT with attenuation correction for PET/MRI and MRI-based radiotherapy treatment planning. Atlas-based methods can produce relatively accurate attenuation correction. However, these methods required prior knowledge of the CT-MR atlas and also increased uncertainty for patients with nonstandard internal geometry. Segmentation-based methods didn’t require prior CT-MR atlas, but the accuracy of these methods highly depend on the accuracy of bone/air segmentation. More recently, several studies7,10-12 employed Dixon fat-water imaging and ultrashort-echo-time (UTE) sequence to get better segmentation of anatomical structures. However, these methods required multiple scans, which is time consuming and prone to errors from registration between different images. Moreover, the limited availability of UTE on most MR scanners further limits the application of UTE-based pseudo-CT generation. In this study, we proposed a technique that takes advantage of tissue specific relaxation properties of MRI signal and provides efficient segmentation of bone, air and other anatomical structures. All images were from a single MRI scan which costs less time. This method also eliminated the registration errors compared to dual-scan approach mentioned above while maintaining the ability to obtain multi-contrasts for pseudo-CT generation. We tested the TRD-CT approach on a brain cancer patient and compared the results with CT. This method can provide similar accuracy compared with a recent study9 that incorporated Dixon fat-water imaging and UTE technique to generate pseudo-CT images.


In this study, we demonstrated the feasibility of producing a tissue relaxation-based pseudo-CT approach using a single multi-gradient-echo sequence available from most manufacturers. More patients are recruited for this study and dosimetric comparisons based on this method will be included in the future work.


No acknowledgement found.


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Fig.1 Flowchart of generating TRD-CT images. “Air” mask (a) was created following the “red” route from the inverted magnitude image of the first echo (1/I(TE1)). “Fat” mask (b) was created following the “blue” route from χ2error map of the mono-exponential fitting. “Air” mask (a) and “fat” mask (b) was applied to R2* map (c) to remove “air” and “fat” area (orange route). “Bone” mask (d) and “Soft-tissue” mask (e) was created based on R2* values on R2* map (c). Pseudo-CT (f) was created by assigning each anatomical structures with a single value.

Fig.2 Comparison of CT and TRD-CT from two slices.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)