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Spherical-surface Poisson disc point selection for radial-trajectory MRI
Ethan M Johnson1, Kim Butts Pauly2, and John M Pauly1

1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


A design consideration for center-out k-space trajectories is the angular distribution of trajectory endpoints (or equivalently, exit angles). Uniformity is desirable, but the regularity of spacing affects aliasing patterns, which can dictate undersampling performance. Here, a method for choosing points on a sphere with Poisson disc spacing is described, and its use in selecting angles for a 3D radial UTE sequence is validated.

Purpose / Motivation

Sampling three-dimensional k-space along center-out paths incurs intrinsic encoding inhomogeneity, as every path starts at k=0. Center-out k-space MRI sequences include UTE and ZTE[1–3]; both typically traverse radial-spoke paths. Center-out sampling has two primary consequences. One is that, particularly for radii/spokes, acceptable image quality requires many sample-path acquisitions, with Nyquist-sampling non-uniformly satisfied and SNR efficiency diminished[4]. Another is that uniformly distributing acquisition samples is nontrivial, but acquisitions traversing spokes to a surface S, e.g., a sphere, maximize sample-efficiency with endpoints distributed maximally-uniformly over S. Intuitively the desired points-set maximizes net inter-point distance, but this and similar formulations are non-convex, with mostly non-obvious solutions[5]. Absent known globally-optimal distributions, heuristic spherical-surface point-drawing methods yielding relative uniformity are used[6–8].

Here, a new approach is proposed, randomly drawing points on a spherical surface with Poisson disc distance distribution. It develops similar distribution uniformity, while also rendering incoherent aliasing patterns. Incoherence/randomness eases sampling requirements, making benign degradation in image quality with increasing undersampling rate. Additionally, it conditions data for sparsity-assuming (compressed-sensing) reconstructions[9].


Algorithms for picking points randomly with Poisson disc characteristics typically are formulated for some Cartesian-coordinate bounded region of Rn[10] and can be efficiently implemented (linear-time)[11]. Such Poisson disc sampling formulations randomly draw coordinates from two region-types, which can be performed by transforming independent uniform-distribution variables, {uiunif(0,1)}i. These algorithms have as parameters exclusion/inclusion radii re1/re2.

Here, to pick points on a radius-rs sphere in R3 with Poisson disc distribution, the random-number-generation steps of a Cartesian algorithm[11] are adapted. First, the seed is selected uniformly-randomly from the entire radius-rs surfaceasp0=(rs,θ,ϕ)withθ=0+(2π0)u1andϕ=cos1(cos0+(cosπcos0)u2),(Fig.1a).Second, the iteration candidate-intermediates point-draw operation is modified to choose from a spherical patch within exclusion/inclusion distances (Fig.1b)like~q1=(rs,θ,ϕ)withθ=2πu1,ϕ=cos1(cosϕ1+(cosϕ2cosϕ1)u2)andϕ1,2=cos1(1r2e1,2/(2r2s))(Fig.1b,c).With seed- and candidate-drawing updated, all points necessarily lie on the sphere. Stopping conditions remain unchanged. Completing iterations provides a random set of Poisson disc-spaced points maximally covering the surface (Fig.1d).

Performance validations imaging with Poisson disc-random k-space radial endpoints were undertaken through comparison with surface-spiral[6], golden-means[7], spiral-phyllotaxis[8] patterns. All patterns drew 3177 points (Fig.2), undersampling angular dimensions to illustrate aliasing characteristics. For the variety of point-drawing methods, impulse responses were simulated with a representative k-space-radial trajectory encoding 2123-voxel fields-of-view (Fig.3). Simulations computed gridding-Fourier transforms of synthetic impulse data (ones in k-space) with angular-density-compensation weights derived by Voronoi tilings (Fig.2). Along central cross-sections, responses were sinc-interpolated for finer depiction of resolution/aliasing. The spherical-k-space-coverage impulse function[12] h is plotted for reference (Fig.3).

MRI experiments were also undertaken with the point constellations. For comprehensive comparative evaluation, a phantom was imaged by 3D UTE center-out radial acquisition encoding with k-space endpoints from six different patterns (Fig.4a). Phantom acquisition parameters include 250kHz bandwidth/2443 voxels/(30cm)3 field-of-view/15761 spokes (11.9×-undersampled)/15 tip/36μs TE/5.4ms TR/1.5T scanner/transmit-receive head coil.

To demonstrate realistic clinical performance, a healthy subject head was also imaged using surface-spiral or spherical-surface Poisson disc endpoints (Fig.4b). In vivo acquisition parameters include 250kHz bandwidth/2443 voxels/(28cm)3 field-of-view/47061 spokes (4×-undersampled)/12 tip/34μs TE/6.2ms TR/3T scanner/eight-channel-receive head coil.


Poisson disc random points for 3D radial k-space trajectories reduce aliasing coherence relative surface-spiral, golden-means, and spiral-phyllotaxis patterns (Fig.3). Response smoothness outside the undersampling-reduced field-of-view evidences the reduction (Fig.3).

Image quality in gridding/DFT reconstructions of undersampled phantom acquisitions improves with more benign aliasing (Fig.4a). Phantom images demonstrate this clearly: coherent streak-aliasing encircles the phantom encoded by all methods except Poisson disc-chosen endpoints. Perceptively, this improves image quality when aliasing may overlap the object, e.g., for in vivo imaging (Fig.4b).

Beyond improving image quality, Poisson disc endpoints-selection conditions data for sparsity-assuming image reconstructions. Reconstruction by 1-norm-regularized compressed sensing from surface-spiral data yields unresolved streak-aliasing, while that from Poisson disc-endpoints data does not (Fig.5).

Discussion and Conclusions

Poisson disc-random sampling picks points a sphere with relatively uniform inter-point spacing. It sacrifices positioning-uniformity as compared to idealized spacing, which surface-spiral-drawn points nearly achieve. However, in practical imaging scenarios, reduced aliasing coherence outweighs uniformity-diminution of Poisson disc-selected points.

Reconstructing 3D radial-k-space-encoded images by gridding/DFT is sometimes appealing, with predictable artifacts. Image quality degrades gradually under sample-count reductions. However, radial-k-space-characteristic streak-aliasing can be disruptive if intense. Aliasing intruding upon signal voids (e.g., air) is particularly confounding for, e.g., ZTE-derived PET attenuation correction[13], in which distinguishing signal-absent air from hypointense bone is crucial.

Compressed-sensing reconstruction performs well with randomly-distributed samples. The sample-location distribution affects reconstructed image quality, however, and Poisson disc-spacing eases reconstruction demands[14,15]. While radially-sampled k-space is fairly compatible with compressed sensing[15,16], sampling a regularly-spaced angular distribution of spokes reduces incoherence, hampering leveraging sparsity assumptions. Poisson disc-random angle-picking creates favorable conditions for sparsity-assumed reconstructions by reducing coherent streaking. This extends the boundary of practicable undersampling ratios for center-out MRI.


NIH P01 CA159992 and P41 EB015891


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The spherical-surface Poisson-disc-random-sampling algorithm initializes by uniformly-distributed random seed (a:blue +). Each step draws potential candidates from the surface (b) by selecting 'rotation'/'inclination' angles (b:left) uniformly-randomly around the seed (b:right). With the initial point (c:left:blue +) and stipulated proximal exclusion/inclusion zones (c:solid/dotted grey lines), base iterations choose randomly from all active seeds (c:middle:'s,+). Around the selected point (c:right:red ), candidates (c:grey 's) are generated and distance-tested (c:grey lines) to find a satisfactory addition (c:grey without lines). Iterations terminate when points maximally cover the surface (d). The point-draw order (d:colours) typically progresses from one side to the other.

Fig.2: Points chosen by various methods to cover the surface of a sphere vary in their uniformity of coverage, as demonstrated by Voronoi tilings calculated over the surface (top). With Voronoi cell faces colors corresponding to the area enclosed, the anisotropy is evident (top:colors). A histogram of the area-reciprocal weights (bottom:left) from each method used for angular density compensation in gridding reconstructions gives another representation of the uniformity of coverage. Enlarging the counts scale (bottom:right) shows the presence (or absence) of multiple peaks away from 1, which is an indicator of similarly-sized cells.

Fig.3: Impulse responses calculated for angularly-undersampled (6.67×) 3D radial k-space encoding trajectories depict the aliasing patterns characteristic to each of a collection of different point-picking schemes (top and left). With sinc-interpolation of a cross-section taken across each of the responses, the (obvious) resolution equivalence shown by the main-lobe and the aliasing differences in the side-lobes are evident (bottom-right). The Poisson disc impulse response produces smooth, slowly-varying aliasing structure, while other methods render sharply oscillating alias streaks.

Fig.4: Phantom images acquired with 3D radial $k$-space angles chosen by various point-picking methods demonstrate variations in aliasing characteristics, which are apparent with 10×-narrowed intensity windows (a). Intense streak aliasing in each image can be observed outside of the fully-Nyquist-sampled field-of-view (a:green arrows). In vivo head images from a healthy subject acquired using either surface spiral- or Poisson disc-chosen $k$-space angles demonstrate similar characteristics (b). They additionally illustrate the perceptual image quality differences provided by the sampling strategies, shown in enlarged/windowed sections of the images (b:grey boxes). The subject head was positioned near the field-of-view edge, accentuating undersampling effects.

Fig.5: The effect of different point-picking schemes upon compressed-sensing image reconstructions is demonstrated by comparison of phantom images acquired over an undersampled 3D radial $k$-space trajectory. Coherent aliasing streaks that appear in the image are not resolved by a compressed-sensing reconstruction, while diffuse aliasing is (blue arrows). There is a critical threshold in intensity of streak aliasing, above which the reconstruction cannot address the aliasing (green arrows), but below which the reconstruction successfully resolves (yellow arrows).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)