Ultrashort echo time (UTE) sequences are usually applied for imaging of very short T2* tissues, for the evaluation of water content in the cortical bone and for X-nuclei imaging. The aim of this study was the implementation of an automatic calibration measurement to determine the actual k-space trajectory considering noisy data samples in UTE imaging. In contrast to most other studies, not only gradient delays were taken into account, but also gradient waveform distortions. It could be demonstrated that there exist an optimal number of samples used for correction (depending on signal-to-noise ratio) that should be determined by calibration scans.
All measurements were performed on a 3 T whole-body MR scanner (MAGNETOM Skyra, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a 16-channels head coil, of which eight channels were used for data acquisition.
A 3D radial UTE sequence was applied to obtain images of a spherical water phantom with 1.25 wt‰ NiSO4 at an isotropic resolution of 1 mm. Acquisition parameters were as follows: repetition time = 5 ms, echo time = 60 μs, flip angle = 5°, 30,000 projections, 160 samples per projection, readout time = 700 μs. A maximum gradient strength of 18.2 mT/m was needed at a maximum slew rate of 170 T/m/s. A ‘negative ADC delay’ of 10 μs was employed to discard the first two defective sample points. 300 prescans were applied to reach the steady-state before data acquisition. Correction of the k-space trajectory was performed according to Duyn et al.6 using four different slice distances (±2, ±4 cm) with 3 mm slice thickness and five averages along each axis. The data of the eight channels were compressed to two virtual channels7. Data were gridded for a field-of-view (FOV) of 200 mm with a Kaiser-Bessel kernel8, oversampling ratio9 of 1.375 and sample density precompensation followed by Hamming-filtering. All reconstruction steps were implemented on the scanner’s hardware. Data gridding starts directly so that images are available 10 seconds (depending on matrix size and number of channels) after the measurements with the above-mentioned parameters have finished.
Image reconstruction was performed with the above-mentioned k-space trajectory correction, whereas a different number of the first data samples were considered for correction. For the remaining samples, the correction factor of the last considered sample point was applied. Since a homogeneous water phantom was measured, signal should be composed of a constant water signal and noise, if partial-volume effects and coil sensitivity can be neglected. Thus, the entropy E was used as a measure of signal homogeneityE=−256∑i=1pilog2(pi),where signal strengths are subdivided into 256 bins and pi counts the pixel of the i-th interval.
One measurement was performed in the human brain with the above-mentioned parameters except a repetition time of 6 ms, a FOV of 220 mm, acquisition of two echoes (TE1 = 60 μs, TE2 = 1.8 ms) and the application of a fat saturation pulse before each 10th RF excitation. A difference image ∆I of both contrasts was calculated as follows: ∆I = 0.75 · I(TE1) - I(TE2) .
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