Iterative reconstructions of undersampled non-Cartesian data are computationally expensive because non-Cartesian Fourier transforms are much less efficient than Cartesian Fast Fourier Transforms. Here, we introduce an algorithm that does not require non-uniform Fourier transforms during optimization iterations, resulting in large reductions in computation times with no impairment of image quality.
Regularized SENSE reconstructions of non-Cartesian data are typically performed by solving the following regularized weighted least-squares problem:(1)argminwhere x is the object, the matrix R represents multiplication by receiver sensitivity profiles, S represents non-Cartesian k-space sampling (i.e., non-uniform Fourier transform), k_s is the measured data, D contains density compensation weights, and \Phi is the regularization function. S and its Hermitian transpose, S^H, must be computed every optimization iteration, and they are commonly estimated using inverse and forward gridding, respectively. Gridding and inverse gridding are computationally expensive, which makes non-Cartesian regularized SENSE reconstructions time consuming.
Here, we reinterpret the problem by considering the point-spread function, P, of the non-Cartesian sampling operation. The k-space sampling operation S is equivalent to convolving x with P over all space. Here, we recognize that it is only necessary to estimate the result of the convolution within the FOV (i.e., where signal resides), which can be performed without leaving Cartesian sampling coordinates as long as P is known to twice the FOV (Fig. 1). P and its Fourier transform, M, can be estimated by gridding a vector of ones to 2FOV (i.e., M=diag(FP)=diag(FS_{2FOV}^HD1)). Then, the convolution can be computed as Z^HF^{-1}MFZRx, where F is the FFT, Z is zero-padding to 2FOV, and Z^H is cropping back to the FOV. Assuming an LTI system, the result of this convolution is equal to S^HDk_s, which defines the problem for this method:
Compared to Eq. 1, iterative inverse gridding and gridding are replaced by Cartesian Fourier transforms with 2x zero-padding and multiplication by a diagonal matrix M. Accordingly, gridding is performed only once to determine S^HDk_s and inverse gridding is never performed. Also, M is by definition real-valued and the normal equations for the least-squares solution are R^HZ^HF^{-1}MFZR=R^HS^HDk_s. Since Cartesian FFT’s are rapid and efficiently multithreaded, this method has the potential to improve computation times compared to Eq. 1. Notably, M can be precomputed since it depends only on the k-space trajectory.
Basic gridding and regularized SENSE reconstructions using both Eq. 1 and 2 are shown in Fig. 2. Both methods give nearly identical results to each other; however, the reconstruction is approximately 4x faster for Eq. 2. Both methods also have nearly identical convergence (Fig. 3a), which suggests that Eq. 1 and 2 are equivalent to within errors of gridding and inverse gridding. The time required for one conjugate gradient iteration depends on the rate of undersampling for Eq. 1, but not for Eq. 2 (Fig. 3b); however, Eq. 2 is faster than Eq. 1 for all practical undersampling rates.
Least-square NUFFT could be used in Eq. 1 instead of gridding and inverse gridding. While NUFFT can have better speed/error ratios than Kaiser-Bessel gridding, computation times are still lengthy compared to Cartesian FFT’s. Furthermore, computation times for Eq. 1 scale dramatically with gridding/NUFFT accuracy. In contrast, computation times using Eq. 2 scale very slowly with gridding/NUFFT accuracy because gridding is only performed once (not including point-spread-function computation, which can be pre-computed).
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