Li Feng1, Hersh Chandarana1, Daniel K Sodickson1, and Ricardo Otazo1
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Streaking artifact is one of
the major causes of image quality degradation in radial MRI. Since multicoil arrays are widely used in
modern MR scanners, an easy way to reduce streaking artifacts is to identify
coil elements that are contaminated by a high level of streaks, and then exclude
them from image reconstruction. However, such an approach requires accurate
clustering algorithms to automatically select unwanted coil elements. In this
work, a method called “Unstreaking” is proposed for automatic streaking
artifact reduction without the need to exclude coil elements. The method was
tested for accelerated radial DCE-MRI of the liver.
Streaking artifact is one of the major causes of
image quality degradation in radial MRI1. Although streaks normally
arise from the edge of the field of view (FOV) due to off-resonance, gradient
nonlinearity and/or insufficient fat suppression, they often spread throughout
the entire image. Multiple receiver coils with different spatial sensitivities
can be used to localize the source of these artifacts, and several approaches
have been proposed to exclude coil elements containing a high level of
streaking artifacts2,3. These coil elements are usually located far
from the center of the FOV and often contribute little to image information.
However, a major challenge of such approaches is that an accurate clustering
algorithm is required to automatically select unwanted coils. Incorrect
clustering may lead to loss of important image information or insufficient
removal of streaks. In this work, we propose a method to reduce streaking
artifact in radial imaging without the need for excluding coil elements. The
method first calculates the streaking artifact level of each coil element, and then
adjusts the contribution of each coil to the final image by weighing the corresponding
k-space data accordingly. The proposed method was tested for accelerated radial
DCE-MRI of the liver.THEORY
The concept of
streak ratio was proposed by Xue Y et al2 for evaluating the degree of
streaking artifacts. In this study, we define our streak ratio in a different
way, as shown in Figure1. Here, Ref refers
to multicoil images reconstructed using a number of spokes (e.g., 800) that is
sufficient to satisfy the Nyquist criterion; Img indicates multicoil images reconstructed using a small number
of spokes (e.g., 40), in which a high level of artifact is generated due to
heavy undersampling; Diff is the
difference of Ref and Img for quantifying the artifact level created
in each coil. Since undersampling artifacts in radial imaging are dominated by
streaks, the streak ratio for each coil can be calculated using Equation 1 shown
in Figure1. In a second step, instead of clustering coils and excluding those contaminated
by strong streaking artifacts, our method aims to adjust the intensity of k-space
in each coil element based on its streak ratio, so that their contribution to
the final image is weighted accordingly (i.e., coil elements with a high streak
ratio contribute less to the result, and vice versa). This process is called “Unstreaking,”
and a detailed pipeline is outlined in Figure1. The exponent a
in Equation 2 controls the degree of penalty for each coil. A higher value of a
leads to stronger penalization of streaking artifacts but can also cause increase
in signal inhomogeneity due to excessive weighting. As shown in Figure1, Unstreaking
can clearly reduce the streak level for a =1.METHODS
liver DCE-MRI was performed in three volunteers in a transverse orientation using
a golden-angle stack-of-stars sequence. Imaging protocols were prescribed
similar to that proposed in (4), and data were continuously acquired for 190
seconds. Post-contrast liver imaging was also performed in a patient in a
coronal orientation after all clinical scans using the same imaging protocol,
and data were continuously acquired for 90 seconds. DCE liver datasets were
reconstructed using the GRASP (Golden-angle RAdial Sparse Parallel) technique
described in (4) both with and without Unstreaking. The post-contrast liver dataset was
reconstructed using XD-GRASP (eXtra-Dimensional GRASP)5 in a similar
manner. RESULTS
Figure2 shows GRASP (top) and GRASP-Unstreaking (bottom)
results from the first volunteer. As shown by the green arrows, GRASP results
suffered from streaking artifacts that originated from some regions (e.g., fat
signal in the arms) outside the FOV. GRASP-Unstreaking, on the other hand, improved
image quality in different contrast-phases with reduced the streaking artifacts,
at the cost of a slight increase in signal inhomogeneity. GRASP-Unstreaking achieved
similar improved performance in all cases, as shown in Figure3 and Figure4. Figure5
shows results with (bottom) and without (top) Unstreaking in the coronal plane.
In this subject, substantial streaking artifacts were generated at the edge of
FOV in both NUFFT and XD-GRASP results, while Unstreaking significantly improved
image quality, with highly-reduced streaking artifacts.DISCUSSION
An approach called Unstreaking
is proposed in this study for automatic streaking artifact reduction in radial
MRI. Compared to other techniques that require an algorithm to exclude coil-elements
contaminated by streaks, Unstreaking aims to weight k-space according to the streak
ratio calculated for each coil. Since Unstreaking is a pre-reconstruction step,
it does not interfere with acceleration techniques such as compressed sensing
and/or parallel imaging. Our initial results suggest that Unstreaking can be
useful for clinical application of radial sampling.Acknowledgements
This work was supported in part by the NIH, and was performed under the rubric of the Center for Advanced
Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), a NIBIB Biomedical Technology
Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183).References
Du J et al. MRM 2004; 51:1071–1076
Xue Y et al. MRM 2012; 67:470–476
Grimm R et al. ISMRM 2013; p3786
Feng L et al. MRM 2014; 72 (3), 707-717
Feng L et al. MRM 2016; 75 (2), 775-788