In this abstract, we developed and evaluated an improved stack-of-stars (SOS) sampling strategy that can efficiently sample 3D k-space and reduce streaking artifacts. Compared with conventional SOS sampling strategies that collect the same radial angle for every slice, proposed method rotates the spokes in a golden-angle manner along the slice direction, which modifies the aliasing pattern resulted from k-space under-sampling. With either gridding reconstruction or more advanced methods, proposed rotated SOS sampling strategy provides improved image quality with reduced streaking artifacts and better delineation of fine structures.
Rotating Stack-of-Stars: In conventional aligned SOS (ASOS), angle θi of the ith spoke out of total Nr spokes in each slice is calculated as: θi=πNr∗(i−1), i=1,2,...,Nr. In the proposed RSOS-GR, non-zero azimuthal angle offsets that change across the slices are introduced as follows: φG(j)=mod((j−1)∗πNr∗√5−12,πNr), j=1,2,...,NPE, where NPE is the total number of slices and j is the slice index. Subsequently, the angle for the ith radial spoke in the jth slice is calculated as θi+φG(j). As a comparison, the effect of using linear (RSOS-Linear) angle offset function φL(j)=j−1NPE∗πNr, j=1,2,...,NPE was also studied in this work. Computer Simulation: The point spread functions (PSF) of the three strategies were first compared using simulations. The PSF was calculated by first setting each sampled point in k-space trajectories to unit value. Resultant k-space data were then gridded onto Cartesian grid using 3D gridding8. Finally, the PSF was obtained as the inverse Fourier transform of the gridded Cartesian k-space. To quantitatively assess the PSFs, the ratio of the main lobe magnitude to the standard deviation of the side-lobes magnitude was calculated as a measure of the incoherence of the 3D PSF9. Phantom Experiment: To evaluate the performance of the three strategies, a phantom experiment was performed on a 3.0T MRI scanner (Siemens Prisma). A fully-sampled reference data (400 spokes per slice, ASOS) and nine additional prospectively under-sampled data sets (20 spokes, 40 spokes, and 80 spokes per slice, ASOS, RSOS-Linear and RSOS-GR) were acquired. In-vivo Experiment: The three strategies were then tested in three different applications: brain imaging, abdominal imaging, and dynamic MRA (dMRA) using arterial spin labeling (ASL)10. All experiment were performed on the same 3.0T scanner. Brain and abdominal imaging were performed on one healthy volunteer in axial orientation. A fully sampled data and six prospectively under-sampled data sets (40 spokes and 80 spokes per slice, ASOS, RSOS-Linear and RSOS-GR) were acquired for brain imaging, while for abdominal imaging three data sets with 40 spokes per slice using the three strategies were acquired with a total scan time of 18s each during breath-holds. DMRA-ASL imaging was performed on another volunteer, with only two data sets were acquired using ASOS and RSOS-GR with 20 spokes per slice per temporal phase, with a total of 10 phases. All imaging parameters were listed in Table 1. For the phantom, brain and abdominal imaging experiments, acquired data sets were reconstructed with 3D gridding. To demonstrate the efficacy of RSOS in advanced image reconstruction methods, acquired data sets in the dMRA-ASL imaging experiment were reconstructed with 3D gridding and a parallel imaging-compressed sensing (PI-CS) combined reconstruction method11.
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