The balanced steady-state free precession acquisition approach is well-suited to quantitative magnetization transfer studies, owing to intrinsic MT weighting, rapid acquisition times and good SNR. However, the presence of off-resonance banding artefacts have limited its use, especially at B0>1.5T. This work is the first to evaluate a phase-cycled approach to bSSFP that can remove banding artefacts by taking maximum intensity projection MIP or taking a weighted mean as part of the qMT analysis. We conclude that neither MIP and weighted mean alone are capable of fully removing banding artefacts from qMT maps.
Quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) imaging is sensitive to the interaction of macromolecular and free water pools and can provide a window to subtle changes to tissue. The macromolecular component of tissue (assumed to be myelin in the white matter) cannot be detected with conventional MRI due to the short T2, but qMT can reveal important information about this component. In recent years bSSFP has been used to acquire qMT data capable of providing the bound proton fraction (F), the T2 of the free-water pool (T2f) and the forward MT rate constant (kf) in as little as 10 minutes1,2. This is much shorter than the classic gradient echo approach that typically takes 30 minutes3. However, the bSSFP technique is particularly sensitive to off-resonance effects that manifest as dark bands across the image where an off-resonance condition is met. This phenomenon worsens at higher field strengths and this has limited (or even prohibited) bSSFP qMT at B0 > 1.5 T. This work evaluates the method introduced by Deoni et al4,5 that combines bSSFP images acquired with different phase cycling applied to the RF pulse train that can greatly reduce (or even remove) this banding artefact. We test this method at 1.5 T using the shim coils to compare the performance of the method at optimum shim calibration with increasing off-resonance conditions.
In bSSFP, the phase of the RF pulse is incremented by Δϕ=π, since close to resonance a largely-homogeneous signal is acquired, but off-resonace where Δωt→Δϕ=π the signal is attenuated and dark bands appear in the image (Figure 1a)4. If RF phase Δϕ=0, the location of the banding artefacts is shifted such that the highest signal intensity is observed in the regions where Δωt→π. We consider two methods: (i) calculating the maximum intensity projection (MIP) from Δϕ=0 and Δϕ=π images4 and (ii) calculating the weighted mean of qMT parameters derived from a separate qMT analysis of Δϕ=0 and Δϕ=π images.
Images were acquired on a Siemens Avanto 1.5 T imager, using the TrueFISP (bSSFP) pulse sequence. We acquired data under three conditions:
(i) optimum shim settings (~on-resonance)
(ii) increased y-shim (off-resonance)
(iii) strongly increased y-shim (extreme off-resonance).
Acquisition parameters: matrix: 256x96, slices=32, slice thickness=5mm. For qMT, image volumes with different TR, RF pulse duration(Trf) and RF flip angle (α) were collected (Table 1). Each volume was collected twice with RF phase increment Δϕ=0 and Δϕ=π. Total scan time: 20minutes.
MIP: MIPs were generated by taking the maximum signal intensity at each voxel location for corresponding volumes with Δϕ=0 and Δϕ=π. These MIPs were used to calculate the qMT parameters1. An abbreviated acquisition scheme, using only the italicized acquisition parameters in Table 1 was employed to explore the effect of reducing the total scan time to 10 minutes.
Weighted-mean: Data from the Δϕ=0 and Δϕ=π were analyzed separately to generate qMT parameter maps under each phase-cycling regime. Using the least-squares χ2 goodness-of-fit, a pixelwise weighted mean of the two data sets was calculated; where parameters with the best fit (lowest χ2) contributed most4.
Region-of-Interest: mean F parameter from the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum was calculated for the MIP, MIP-abbreviated and weighted-mean techniques.
(1) Gloor M, Scheffler K, Bieri O. Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging Using Balanced SSFP. Magn. Reson. in Med. 60:691–700 (2008).
(2) Bieri O, Scheffler K. On the Origin of Apparent Low Tissue Signals in Balanced SSFP. Magn. Reson. in Med. 56:1067–1074 (2006).
(3) Dowell NG, van den Boomen H, Cercignani M. Comparison of SSFP and GRE sequences for qMT acquisition. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 21 4284 (2013).
(4) Deoni SCL, Ward HA, Peters TM, Rutt BK.Rapid T2 Estimation With Phase-Cycled Variable Nutation Steady-State Free Precession. Magn. Reson. in Med. 52:435– 439 (2004).
(5) Deoni SCL. Transverse Relaxation Time (T2) Mapping in the Brain With Off-Resonance Correction Using Phase-Cycled Steady-State Free Precession Imaging. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 30:411– 417 (2009).
Figure 1 – representative axial slice from (a) bSSFP of the brain and (b) intensity projections (MIPs) generated from phase-cycled bSSFP (Δϕ=0,Δϕ=π). Under the scanner-optimized shim setting off-resonance artefacts are only present at the edges of the brain in the bSSFP images; with increased y-shim current an off-resonance band through the centre of the brain is observed; increasing y-shim currents further produce 2 banding artefacts (extreme off-resonance condition). The banding artefacts are apparently removed in the MIPs for each of the three resonance conditions.