Single-Shot diffusion weighted echo planar imaging (EPI) is known for its strong distortions due to long imaging readouts. However, even for segmented acquisitions, high resolution diffusion weighted imaging suffers from image distortions. Our approach shows that intrinsic field information of a segmented DTI acquisition can be used for robust distortion correction without blurring effects. In addition this approach offers the advantage to reduce artifacts from partial Fourier (PF) acquisitions due to better data distribution in k-space. In combination with the MUSE approach, this promising technique is applied to whole brain DTI with a resolution of 1mm isotropic.
Sequence design: DWI-data was acquired on a 7T Scanner (Siemens Healthcare) with a Stejskal-Tanner single spin echo sequence (TR/TE: 14600/59ms, diffusion weighting: 1000s/mm2, 30 directions, matrix: 192x192x115, 1mm isotropic, PF 6/8). Segmentation was performed in PE-direction using 4 interleaved segments. The protocol was run twice, once with the PE direction in Anterior-Posterior (AP) in each segment and once with the PE direction flipped (PA) in the first segment relative to the other three segments (AP) as displayed in figure 1A. In addition to the inverted PE direction, this has the effect, that for acquisitions with partial Fourier (PF), information on both sides of the k-space is acquired.
Muse reconstruction: Coil-sensitivities are calculated from the unweighted (b=0s/mm2) and unflipped data. These profiles are then used to reconstruct each under-sampled segment to determine the phase distribution after diffusion weighting. This phase is than incorporated in the sensitivity maps and a final reconstruction is performed using data from all four segments [1].
DicoFlip reconstruction: In addition, the images reconstructed from two segments of the second dataset (acquired AP and PA, figure 1B) are used to calculate a field-map [2]. This is then included in the final reconstruction defining the full forward-operator as described in [3]:
S_{(j,l)} (k_x,k_y )=∫ c_{(j,l)} (r) e^{(-sg(l)iω(r) k_x-i(sg(l) k_x r_x+ k_y r_y))} ρ(r)dr^3
S_{(j,l)} is the signal coming from the j-th coil and l-th segment. sg(l) denotes the sign indicating bottom-up/top-down traversal. The sensitivities c_{(j,l)} (r) are the modified coil-sensitivities (incorporating the phase distribution) calculated from the j-th coil and l-th segment.
Figure 2 shows one exemplary slice without diffusion weighting (b=0s/mm2).
a) First dataset with MUSE reconstruction, without distortion correction
b) Second dataset with distortion correction (Topup)
c) Second dataset with DicoFlip reconstruction
Both correction methods reduce distortions as displayed in the enlarged image-segment. However, the Topup reconstruction suffers from slight blurring, which can be overcome with the new DicoFlip reconstruction.
Figure 3 displays the DTI data (mean diffusivity) calculated from all data reconstructed without (A) and with DicoFlip (B). A) The unflipped data shows ringing in only one dimension (readout), the ringing artifact in the PE direction is blurred out. B) The data acquired with DicoFlip maintains this ringing in both dimensions. However, in contrast to the PF artifact, this ringing can be corrected using an additional post-processing step [4]. The result after unringing is shown in C).
[1] N. Chen, A. Guidon, H.-C. Chang, und A. W. Song, „A robust multi-shot scan strategy for high-resolution diffusion weighted MRI enabled by multiplexed sensitivity-encoding (MUSE)“, NeuroImage, Bd. 72, S. 41–47, Mai 2013.
[2] J. L. R. Andersson, S. Skare, und J. Ashburner, „How to correct susceptibility distortions in spin-echo echo-planar images: application to diffusion tensor imaging“, NeuroImage, Bd. 20, Nr. 2, S. 870–888, Okt. 2003.
[3] M. Reisert and M. Herbst, „Reference-free Distortion Correction for EPI by Flipped k-space Segments (DICOFLIP)“. ISMRM Proceedings, 2015.
[4] E. Kellner, B. Dhital, V. G. Kiselev, und M. Reisert, „Gibbs-ringing artifact removal based on local subvoxel-shifts: Gibbs-Ringing Artifact Removal“, Magn. Reson. Med., Bd. 76, Nr. 5, S. 1574–1581, Nov. 2016.