Two-point Dixon methods enable robust fat suppression particularly in body and abdominal applications where large field of view imaging is required. However, a limitation of this approach is the decreased efficiency and longer TR’s necessary to acquire multiple echoes. Furthermore, due to system performance constraints, flexible choice of image parameters necessary to obtain near in and out-of-phase echo times limits valid combinations of field of view, matrix size, and encoding bandwidth. In this study, we describe a novel, generalized framework to optimize a ramp-sampled readout, which allows reduced scan time, flexible parameter selection, and improved quantitative fat and water separation.
In this study we focus on ramp sampling based on a bipolar 3D gradient echo sequence as shown in Figure 1, where a SLR half pulse was utilized to shorten the sequence TR. The goal is to optimize the frequency encoding gradient, GFE, for ramp sampling with the following aspects: 1. Minimize the length of sequence, tseq. 2. Realize echoes at desired TEs within an acceptable error range, TEe. 3. Maximize readout duration to increase SNR. The parameters to optimize are slewrates, Sk (k=1,2,..,Ng, Ng=# of readout gradients), illustrated as blue lines in Figure 1. S0 and SNg+1 are fixed to a hardware (or patient) maximum slewrate, SHW. Readout gradients, Gk, are designed with constraints such that the area is equal to 2πN/(γFOV), and its maximum amplitude is smaller than 2π/(γFOVTs), ( γ: a gyromagnetic ratio, FOV: field of view, N: matrix size, Ts : sampling time interval).
The targeted parameters, Sk (k=1,...,Ng), are optimized based on the following cost function.
, where ΔTEk is error between desired TE and realized TE at k-th echo, and λk and μk are weighting factors. CTE is defined as a piecewise function as CTE(x,x0)=|x| if x<x0, x2 if x≥x0.
The best set of slewrates can be determined by iteratively minimizing the given cost function. In each iteration, hypothetical readout gradients are designed based on the updated slewrates, and the resultant cost is calculated. In this study, Nelder-Mead simplex (fminsearch in MATLAB) was used to optimize with initial guesses set to be SHW/2. To evaluate the proposed method, readout gradients for two-point Dixon was optimized with the parameters: FA=10o, targeted TE=1.1ms/2.2ms, TEe=100µs, λk=μk=10, SHW=118mT/m/ms, matrix size=288x192x50, FOV=380x380x300mm3. The optimized ramp sampling was compared with a clinically available two-point Dixon sequence (LAVA-Flex) on 3T MR scanner (Signa PET/MR, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI). 40-channel anterior and posterior array coils were used for imaging. In the phantom experiment, 11 vials with 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 100% fat were imaged. For the In vivo experiment, a breath-held abdominal imaging (using 2x ARC parallel imaging) was performed in a human subject. For ramp sampling, images were reconstructed using convolution gridding, and k-space trajectory measured using SPI-based calibration3. Fat and water separation and ARC reconstruction was performed using the GE Healthcare Orchestra SDK (v1.44.722).
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2. Hwang K-P, Rambow O, Bayram E, Hazl JD, Madewell JE, Slavens ZW, Vu AT, Ma and J. Improved single-pass dual echo Dixon imaging with ramp sampling and flexible echo times. In: Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med. Vol. 21. ; 2013. p. 2406.
3. Jang H, McMillan AB. A rapid and robust gradient measurement technique using dynamic single-point imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 2016;00. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26481.