A reliable free-breathing (FB) cine DENSE method would benefit myocardial strain imaging in many patients. An echo due to T1 relaxation is an important source of artifacts, particularly for free-breathing acquisitions. We propose to optimize suppression of these echoes by minimizing k-space entropy. The method was tested in 10 subjects (6 healthy volunteers and 4 heart failure patients) and compared to a conventional diaphragm navigator method (dNAV). Image reconstruction by minimizing k-space entropy provided better image quality than the conventional dNAV method.
Rationale: In cine DENSE, T1 relaxation echoes co-exist with stimulated echoes (STE) and generate artifacts. T1 relaxation echoes grow with time in the heart-cycle and arise from the entire slice, whereas STE do not grow and can be localized to a focused region using slice-selective preparation RF pulses. We propose a strategy for free-breathing cine DENSE reconstruction to identify phase-cycling pairs that have sufficient suppression of T1 relaxation echoes.
The concept of entropy has been extended to measure histogram flatness and sharpness of a grayscale image.5, 6 DENSE images with sufficient suppression of T1 relaxation signals have a single peak at the k-space center, while images with insufficient T1 echo suppression have strong signals around the displacement-encoding frequency as well,4 which results in a flatter histogram of the k-space magnitude, as show in Figure 1 (A-D). We define the entropy of the k-space magnitude as k-space entropy to quantify the sufficiency of T1 relaxation echo suppression (Figure 1 (E)) and to identify phase-cycling pairs with minimal k-space entropy after phase-cycling subtraction.
Data acquisition and reconstruction: 2D free-breathing DENSE data were acquired in 6 healthy volunteers and 4 heart failure patients using spiral acquisition and localized STE methods (3 orthogonal slice-selective RF pulses) on 3T systems (Trio and Skyra, Siemens). A short axis mid-ventricular slice was imaged with the following parameters: field of view of 160 mm, 6 interleaves per image, 2 interleaves per heartbeat, temporal resolution of 30 ms, 4 averages, and total scan time of 72 heartbeats. dNAVs were acquired at the end of each heartbeat. Each dataset was reconstructed two ways: accept heartbeats that are within the diaphragm acceptance window (+/- 3 mm at expiration) and accept data that minimizes k-space entropy after phase-cycling subtraction. The residual T1 relaxation echo energy and phase quality in the myocardial region-of-interest were calculated to quantify the resulting image quality.
Figure 2 shows an example of data selection by dNAV and k-space entropy. Respiratory motion tracked by dNAV positions is shown in figure 2 (A). The k-space entropy of all phase-cycling pairs positively correlated with the correspding dNAV distances. Images corresponding to the first 6 phase-cycling pairs with minimal dNAV distances or minimal k-space entropy are shown in figure 2 (C). 2 out of the 6 phase-cycling pairs by dNAV have poor quality (red arrow) while all 6 pairs by k-space entropy have good quality. This example demonstrates that k-space entropy identifies phase-cycling pairs with successful T1 echo subtraction more accurately than dNAV.
Figure 3 shows diastolic DENSE images reconstructed from two examples. For both examples, the reconstructions by dNAV have strong striping and aliasing artifacts in magnitude and phase images (red arrows); while the minimum-entropy method shows much better image quality with higher signal-to-noise ratio and less phase error. Image quality for data from all subjects is summarized in Figure 4. Residual T1 relaxation energy by the minimum-entropy method is significantly lower than dNAV (p<0.01). Phase quality by the minimum-entropy method is significantly higher than dNAV (Diastole, 0.83 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.81 +/- 0.01, p<0.05).
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