3D free-breathing approaches have shown potential for abdominal imaging in patients who are unable performing breath-holds, such as pediatric patients and uncooperative adults. However, these free-breathing techniques fail when bulk motion occurs. This study proposes a method to detect and exclude such bulk motion to ensure diagnostic image quality, even in this challenging group of patients. Without requiring user interaction, this technique improves robustness for abdominal MR imaging, while minimizing the scan time on an individual basis, using a real-time implementation on the MRI system, which may enable robust non-sedated pediatric imaging.
Bulk motion detection: A 3D radial stack-of-stars acquisition was modified to acquire a free induction decay (FID) signal prior to each read-out line (Figure 1a)4. These signals were processed in real time on the scanner. To reduce latency, only the FID samples of the center k-space partition were sent to the real-time processing unit. A time series of 32 FID samples were acquired and summed, resulting in one value per projection for every receive channel, which were then concatenated into a vector (Figure 1b)5. Correlation coefficients were calculated between a reference projection and all other projections. A low correlation coefficient implies that the load distribution of the receive-coil elements has changed. Since all coil elements have varying sensitivity, this indicates that the patient has moved. Since it is unknown beforehand if and when bulk motion occurs, the reference projection was dynamically updated, based on the highest overall correlation with all previous projections. To determine outlier projections, which indicate bulk motion, soft-thresholding with a user-defined acceptance threshold was employed. Once a user-defined number of consecutive, accepted projections was acquired, the scan was considered successful and the acquisition was automatically stopped. If this consistency window could not be detected within a predefined maximal scan time, the scan was terminated and the longest window of consecutive projections was identified and used for image reconstruction.
Data acquisition and evaluation: Five healthy volunteers were scanned on a 3T scanner (Skyra, Siemens Healthineers) using the modified 3D radial stack-of-stars, fat-suppressed, spoiled gradient-echo protocol, based on the golden angle scheme6 (FOV = 350x350x216 mm3, voxel size = 1.36x1.36x3.0 mm3, flip angle = 12o, TE/TR = 1.71/3.35 ms, bandwidth = 890 Hz/px). For each volunteer, four separate scans with different motion tasks were performed (Figure 2). The maximum scan time was set to 5m11s (corresponding to 1500 projections), while the length of the acceptance window was set to 400 projections. A threshold of 0.975 was used. After each scan, the accepted window borders and correlation coefficients, calculated by the real-time feedback system, were exported. To demonstrate the effect of the proposed image-stabilization technique, the automatically reconstructed images were compared with two retrospectively reconstructed data sets: 1) Only the first 400 projections were used for reconstruction, corresponding to the same window length, and 2) all acquired projections were used for reconstruction, corresponding to the same maximum scan duration. For validation of the detected motion signal, one subject was video recorded (Powershot SX170IS, Canon Inc, Tokyo, Japan). Motion in this video was extracted by calculating the sum of the absolute differences on a frame-by-frame basis.
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