We studied the effect of encoding imperfections due to gradient errors with a focus on their interaction with B0 inhomogeneities. Using a simulation framework, we retrospectively sampled data using k-space trajectories of two fast imaging sequences and compared reconstructions based on nominal, gradient impulse response (GIRF) predicted and measured (ground-truth) trajectories for spiral and readout-segmented EPI sequences. We found that the detrimental impact of trajectory imperfections on image quality is strongly amplified by B0 inhomogeneities, especially for non-Cartesian trajectories. Furthermore, we confirmed that GIRF-predicted trajectory based reconstructions (requiring only a one-time calibration) allow effective artifact reduction.
Gradient field measurements were performed on a 7 T Siemens system using a dynamic field camera (Skope)5. Field responses to a spiral (maximal gradient amplitude 31 mT/m, 1.1 mm in-plane resolution, undersampling factor of 3) and a RS-EPI6 (7 segments, 1.2 mm in-plane resolution, 0.32 ms echo-spacing, readout gradient amplitude scaling factor of 1.022) trajectory were acquired. The system GIRF was determined as described in Ref 3. Directly measured trajectories were used to simulate the MR signal s(t) from a previously acquired brain image m(r) (Fig. 1), using the following discrete signal model:
where k denotes the trajectory, c the coil sensitivity of coil κ and i counts the voxels. The encoding was performed i) assuming a perfectly homogeneous background field, and ii) introducing a B0 fieldmap, obtained from the same subject as the encoded image at 7 T. In all reconstructions, measured coil sensitivity maps (16ch coil) were used in the encoding. Simulated MR images were reconstructed using nominal, GIRF-predicted and measured trajectories. The nominal and GIRF-predicted trajectories were time-matched to the measured trajectory to eliminate artifacts due to a simple delay. Image reconstruction was performed by inversion of the signal model equation, using a gridding-based iterative CG solver7,8. In the cases including a simulated B0 field offset, the encoding effect of the field offset was incorporated using multi-frequency interpolation9. Reconstruction results were evaluated using the root-mean-square error (RMSE) to the ground-truth image.
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