RF shimming for multi-transmit systems is commonly performed by phase-only shimming. Improved B1+ homogeneity is reached by phase-amplitude shimming but this requires knowledge of the B1+ magnitude distributions. For cardiac imaging at 7 Tesla, the acquisition of these distributions is challenging. We present a DREAM-based acquisition series to reconstruct B1+ magnitude maps in the heart. This method is applied to homogenize the transmit field for three subjects using phase-amplitude shimming. Results demonstrate a clear improvement of transmit field homogeneity in the heart in comparison to phase-only
A 8 channel Tx-/24 channel Rx-setup (figure 1) was used for cardiac imaging at 7 T (Philips Healthcare, Best)11 on three healthy volunteers. Informed consent was obtained following the protocols of our institutional review board. The scan parameters of all sequences used for this abstract are shown in figure 2. A series of low flip angle FFE-images (ρB1,i+B1,j-) was obtained for all Ntx transmit channels and reconstructed separately for all Nrx receive channels. Also, a DREAM B1+-map (B1+shimmed,DREAM) was obtained with predefined phase-shimmed settings wi. Nrx low flip angle FFE-images with shim settings wi were reconstructed from the low flip angle FFE images [1]. The spin density/receive profile of channel j is reconstructed by dividing the nRx images of [1] by B1+shimmed,DREAM [2]. Now for every receive channel j, the transmit profiles for every transmit channel i can be reconstructed [3]. Final transmit profiles are calculated as a weighted sum of the transmit profiles for each receive channel j [4].
[1] ρB+1,shimmedB−1,j=i=Ntx∑1wiρB+1,iB−1,j
[2] ρB−1,j=ρB+1,shimmedB−1,jB+1,shimmed,DREAM
[3] B+1,i,j=ρB+1,iB−1,jρB−1,j
[4] B+1,i=j=Nrx∑1ρB+1,shimmedB−1,j(B+1,i,j)ρB+1,shimmedB−1,j
Based on the absolute transmit profiles, phase amplitude-shimming was applied to minimize the signal coefficient of variation in the heart. A graphic chart of this procedure is shown in figure 3. B1+-maps were obtained after phase-amplitude shimming and after phase-only shimming where only the phase distributions were included as an input (no amplitude information). The B1+-maps are compared in terms of coefficient of variation (CoV) and magnitude. Additionally, functional CINE images were obtained with both shim settings and compared based on homogeneity.
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