Accurate B1 measurement is important in many MR related applications. In this study, we proposed and optimized a phase-sensitive approach for B1 mapping that relies on a multi-gradient-echo sequence with two successive orthogonal RF pulses used for signal excitation. We also proposed optimized methods for combining multi-channel data, allowing for optimal parameters’ estimation. The method was validated on phantoms and tested on human participants. By applying this method on SMART (Simultaneous Multi-Angular Relaxometry of Tissue) MRI, we reaffirmed the importance of the B1 correction for quantifying biological tissues relaxation and magnetization transfer parameters.
A modified 3D multi-gradient-echo sequence was used as depicted in Fig.1. Two scans were collected, one with (α,β) and the other with (α,−β) RF pulses. For the specific case α=β, τα=τβ, the quantity Δϕ corresponding to the difference of the phases for two pairs of the RF pulses (α,α) and (α,−α) can be calculated by solving the Bloch equations
where p=Δω⋅τ is the product of frequency shift (Δω) and RF pulse duration (τ), Ω=(α2+p2)2. However, the phase of MR signal also depends on different instrumental factors and is specific for each channel n in a phased-array coil:
where ϕ0,n is the initial phase characteristic for each channel. To remove the phase ϕ0,n and increases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the Δϕ image, data from different channels and different scans were combined for each voxel according to:
where the sum is over all channels (M) and all echoes (N). The superscripts (1) and (2) represent the first and second scans, respectively. Data from different channels were also combined for each voxel in a single data set S(TE) as proposed previously1. Frequency (Δω) map was calculated by fitting the signal phase to a linear function of echo time. The measured flip angles were calculated by solving the first equation on the voxel-by-voxel basis.
The human studies were approved by local IRB and participants signed the consent form. All experiments were performed on a 3T SIEMENS scanner. Three scans were acquired on: 1) a small spherical phantom (radius=1.5cm) using a 15 channel knee coil and image resolution of 1×1×1mm3; 2) a large spherical phantom (radius=9cm) using the body coil of the scanner and image resolution of 2×2×2mm3; 3) a healthy volunteer using a 32 channel head coil and image resolution of 2×2×2mm3. In all scans, the body coil was used as a transmitter. We used α=β=90∘, τα=τβ=400μsec, 6 echoes, TE1=2ms, ΔTE=4ms, and TR=32ms. By using GRAPPA2, each scan on the healthy volunteer required 1min 40sec. In human experiment we also used the fat-suppression RF pulse preceding the phase sensitive RF excitation pulses to minimize effects resulting from the presence of voxels with coexisting fat and water compartments. To demonstrate the B1 effect on R1 mapping, we also collected SMART (Simultaneous Multi-Angular Relaxometry of Tissue) MRI3 data with multiple flip angles of 5∘, 10∘, 20∘, 40∘ and 60∘. By using a high resolution of 1×1×1mm3, TR=18ms and GRAPPA, the total acquisition time of the SMART sequence was 17min 30sec.
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