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High-Dynamic-Range High-SNR B1+ Mapping Using Multiple Cyclic MR Signals
Mélina Bouldi1, Tatiana Nemtanu2,3, and Jan M Warnking2,3

1Département Ingénierie des Equipements de Travail, INRS, Nancy, France, 2U1216, Inserm, Grenoble, France, 3Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France


A method is presented to perform B1+-mapping simultaneously with high dynamic range and high SNR by optimally combining data from acquisitions with different acquisition parameters. Reconstruction of the B1+-maps is performed using dictionary matching methods. This approach is applicable to various B1+-mapping sequences. Examples based on the AFI sequence are shown in both numeric simulations and a phantom experiment in the presence of a severe B1+ hot-spot. The performance of the proposed methods largely exceeds that of classic AFI sequences, simultaneously matching low-flip-angle acquisitions in dynamic range and high-flip-angle acquisitions in SNR, at identical acquisition times.


Reliable B1+-mapping is required for many MR-applications, such as calibration of parallel-transmit systems. The dynamic range required for such measurements can be large, unlike for homogeneous volume-transmit coils. Most methods for B1+-mapping exhibit a cyclic signal dependence on transmit field strength, limiting dynamic range1,2. Low acquisition flip angles increase dynamic range, but often reduce SNR below acceptable levels.

Reconstruction of B1+-maps from inversion of analytic signal equations imposes stringent constraints on the signals produced by the MR sequences. These constraints can be alleviated by reconstructing B1+-maps via dictionary matching, an approach that can be extended to match vectors of signals acquired at each sample location from a set of MR sequences. In particular, acquisitions with different flip angles of non-integer ratio permit to disambiguate B1 values over a dynamic range that can exceed that of the individual acquisitions. We propose to optimally combine signals with varying cyclic dependences from several acquisitions to reconstruct high-dynamic-range, high-SNR B1+-maps.

Furthermore, this framework readily permits taking into account effects like intra-voxel B1+-gradients that may be of importance in the presence of B1 hot-spots. Numeric simulations and experimental data from a phantom containing a copper wire producing a B1+ hot-spot is presented.

Numeric simulations

Fig. 1 shows the acquisition schemes examined. Signals were simulated from simple signal equations as a function of local B1+, T1 and flip angles. Signal equations for da-hdrAFI are:





Monte Carlo simulations were performed on data simulated for B1+-values up to a range of 1.5 to 10-fold the nominal B1+, and for T1-values in a range between 100ms and 4000ms. White noise of a realistic amplitude common to all acquisitions (1600 realizations for each B1/T1 combination) was added to the data and dictionary-based reconstruction was performed, for four acquisition schemes. In all acquisition schemes (consisting of 2 sequences each), TR1 was fixed to 15ms and total acquisition time to 400ms per k-space line.

a) cAFI (2 signals per voxel), optimized to perform best for B1+-values up to 1.5 times the nominal B1+, leading to α=53.2°, n=12.3. Simulations were performed for two signal averages, to match the other examined sequences in acquisition time, increasing the SNR of the data accordingly.

b) cAFI as in a) optimized for B1 values up to 10 times the nominal B1+, leading to α=11.2°, n=12.3, 2 averages.

c) hdrAFI (four signals per voxel), optimized for B1+-values up to 10 times the nominal B1+, leading to α1=84.3°, α2=33.2°, n1=2.0, n2=22.6.

d) da-hdrAFI (four signals per voxel), optimized for B1+-values up to 10 times the nominal B1+, leading to α1,1=112.9°, α2,1=29.5°, α1,2=6.6°, α2,2=52.4°, n1=21.2, n2=3.4. Results are presented in Fig. 2.

Phantom experiments

To evaluate hdrAFI in the presence of a severe B1+ hot-spot, a 20-cm copper wire of 3-mm diameter was immersed in a large phantom constructed according to ASTM-F2182-09 and filled with saline solution. The wire placed along the lateral wall was insulated along its length, with the tips in contact with the medium. Strong RF-induced currents in the wire are expected. Data were acquired on a Philips 3-T TX Achieva using the TX/RX whole body coil. Three B1+ acquisition schemes were compared:

a) cAFI parameterized for low dynamic range (α=49.0°, n=6.3, 2 averages, tacq=291s)

b) cAFI parameterized for high dynamic range (α=13.0°, n=5.9, 2 averages, tacq=280s)

c) hdrAFI, combining one of each of the above acquisitions (tacq=286s).

The data were acquired in 3D, FOV 448x128x220mm3, voxel size 2x2x10mm3, TR1=15ms, TE=3.1ms. Data were reconstructed via dictionary matching. Results are presented in Fig. 3.

Discussion & Conclusions

The proposed method constitutes a promising technique to increase dynamic range of B1+-mapping without decreasing sensitivity in regions of low B1. Minimum acquisition time is increased, however, contrary to other methods3 all data acquired contribute to the final B1 map, making the method SNR efficient. Doubling acquisition time may permit to increase dynamic range by a factor of 6 or more. Here, a dictionary approach was chosen to reconstruct B1 maps. Non-linear fitting could equally be employed to reconstruct these data4. Numeric simulations show outstanding results. Phantom experiments show significantly improved B1+-maps. The proposed method is however sensitive to the precise parametrization of the sequences, as ambiguities in the dictionary can potentially lead to large reconstruction errors. Realistic modeling of the acquisition process and its imperfections will be necessary to derive optimal and robust acquisition parameters reaping maximum benefit from the method, while avoiding strongly non-linear error propagation from the acquired data to the reconstructed B1 maps.

This method is not specific to AFI and should be similarly applicable to DREAM sequences2.


This work was partially funded by the Rhône-Alpes region.


1. Yarnykh VL. Actual Flip-Angle Imaging in the Pulsed Steady State: A Method for Rapid Three-Dimensional Mapping of the Transmitted Radiofrequency Field. Magn Reson Med. 2007;57(1):192-200.

2. Nehrke K et al. DREAM - A Novel Approach of Robust, Ultrafast, Multislice B1 Mapping. Magn Reson Med. 2012;68(5):1517-1526.

3. Padormo F et al. Large Dynamic Range Relative B1+ Mapping. Magn Reson Med. 2016;76(2):490-499.

4. Hurley SA et al. Simultaneous Variable Flip Angle-Actual Flip Angle Imaging Method for Improved Accuracy and Precision of Three-Dimensional T1 and B1 Measurements. Magn Reson Med. 2012;68(1):54-64.


Fig. 1: Two new acquisition schemes were examined, both derived from the classic AFI sequence1 (cAFI) and generating four signals at each sample location:

- high-dynamic-range AFI (hdrAFI) consists of the acquisition of two classic AFI sequences with different parameters.

- Dual angle HDR AFI (da-hdrAFI) introduces yet more degrees of freedom in the sequence parameters by allowing the flip-angles of the excitation pulses in the two interleaved sequences of AFI to be different.

These schemes were compared to a classic AFI sequence matched in acquisition time, in numeric simulations. hdrAFI was also evaluated and compared to cAFI in a phantom experiment.

Fig. 2: 2D histograms of reconstructed with respect to true relative B1 from numeric simulations, for a range of T1 values. In b)-d), insets show a detail of the low-B1 region (0 to 1.5) of the histogram. The original AFI sequence, when optimized over a large dynamic range, suffers from excessive noise, especially at low B1, due to the low flip angle required (b). At high B1, strong T1 effects are apparent. Approaches c) and d) perform significantly better, matching or exceeding the performance of the original AFI sequence optimized for low-dynamic-range (a) over the entire range of B1 values.

Fig. 3: B1+-maps measured in a phantom exhibiting a severe B1+ hot-spot, exceeding nominal B1+ more than tenfold. Single slices and B1-profiles extracted perpendicularly to the wire from the reconstructed B1+-maps show the strong B1 hot-spot in the phantom. The low-dynamic range B1+-map (a, red) saturates in the region of the hot spot. The high-dynamic-range acquisition with classic AFI (b, blue) shows severe noise in low-B1 regions (yellow). HDR AFI (c, yellow) produces B1 maps showing both high dynamic range and low noise. Note the split axis in the profile to adequately display B1 at all locations.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)