We propose a novel approach to designing optimal k-space sampling patterns for sparsity-constrained MRI. The new approach, called OEDIPUS (Oracle-based Experiment Design for Imaging Parsimoniously Under Sparsity constraints), is inspired by insights and methods from estimation theory and the statistical design of experiments. Specifically, OEDIPUS combines the oracle-based Cramér-Rao bound for sparsity-constrained reconstruction with sequential greedy algorithms for observation selection. We demonstrate that OEDIPUS can be used to deterministically and automatically generate k-space sampling patterns that are tailored to specific hardware and application contexts, and which lead to better reconstruction performance relative to conventional sampling approaches for sparse MRI.
OEDIPUS is based on choosing k-space samples that optimize the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) for estimating a sparse image. The CRB is a theoretical limit on how accurately an unknown parameter vector can be estimated using an unbiased estimator8, and is frequently used as an optimality criterion in the statistical design of experiments9. While the CRB has been used to optimize k-space sampling in previous work10-12, we believe that OEDIPUS is the first method to use the CRB to optimize MRI k-space sampling under sparsity constraints.
Theoretical results have shown that the CRB under sparsity constraints is equal to the oracle estimator13. The oracle estimator is the simple least squares estimator that is obtained when the positions of the non-zero coefficients of the sparse representation are known, and all other coefficients are forced to zero. While the exact locations of the non-zero coefficients are not generally known in advance, prior images acquired with the same contrast on the same scanner will generally have similar sparsity patterns, and can be used as surrogates for the true sparsity pattern during k-space sampling design.
OEDIPUS proceeds as follows. First, we form the matrix E representing the mapping between the image and a fully-sampled k-space dataset. In addition to Fourier encoding, this matrix can also incorporate any other forms of image encoding, including coil sensitivities in parallel imaging or RF encoding. While coil calibration and other similar information is not generally available a priori, OEDIPUS can use the calibration information from past similar scans as a good approximate surrogate for the true values. Second, we form the matrix S that synthesizes an image from its coefficients in an appropriately-chosen sparsifying transform domain. Third, we discard the columns from S corresponding to transform coefficients that had negligible amplitude in a surrogate reference image acquired with the same sequence, resulting in a truncated matrix ˜S. Finally, we use observation selection algorithms14-15 to select the rows of the E matrix that, when discarded to form the subsampled matrix ˜E, lead to the smallest degradation of the CRB. The trace measure ("A-optimality"9) of the oracle CRB in this case is Trace((˜SH˜EH˜E˜S)−1). For our results, we use the greedy sequential backward selection algorithm14 to find a local minimum of this difficult (NP-hard) optimization problem, although many other choices are available that may lead to even better performance.
The final result of this procedure is a deterministically-generated undersampled k-space sampling mask that has been specifically tailored to have small CRB for a specific application context and a specific coil configuration, and which can be used whenever acquiring similar data on the same hardware in the future.
OEDIPUS was used to design sampling patterns for two different applications (2D T2-weighted imaging and 3D T1-weighted imaging) for two different coil configurations (single-channel and 12-channel) and three different acceleration factors (R=2,3,4). The sampling patterns were tested using retrospective undersampling of fully sampled datasets, and reconstructed using ℓ1-regularization2 of Daubechies-4 wavelet coefficients. Comparisons were made against uniform16,17 and Poisson disc random18 undersampling. Results are shown in Figs. 1-5.
Results show that, for these images, OEDIPUS generates variable density sampling patterns. However, unlike standard variable density heuristics, OEDIPUS automatically tailors the sampling pattern to the specific imaging context, without the need for manual interaction. For example, OEDIPUS automatically produces different sampling densities variations for single-channel and multichannel data. While all three sampling schemes (uniform, random, OEDIPUS) work similarly well at low acceleration factors, OEDIPUS consistently yields the best reconstruction performance for highly accelerated scans.1. Liang Z-P, Haacke EM, Thomas CW. “High-resolution inversion of finite Fourier transform data through a localized polynomial approximation.” Inverse Problems 5:831-847, 1989.
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