Niloufar Zarinabad1,2, Karen Manias1,2, Katharine Foster2, and Andrew Peet1,2
1University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Birmingham children hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom
There is a need for an
MRI diagnostic analysis-tool which can provide healthcare investigators with a platform for
extraction of relevant information and allow for comparison with similar cases to
aid decision-making.
The aim of this study
was to develop a modular, non-region-specific Medical-Image-Region-of-interest-analysis-tool
and Repository (MIROR) in order for advanced MRI techniques to become a
part of the clinical routine. Here, the first development phase is presented as
applied to diffusion-weighted-imaging of pediatric body-tumors combined with
comparison to a repository of cases. MIROR acts as a foundation which can be
extended to more advanced image-analysis and sophisticated decision-support.
Advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology has
resulted in increased flexibility and power of MRI in resolving demanding
diagnostic problems. Moreover, Introduction of clinical
decision-Support-systems (CDSs) has underlined the need for a MRI analysis-tool
which can provide healthcare investigators with a platform for extraction of
relevant information and allow for comparison with other available resources to
aid decision-making.
The aim of this study was to design and develop an atlas-based,
modular and non-region-specific Medical Image Region of interest analysis-tool
and Repository (MIROR) for automatic processing, classification and evaluation
of MRI data in order for advanced MRI techniques to become a part of the
clinical routine. Here, the first development phase is presented as applied to
diffusion weighted imaging. MIROR acts as a foundation which can be extended to
more advanced image-analysis and sophisticated decision-support.METHODS:
An evidence-adaptive1 modular architecture
was used in the design of MIROR to allow for future addition of new
functionalities and ensure capture of literature and practice-based evidence to
develop maintainable technical and methodological foundations (Figure-1).
Mevislab software (Ver 2.7.1, MeVis AG- Fraunhofer-MEVIS) has been used
for implementation of the MIROR 2 (Figure-2). Quantitative
and statistical analysis functionalities embedded in MIROR have been developed
using python-(2.7). Functionalities embedded within MIROR include:
1) Measurement of
morphologic-properties of the region of Interest (ROI). Zooming, scaling,
rotating of the estimated object surface is supported for enhanced assessment
quality (Figure 3-a and c).
2) Histogram analysis of the overlaid ROI on
voxel-by-voxel parametric maps (produced by or imported to MIROR) such as perfusion or
T1 maps (Figure 3-a and c).
3) Comparison of
histogram parameters with an evolving archive of relevant data to aid
diagnosis. After each analysis, the index case raw data and analysis results
are added to the database.
Different diagnoses available for comparison are dependent
on the data and anatomic region under examination. The similarity between the
index-case and different available diagnosis can be examined to inform future
investigation (Figure 3-b and d). ROI can be drawn on a
higher-resolution image and overplayed on the parametric map of interest. An embedded
Mevislab image registration toolbox has been used to ensure alignment of image
data and parametric maps. All obtained results and drawn ROI can be exported
for further evaluation.
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) data from paediatric
body tumours was used to test MIROR. The tested patient cohort consisted of 48
children with solid tumors aged 0-16 years (37 malignant, 11 benign) whom
underwent diagnostic MRI with multi-b-value DWI at Birmingham Children’s
Hospital (2012 to 2016) prior to having received treatment. Ethical approval
and informed consent was obtained. MR images acquired on a 1.5T Siemens
Avanto (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) using an echo-planar imaging
(EPI) sequence in an axial acquisition plane with a field of view (FOV) 187 x
250 mm2, matrix size 144 x 192 and slice thickness of 5.0 mm.
For each subject 6 b-values (0, 50, 100, 150, 600, 1000 s/mm2) are
acquired in three orthogonal directions with TR/TE = 5700/92 ms. Image data was
analyzed with MIROR. ROIs were drawn on a B0-image by a clinician and then
overplayed on the ADC map. ADC histograms and its mean, median, 2nd to 98th percentile
ADC values, skewness, kurtosis, entropy and lesion volume were calculated and stored in MIROR repository. RESULTS:
Figure 3 illustrates the analysis results generated by MIROR
for one benign and one malignant tumour case. In general results are available
in about 5 seconds. Using MIROR, the various histogram parameters
derived, provided additional information for tumour characterization and
facilitated the discrimination between benign and malignant tumors. A database
of histograms for different diagnoses allowed matching the histogram of an
index case to a mean tumor histogram for the tumour types available to guide diagnosis,
allow identification of various tumor types and alert to unusual types. A
comparison of the histogram metrics from the index case with median, skewness,
entropy and 25 percentile values from the tumour types in the database was also
made available.CONCLUSION:
MIROR as a diagnostic tool and repository allows the
interpretation and analysis of MR Images to be more accessible and
comprehensive for clinicians. It aims to increase clinician’s skillset by
introducing newer techniques and up-to-date findings to their repertoire and
make information from previous cases available to aid decision making. The
modular-based format of the tool allows integration of analyses which are not
readily available clinically and streamlines future developments. Pipelines for
new analysis applications are available –or already in development and will be
shortly available – under MIROR platform.Acknowledgements
This study is funded through an NIHR Research Professorship, 13-0053.We acknowledge fundingfrom the CRUK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Programme at the Children’s Cancer and LeukaemiaGroup (CCLG) in association with the MRC and Department of Health (England) (C7809/A10342).We would like to acknowledge the MR research radiographers at Birmingham Children’s Hospitalfor scanning the patients in this study.References
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