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What causes streaking artifacts in QSM and how to efficiently suppress them?
Liangdong Zhou1, Jae Kyu Choi2, Youngwook Kee3, Yi Wang3,4, and Jin Keun Seo1

1Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Institute of Natural Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China, 3Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States, 4Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, New York, NY, United States


We provide a mathematical understanding for artifacts in QSM, particularly streaking artifacts. 1) The local field data can be decomposed into a dipole-compatible part and a dipole-incompatible part. 2) In spatially continuous space, the streaking-free susceptibility solution is obtained from the dipole-compatible field data only, and the dipole-incompatible data leads to artifacts defined by a wave propagator with z as time, specifically, streaking artifacts from granular noise and shadow artifacts from white matter noise error. Although it is not known how to filter out such dipole-incompatible data, its artifacts can be suppressed in regularization-based Bayesian methods such as MEDI, which can efficiently penalize streaking artifacts. k-space-truncation-based methods that generate additional dipole-incompatible data near the zero cone amplify streaking artifacts.


We perform mathematical investigation to understand the source of streaking artifacts in QSM. We find the following propositions on decomposition of field data into the dipole-compatible and the dipole-incompatible parts: 1) Non-streaking solution is from the dipole-compatible field data. 2) Dipole-incompatible field data (discretization error, noise, and anisotropic sources) gives rise to artifacts. Our propositions provide a proper guideline for QSM algorithm design that aims at the suppression of streaking artifacts.


Most QSM algorithms are based on minimizing a cost function that fits the measured tissue magnetic field b(r) (in unit B0) to the dipole field d(r)=2z2x2y24π|r|5,with position vectorr=(x,y,z), approximating noise in b as Gaussian as follows:R3w(r)|(dχ)(r)b(r)|2dr:=||dχb||2w.(1)This integral form allows us to estimate the underlying susceptibility distribution with various types of regularization methods. As known from Maxwell’s equations, the integral form represents the solution of the corresponding partial differential equation (PDE):(2z12(2x+2y))χ=32Δb,(2)which may offer useful insights on a mathematical analysis of susceptibility. This PDE is a wave equation w.r.t. susceptibility χ (z-axis is time) and a Laplacian equation w.r.t. field b.

In a spatially continuous setting, we have proved the following two propositions:

Proposition 1. Non-streaking solution for the dipole-compatible field data: Without any error with b(r)=(dχ)(r),B(k)=D(k)X(k), a precise solution of no streaking can be obtained:χ=lim

Proposition 2. Streaking solution for the dipole-incompatible field data: Any\,field data that cannot be fitted to the dipole field is referred to as the dipole-incompatible field\,data v({\bf\,r}), which may come from various causes including discretization error, noise, and anisotropy sources. The granular noise in the dipole-incompatible data causes streaking artifacts according to the wave propagation solution:\chi_v({\bf\,r})=-\int G({\bf\,r},{\bf\,r}')\cdot\frac{3}{2}\Delta v({\bf\,r}')d{\bf\,r}'\,\mbox{with}\,G({\bf\,r},{\bf\,r}'):=\frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{(z-z')^2-2((x-x')^2+(y-y')^2)}}>0,\qquad\quad(4)where G({\bf\,r},{\bf\,r}') defines magic-angle cones above and below the incompatible source \frac{3}{2}\Delta v({\bf\,r}'). Strong streaking exhibits along the cone surface where G({\bf\,r},{\bf\,r}') is large; the streaking manifests as streaking in saggital and coronal view, but as ringing in axial view. It is noted that the contiguous anisotropy sources (e.g. brain white matter) as a modeling error contribute to the dipole-incompatible\,field\,data, which may result in shadow-like artifacts according to Eq.\,(4).


We generated a numerical phantom to demonstrate the two propositions: First, we demonstrated the fact that a precise\,(non-streaking)\,solution can be obtained as \epsilon\rightarrow0 in Eq.\,(3)\,in\,Proposition\,1. Second, we generated dipole-incompatible\,field\,data\,(violators)\,and demonstrated theirs wave propagation solutions, i.e., streaking artifacts.

We compared the performance of TKD1, AC2, iLSQR3 and MEDI4 on the numerical phantom and in vivo brain MRI data.


Fig.\,1 shows the demonstration of Proposition 1. Fig.\,2 shows the wave propagation solution of the incompatible data.

Figs.\,3\,and\,4 illustrate the performances of TKD, AC, iLSQR and MEDI on phantom and in vivo brain data,\,respectively. The performance metrics are summarized on Table.\,1, suggesting that MEDI is preferable in reducing streaking artifacts.


The\,above\,two\,propositions may explain the streaking artifacts observed in various QSM results: Errors in experimental data are omnipresent, including noise, anisotropy sources and digitization errors. Therefore, Eq.\,(1) alone will invariably result in streaking artifacts. Obviously, streaking artifacts can be avoided by extracting the dipole-compatible part of the\,field\,data only. However, the existence of such a decomposition method\,(furthermore\,its\,practicability)\,is yet to be established. Note\,that\,in\,Fig.\,1,\,we\,started\,with\,the\,dipole-compatible\,field\,data\,only,\,but\,the\,discretization\,introduced\,the\,dipole-incompatible data\,near\,the\,zero\,cone\,and\,consequent\,streaking\,artifacts.

Algorithmically, streaking artifacts can be substantially suppressed by penalizing their unique properties. Streaking appears along the magic angle\,(54.70),\,making it distinct from the tissue edges5. Hence, tissue structure information can be used to identify a solution of minimal streaking, which is the morphology enable dipole inversion (MEDI) approach2. The MEDI method penalizes the sum of the gradients of susceptibility across the image volume in terms of the L1-norm except for the locations where tissue edges are expected. Therefore, it effectively reconstructs the tissue edges in susceptibility. The tissue structure information may be incorporated into regularization in various elaborate manners such as in HEIDI6, SWIM7, CCD8 and iLSQR3.

Note that the truncated k-space division1 (TKD) increases the dipole-incompatible part of the data in certain k-space locations where the truncation causes deviation from the dipole kernel. LSQR9 with a few iterations, which has also been used to generate QSM, may be regarded as some kind of truncation in the Krylov subspace; thus suffers from streaking artifacts.


The mathematical features in QSM were investigated by the wave operator acting on susceptibility map and the Laplacian operator on the magnetic field. It is the dipole-incompatible\,field\,data (discretization error, noise, and anisotropy sources) that causes artifacts, particularly streaking artifacts from granular noise. Although we do not know an optimal decomposition method of the field data, by incorporating tissue structural priors into optimization (MEDI), we can compute a suboptimal minimal streaking solution.


The work of L. Zhou and J. K. Seo was supported by NRF grant2015R1A5A1009350.


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Figure 1: Without the dipole-incompatible part of the field data, a sequence of TKD solutions converges to a streaking-free solution. The truncation levels from left to right are chosen as 1/4, 1/32, 1/256, 1/4096, respectively. As the level of truncation decreases, streaking artifacts are reduced. Note that the source of streaking artifacts here is the loss of dipole-compatible data near the zero cone due to truncation in k-space, thus causing dipole-incompatibility. Since the streaking-free solution is obtained with compatible data in a spatially continuous space, we can still observe streaking in practice because of discretization error that again causes dipole-incompatibility.

Figure 2: Violator identification and streaking artifacts reduction by committing inverse crime with TKD method. It shows that with the streaking artifacts information outside of ROI in (d), the violator can be identified in (b). Hence, the streaking artifacts can be extracted in (e) and the artifacts corrected image in (g) is obtained. The artifacts corrected image (g) is same as the reconstruction in (f) using compatible data.

Figure 3: Numerical phantom results of four methods: TKD, AC, iLSQR, MEDI. Four performance metrics were evaluated: root mean square error (RMSE), high frequency error norm (HFEN), structure similarity index (SSIM) and relative total variation error (RTVE). RMSE and RTVE show the smoothness and sharpness of the reconstructions, we displayed the total evaluation of these two as well. The reconstruction images and performance metrics suggest MEDI is the best among these four methods.

Figure 4: In vivo brain results of four methods: TKD, AC, iLSQR, MEDI. The reconstruction from COSMOS was regarded as the ground truth. Four performance metrics were evaluated: RMSE, HFEN, SSIM and RTVE. The total evaluation of RMSE and RTVE is also presented. The reconstruction images and performance metrics suggest MEDI is the best among these four methods. This dataset can be found at

Table 1: The performance metrics of the methods comparison using TKD, AC, iLSQR and MEDI with numerical phantom and in vivo brain data. The results show that MEDI has the best performance in terms of reducing the incompatibility streaking artifacts.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)