Yuyao Zhang1, Hongjiang Wei1, Naying He2, Fuhua Yan2, and Chunlei Liu1
1University of California, Berkeley, berkeley, CA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, People's Republic of China
The crucial role of iron for normal neurological
function in human brain has been well recognized. The iron concentration
evolution trajectories in human brain deep nucleus have been shown monotonously
increased with aging. However, previous studies concern only on iron
concentration. At the same time, atrophy occurs in healthy ageing brains. These
two competing effects raise an interesting possibility that the total iron
content in deep brain nuclei may decrease. Surprisingly, the iron content, investigated
by QSM, in globus pallidus, substantia nigra and red nuclei appear to decrease
after the iron content reaching a peak.
The crucial role of iron for normal neurological
function in human brain has been well recognized. It is essential in oxidative
metabolism and is a cofactor in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and myelin. In
both histological and in-vivo studies, a continuous growth of iron deposition
in deep brain nuclei with aging have been reported. The iron concentration
evolution trajectories in human brain deep nucleus can be approximately fitted
using an exponential growing function 1, 2. However, previous studies concern
only on iron concentration in the brain tissue. At the same time, atrophy
occurs in healthy ageing brains. These two competing effects raise an
interesting possibility that the total iron content in deep brain nuclei may
decrease. In this work, we investigate the evolution of total iron amount in deep
gray matters of normal aging using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). Surprisingly,
instead of monotonously increasing, the iron content in globus pallidus (GP), substantia
nigra (SN) and red nuclei (RN), where the iron concentration is the highest in
human brain, appear to decrease after the iron content reaching a peak at
around 48-58 years-old. METHOD
I) Material. A total of 152 subjects (83 F/69 M) within age
1-83 years-old were included. There are 8 subjects with age 1-2 years, 16
subjects with age 5-10 years, 15 subjects with age 10-20 years, 13 subjects
with age 20-30 years, 10 subjects with age 30-40 years, 15 subjects with age
40-50 years, 25 subjects with age 50-60 years, 27 subjects with age 60-70
years, and 23 subjects with age 70-80 years, respectively. II) Correlating iron
concentration with mean susceptibility. Fig. 1 shows the mean magnetic susceptibility
as a function of age for six deep gray matters (putamen (PU), globus pallidus
(GP), caudate nucleus (CN), substantia nigra (SN), red nuclei (RN) and dentate
(DN)). The susceptibility evolutions are modelled as an exponential growth
function of age. We correlate the susceptibility-age function and the iron
concentration-age function from the histological study2 and
generate a regression of the brain iron concentration as a function of mean
susceptibility: IronConcentration[mgIron/100gtissue]=207.2[mgIron/100gtissue·ppm]×susceptibility[ppm]+3.21[mgIron/100gtissue](Eq.1) III) Estimating brain tissue volume
evolution. The evolution of volume with aging for the six deep gray matter
structures are measured based on the susceptibility maps (Fig.3). IV) Computing
total iron amount. Knowing the average brain tissue density of 1.04 g/cm3 3 and tissue volume, mean susceptibility values are
converted to the total iron amount:IronAmount=IronConcentration[mgIron/100gtissue]×BrainDensity[mg/cm3]×Volume[cm3](Eq.2) The resulting total iron amount is then
fitted as an function of age using the following equation:IronAmount=A×age×exp(−age×B)+C×age+D(Eq.3) where A, B, C and D are
tissue-specific parameters. RESULTS
The mean susceptbility
values (iron concenctration) of all selected deep gray matter regions increase exponentially
and tend to plateaue after certain age as shown in Fig. 1. The volumes of these
regions all appear to decrease after certain age except for DN as shown in Fig.
2. The total
iron amount of the six ROIs as a result demonstrates distinctive patterns with aging.
Specifically, in PU, CN and DN, the total iron amount increases monotonically
as a function of age. However, in GP, SN and RN, the total iron contents reach their
peaks at certain age followed by a gradual decrease. The total iron amount
reaches a peak at 54 years-old, 48-years-old and 58-years-old for GP, SN and RN,
respectively (Fig. 4). The mean susceptibility of these ROIs corresponding to each
age point are 0.0975 ppm, 0.0910 ppm and 0.0923 ppm for GP, SN and RN,
respectively, as shown in Fig. 1.DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION
Using longtitudinal QSM
data over the lifespan, we have correlated the histologically estimated iron
concentration (mg/100g tissue) of deep-brain nuclei as a function of the mean susceptibility (ppm). Combining with the
measurements of brain nuclei volume, the variations of total iron amout with
aging are measured. Interestingly, our results show that
the total iron contents in GP, SN and RN show a declining trend after the iron
content reaching peaks at around 48-58 years old. Therefore, the apparent iron concentration
increase may be a reflection of atrophy. It possibility of total iron
decreasing after certain age raise an interesting question of iron homeostasis at
advanced age. This finding, if verified, seems to suggest that there is a net
flow of iron out of these regions. This finding however may be biased by
potential underestimates of volume or magnetic susceptibility. Therefore, histological
examination of the total iron of the whole brain nucleus structure would be
necessary to confirm the results. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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