Magnetic resonance-based inverse scattering has been proposed to extract tissue electrical properties (EP). We present an improved implementation of the Global Maxwell Tomography (GMT) EP mapping technique, with two new cost functions and an extension that uses piecewise linear basis functions to represent fields for higher accuracy. GMT does not make symmetry assumptions, is fully 3D, and is robust to noise. We validated the new GMT version with various numerical experiments, using a heterogeneous head model with realistic EP and a phantom with tissue-mimicking EP. We showed, for the first time, that artifact-free accurate reconstruction of EP is possible.
GMT starts by simulating the transmit B+1 field and MR signal (S) in the sample, given the incident field from radiofrequency (RF) sources and an initial guess for the EP. Then it updates the EP based on the minimization of the error between measured and simulated data. Our proposed implementation of GMT includes two cost functions that can be minimized independently or simultaneously as a weighted sum. Compared to the original implementation of GMT6-7, this version also incorporates relative phase information between transmit and receive coils in both B+1 and S.
The first cost function operates on B+1 maps:
where |\hat{b}_k| denotes reference map k, and e^{j(\hat{\phi}_k-\hat{\phi}_n)} denotes the relative phase factor.
The second cost function operates on signal measurements directly:
f(\epsilon)=\frac{\sqrt{\sum_k\sum_l\|\hat{s}_{kl}-m\odot b^+_k\odot b^-_l\odot\text{sinc}\!(\alpha|b_k^+|)\|_2^2}}{\sqrt{\sum_k\sum_l\|\hat{s}_{kl}\|_2^2}}\text{,}
where b^+_k indicates B_1^+ map k, b_l^- indicates B_1^- map l. In the current implementation we assumed that the complex-valued spin magnetization (m) is roughly constant, which is valid for simulations. A future GMT extension will infer m.
We employed MARIE8-9, which computes the electromagnetic (EM) fields by approximating them with piecewise constant basis functions. We also tested a new extension of MARIE that uses discontinuous piecewise linear basis functions, which increases simulation time, but also improves accuracy and accelerates convergence. Numerical gradients of the cost functions were calculated analytically via adjoint formulations. The quasi-Newton L-BFGS-B10-11 was used to accelerate convergence, while maintaining physical values for the EP.
To evaluate our new GMT implementation, we performed three numerical experiments at 7T. In our first experiment, we used GMT based on piecewise constant basis functions to infer the electrical properties of the Duke head model12, starting from a homogeneous initial guess and employing sixty-four signal maps (SNR=120 and 3mm3 resolution) simulated for a 8-element Tx-Rx array13. In addition, an L0-based total variation regularizer was used in a second stage of the optimization. In the second experiment, we aimed at detecting tumors (\sigma\approx 1.2\text{S/m}) artificially inserted into the Duke head model12 using the tumor-free model as the initial guess. For this case, we used the same coil model and EM solver, but only the B_1^+-based cost function, with SNR=100 for the eight B_1^+ maps. In the third experiments, we constructed a cylindrical SVD basis with ideal piecewise linear current sources. We then used the first eight principal components as RF sources in GMT to reconstruct EP for a tissue mimicking 4-compartment phantom (6mm3 isotropic resolution). For this case, the B_1^+-based cost function was employed and, as proof of principle, we did not add noise to the B_1^+ maps.
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