Weighted polynomial fitting method was proposed to resolve boundary artifact and noise amplification of Electrical Property Tomography. Weighted polynomial fitting method employs T1/T2 tissue contrast as prior information under assumption that pixels with similar magnitude intensity have similar conductivity. However, for non-simply connected structures make the fitting inaccurate. Therefore, in this study, we propose a modified weighted polynomial fitting technique including spatial constraint.
In previous studies employing the weighting fitting scheme, the weights were determined using only tissue contrast (Eq.1).
Wm(r)=1σmag√2πe−(∣I(r)−I(r0)∣)/2(σmag)2) (Eq.1)
where I(x,y) is intensity of prior image, σmag is standard deviation of magnitude weighting function and x0,y0 are the center of kernel.
In Figure 1, a 1-dimensional example is presented to demonstrate the limitation of fitting for non-simply connected regions. Over the region with same conductivity (region A&C), B1 phase is propagated with the same curvature as shown in Fig.1c. However, in spite of the same conductivity value in these two regions, there is zeroth-order offset due to the presence of region B with different conductivity. For the case of fitting over the regions A&C, this offset hampers estimation of the curvature as shown by the dotted line in Fig.1c. Therefore, an additional spatial constraint is necessary to extract the local conductivity value. At first, spatial constraint was designed as isotropic-gaussian function (FWHM=1/4 of kernel size) as Eq.2 and (Eq.1) was combined.
WS1(r)=1σS√2πe−(∣I(r)−I(r0)∣)/2(σS)2 (Eq.2)
where σS is standard deviation of spatial weighting function.
In addition, to take into account structures such as the cortex regions, an adaptive bivariate-gaussian weighting was implemented with combination of (Eq.1) as
WS2(x,y)=12πσSxσSy√1−ρ2e{−((x−x0)2σ2Sx−2ρ(x−x0)(y−y0)σSxσSy+(y−y0)2σ2Sy)/2(1−ρ)2} (Eq.3)
where σSx=1∥▽xI∥2, σSy=1∥▽yI∥2 and ρ is correlation of σSx and σSy.
1. Simulation: For the given simulation model in Fig.2a&b, analytic solution was solved to obtain 2D-noiseless complex B1+map. Using the phase information of B1+field, weighted polynomial fitting (kernel size=4.3x4.3cm2) was performed without and with spatial constraint.
2. In-vivo experiment(Healthy volunteer): In-vivo experiments were conducted using a 3T clinical scanner (Tim Trio; Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). Spin echo sequence with the following parameters was acquired : 3-mm thickness, image size = 192×192, FOV = 192×192mm,TR = 2000ms, TE=10ms, average=4 and total scan time=25.6 min. Three types of weighting scheme was evaluated. (kernel size=2.5x2.5cm2)
3.In-vivo experiment(meningioma): In-vivo experiments were conducted using a 3T clinical scanner (MR750, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA). In this experiment, clinical protocol sequence that is Fast Spin-echo sequence with the following parameters was acquired : 3-mm thickness, image size=320×384, FOV=230×230mm, TR=8641ms, TEeff=96ms, ETL=18, number of slice=50, and total scan time~20min. For patient, two types of weighting scheme was evaluated. (kernel size=4.5x4.6cm2)
To guarantee the
accuracy of conductivity estimates, high SNR of raw data is essential. However,
in practice, it is hard to acquire high SNR data due to the time cost of data
acquisition. To resolve the limit in SNR, spatial processing is indispensable
to estimate the conductivity. In this study, spatial constraint was used to improve
the accuracy of conductivity estimates regardless of fitting kernel size. By
applying this technique to in-vivo brain, improved contrast was observed over
the cortical region, but its accuracy should be investigated in future study.
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