Yuriko Suzuki1, Matthias JP van Osch1, and Thomas W Okell2
1C.J.Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Hadamard-encoded vessel-encoded pCASL is a vessel-selective ASL
technique that enables SNR-efficient vascular territory mapping for perfusion
MRI. For vessel-selective ASL-MRA, however, minimising the number of encodings
is necessary to achieve clinically feasible scan times. The spatial modulation
of inversion in ve-pCASL is gradual, which could potentially reduce
SNR-efficiency and cause mislabeling of arteries when reducing the number of
encodings. In this study, the modulation of ve-pCASL was optimized to achieve
sharper inversion to avoid signal contamination of non-targeted arteries and
achieve 4D-MRA with a minimal number of Hadamard-encodings.
Vessel-selective arterial spin labeling (ASL) enables the
visualization of blood flow arising from individual arteries, which is an important
advantage of ASL-MRA over contrast-enhanced MRA. In vessel-encoded pseudo-continuous
ASL (ve-pCASL) perfusion MRI1, SNR-efficient territorial separation can
be achieved by employing Hadamard-encodings across the feeding arteries whilst repeating
measurements for averaging. For ASL-MRA, however, 3D data is usually acquired
in a multi-shot fashion and the entire scan-time is used for spatial encoding,
rather than averaging, to achieve high spatial resolution. Therefore, the number
of vessel-encodings will increase scan-time proportionally. In a previous report,
eight Hadamard-encodings of four arteries resulted in a scan-time of 18 minutes2.
The three-vessel encoding scheme of Günther3 only requires four
Hadamard-encodings, in which each of right internal carotid artery (RICA), left
ICA (LICA) and both vertebral arteries (VAs) are labeled in different
combinations, along with a non-selective control image. This scheme would reduce
scan-time by a factor of two. However, the pulsed-ASL approach of Günther
suffers from difficult planning of the selective labeling slab to avoid
contamination from non-targeted arteries, because it requires large coverage of
tortuous vessels in the inferior-superior direction. Although ve-pCASL avoids this
problem, it requires complicated post-processing such as the Bayesian framework5
because the inversion modulation of ve-pCASL is more gradual than pulsed-ASL. The
purpose of this study is to achieve a sharper ve-pCASL spatial modulation to
improve labeling efficiency and minimize partial labeling of nearby arteries,
enabling simpler post-processing for 4D-MRA within a clinically feasible scan-time.Theory
Ve-pCASL has two different approaches to achieve
the spatial modulation of inversion: the bipolar approach in which the
transverse gradient (Gxy) is applied alternately positive and
negative, and the unipolar approach in which Gxy is not alternated. Magnetization
is inverted at the positions where the phase of the labeling pulses is aligned
with the phase shift produced by Gxy. Because of the pCASL mean gradient
(Gmean) in z-direction, this in-phase position varies with z. With bipolar
Gxy, the phase coherence away from the middle of the labeling plane is
lost, but in the unipolar approach, the consistent Gxy and RF phase
cycling result in phase coherence within tilted planes, visible as lines of
saturation in a static phantom (Figure-1b-e). The effective inversion width (“w” in Figure-1a) depends on the
maximum gradient of pCASL (Gmax), whereas Gmean determines
the angle of the saturation line (“θ” in
Figure-1a). Accordingly, the inversion modulation of the unipolar approach is
dependent on Gmax and Gmean.Methods
As Wong et.al. suggested4, the unipolar
approach is superior to the bipolar approach, therefore all experiments were
performed using unipolar gradients. By Bloch equation simulation, ve-pCASL inversion
modulation was simulated with Gmax of 6 mT/m and Gmean of
0.8 mT/m (default settings, as per Wong et al.1,4) and with Gmax
and Gmean decreased in several steps to 2mT/m and 0.2 mT/m,
respectively. Next, in-vivo studies were performed in two healthy volunteers to
validate the simulation results: (1) Perfusion images were acquired whilst
offsetting a left-right encoding in small increments relative to the RICA and LICA
locations; averaged perfusion signal was extracted from LICA/RICA masks generated
by a conventional ve-pCASL perfusion image with eight Hadamard-encodings. (2) ve-pCASL
4D-MRA was acquired using the three-vessel encoding scheme using the optimized
settings of Gmax and Gmean, with scan-time 7min12s. All
scans were performed on a Siemens 3T Verio under a technical development
protocol agreed by local ethics and institutional committees. Results and discussion
Simulated inversion modulations showed sharper
selectivity for lower Gmean (Figure-2a), which is attributed to steeper
saturation line (Figure-1c/e). For a fixed Gmean, lower Gmax
produced broader inversion width (Figure-2b), which is explained by wider
effective inversion width (Figure-1d/e) which produced concomitant broadening
of the inversion width. Figure-3 shows the averaged perfusion
signal curves as
a function of the selective labeling offset measured in-vivo. With optimized Gmean and Gmax sharper selectivity
was achieved, confirming the simulation results. Comparison of the perfusion
signal at offset=0 (Figure-4) did not suggest any differences in the labeling
efficiency between the default and optimized settings. Figure-5 shows ve-pCASL 4D-MRA
of a healthy volunteer acquired with the three-vessel encoding scheme and the
optimized settings. By optimization, labeling of each RICA, LICA and VAs were
achieved with high selectivity, and no obvious mislabeling was observed. Compared
to the previous report using eight Hamadard-encodings, scan-time was halved.Conclusion
In this study, we presented an approach to improve the
inversion modulation in ve-pCASL, enabling faster scan-times. Controlling the
inversion modulation with Gmax and Gmean could be
beneficial, not only for 4D-MRA, but also for perfusion imaging.Acknowledgements
This research was supported by the EU under the Horizon2020 program (project: CDS-QUAMRI).References
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5. Chappell MA, Okell TW, Payne SJ, Jezzard P, Woolrich MW. A fast analysis method for non-invasive imaging of blood flow in individual cerebral arteries using vessel-encoded arterial spin labelling angiography. Med. Image Anal (2012) 16:831-9