Deranged metabolism is now considered a key causal factor in heart failure and has therefore gained considerable scientific interest. The novel technique hyperpolarized MR has emerged as a leading methodological candidate to study these derangements. We employed a clinically relevant, large animal model of angiotensin-II-mediated acute hypertension to study cardiac metabolism in the setting of elevated afterload using hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate MR. The method was able to detect acute increases in both anaerobic and aerobic cardiac metabolism, which, in the future could mean a useful way of monitoring a possible treatment response to afterload reduction by using hyperpolarized MR.
The authors wish to thank Henrik Vestergaard Nielsen for invaluable technical assistance in preparing the pyruvate samples and operating the SpinLab. Likewise, Per Mose Nielsen and Casper Carlsen Elkjær are to be thanked for assisting with blood sample analysis.
This study was funded by The Danish Heart Foundation, Aarhus University, Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation and Director Kurt Bønnelycke and Wife’s Foundation
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Flowchart depicting the experimental protocol.
All pigs were scanned with hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate cardiac MR at baseline, given a sugar bolus in the stomach and scanned again 1 hour later. They were then continuously infused with angiotensin II intravenously to elevate afterload for 30 minutes and a final scan was performed.
An overview of vital parameters and blood samples. * denotes statistical significance. See Results-section for details.
A: Heart rate, ejection fraction and blood pressures. EF=ejection fraction, MAP=mean arterial pressure.
B: Serum insulin, free fatty acids and pyruvate as well as blood glucose. The three former have been log-transformed to achieve normality. FFA=free fatty acids.
C: End-tidal CO2, arterial pH and arterial lactate.
Results in ratios. (a.u.) denotes arbitrary units. * denotes statistically significant difference from earlier time points.
Ratios are seen to be constant when normalizing to pyruvate (A) but increases at final time point when normalizing to alanine (B).