3D CMRO2 Mapping in Human Brain with Direct 17O-MRI: Comparison of Methods for Image Reconstruction and Partial Volume Correction
Dmitry Kurzhunov1, Robert Borowiak1,2,3, Marco Reisert1, Axel Joachim Krafft1, Ali Caglar Özen1, and Michael Bock1

1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, Germany, 3German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany


This study presents a comparative analysis of different reconstruction techniques for quantification of 3D maps of the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) in human brain. CMRO2 maps were calculated from a direct 17O-MRI experiment at 3T in which 17O gas was inhaled. Conventional Kaiser-Bessel reconstruction of 17O MR images was compared to two iterative reconstruction methods using total variation (TV) and anisotropic diffusion (AD) of coregistered proton data as constraints. AD-constraint reconstruction, which acts as a non‑homogeneous edge‑preserving smoothing filter, enabled CMRO2 mapping at clinical field strengths by increasing the SNR, and reducing partial volume effects.


Oxygen metabolism is altered in brain tumors and neurodegenerative diseases, and can be assessed by the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2). CMRO2 can be measured by either 15O-PET [1] or by direct 17O-MRI with administration of 17O-enriched gas [2–6]. Recently, we performed a profile likelihood (PL) analysis that shows that CMRO2 can be reliably quantified with 17O-MRI [6].

The purpose of this study was to enable 3D CMRO2 quantification with 17O-MRI at 3T with partial volume effects (PVE) correction. Therefore, conventional Kaiser-Bessel (KB) gridding was compared to iterative reconstruction techniques with a total variation (TV) constraint and with a proton-based constraint using coregistered 1H-MR data of higher spatial resolution as prior information. Here, an anisotropic diffusion (AD) metric of 1H-MR data was used as an edge-preserving constraint [7]. Reconstructions were compared for numerical 17O‑MRI phantom and in vivo 17O‑MRI images and CMRO2 maps.

Material and Methods

Direct 4D 17O-MR data of a male volunteer (50 years) were acquired with a 3D UTE density-adapted radial sequence [8] (nominal resolution Δx=10mm, temporal resolution Δt=1min) in an 17O-MRI inhalation experiment [6] (3L of 70%-enriched 17O gas; NUKEM Isotopes Imaging) at 3T (Siemens Magnetom TIM Trio) using a custom-built Tx/Rx 17O quadrature head coil.

For all 17O-MR phantom and in vivo images, KB gridding without/with Hanning filtering (KBwH/KBnH) was used. After gridding, the two iterative reconstructions were applied: TV-constraint and AD-constraint [7].

First, 17O MRI phantom images were reconstructed with different weighting factors for TV/AD constraints (λTVAD) over the range λ∈[10-3…10-5] to identify the values which give the best correspondence with the original phantom image. Therefore, root-mean-square error (RMSE) and structural similarity (SSIM, [9]), which is based on image luminance, contrast and structure comparison, were calculated. RMSE, SSIM, and SNR values, which were calculated by a pseudo-multiple-replica approach [10], were used for comparison of quality and precision of different reconstructions.

Second, optimized 𝜆 values were used to reconstruct in vivo 17O-MR images. 3D CMRO2 maps were calculated for all reconstruction techniques from a realistic pharmacokinetic model with PL-based confidence intervals (CI) [6]. The percentage P of the pixels (Pnot-fitted), for which CMRO2 mapping failed due to low SNR, was then calculated.

Finally, CMRO2 values and corresponding CIs calculated from the signal averaged over 10 pixels (V=10 ml) with GM/WM content higher than 73%/87% were used to quantify GM/WM tissue separation and PVEs correction.

Results and Discussion

In the 17O-MRI phantom (Fig.1), KBwH led to increase in SSIM by 21% and in SNR by 338% (Tab.1) compared to KBnH, whereas TV-constrained reconstruction resulted in 7%/20% better RMSE/SSIM values, but did not substantially change SNR values. AD‑constrained reconstruction with λ=10, denoted by AD-weak, showed best correspondence with the original image (Fig. 1a) with 9%/26% improvement in RMSE/SSIM compared to KBnH. However, the SNR values were 40% lower compared to KBwH. Higher λAD values (λAD=50/100 denoted by AD-medium/strong) were also investigated and gave 49%/138% higher SNR, but a 3%/12% and 7%/24% worse RMSE and SSIM, compared to KBwH.

In vivo images reconstructed with different methods showed that KBwH and AD‑strong reconstruction (λAD=1000) yields a substantial SNR increase and made ventricles circumscribable (Fig. 2). With AD-strong reconstruction, fine GM structures could be seen. CMRO2 maps of different reconstruction techniques showed that only AD-strong and KBwH reconstructions provide CMRO2 maps with sufficient quality – the other methods had Pnot‑fitted>14% (Fig. 3). AD‑strong had Pnot-fitted=2.4%, which is 47% smaller then KBwH. CMRO2 maps of AD-strong method interpolated to a larger matrix (Fig. 4), reveal CMRO2 differences in various brain tissues: smaller CMRO2 in WM and CSF regions compared to GM regions.

CMRO2 values in small GM/WM regions were 0.82/0.76 µmol/gtissue/min for KBwH and 0.84/0.74 µmol/gtissue/min for AD-strong. GM and WM separation for AD-strong was 70% better compared to KBwH. PL-based CIs for the AD technique were 11/13% smaller compared to conventional reconstruction. Filtering among the neighboring pixels was beneficial: AD method smoothed data among pixels with similar intensity (mostly within one brain tissue component) and preserved borders within different tissue compartments (edge‑preservation), which is favorable compared to isotropic homogeneous Hanning filtering.

Conclusions and Outlook

The results show that smoothing among neighboring pixels enables quantification of 3D CMRO2 maps in dynamic 17O-MR experiments. TV-constraint reconstruction does not provide a substantial SNR increase. Iterative reconstruction with edge-preserving proton-based AD constraint is favorable and corrects for PVEs. The reconstruction techniques are planned to be applied in further dynamic 17O-MR experiments on patients with brain tumors (e.g., glioblastoma) to investigate the metabolism of different tumor regions.


Support from NUKEM Isotopes Imaging is gratefully acknowledged


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Figure 1. Left: Axial slice of the 17O‑MRI numerical brain phantom (a), which was constructed in image- and k-space from segmented 1H MPRAGE data (b) using tissue-specific H217O concentrations, measured T2* = 2 ms [11] and SNR = 6.7 values. Right: Axial slices of 17O-MRI numerical phantom images reconstructed with KB gridding without/with Hanning filter (c/d), and with iterative reconstruction with TV constraint (e, λAD = 1) and with AD constraint: (f) AD-weak constraint (λAD=10), (g) AD-medium constraint (λAD = 50) and (h) AD-strong constraint (λAD = 100). Quantitative comparison is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Root-mean-square errors (RMSE), structural similarity (SSIM) and SNR values of the 17O-MRI numerical phantom images reconstructed with different methods, which are shown in Fig. 1c-h. For the calculation, the values only within the brain phantom were considered. The better the correspondence with an original 17O-MRI image is (Fig. 1a), the smaller the RMSE values are, and the higher the SSIM values are.

Figure 2. Axial slice of 17O-MR human brain images (TA = 1 min) reconstructed with KB gridding without/with Hanning filter (a/b), and with iterative reconstruction with TV constraint (c) and with AD constraint: (d) AD-weak constraint, (e) AD-medium constraint and (f) AD-strong constraint.

Figure 3. Left: Axial slice of CMRO2 maps of human brain reconstructed with KB gridding without/with Hanning filter (a/b), and with iterative reconstruction with TV constraint (c) and with AD constraint: (d) AD-weak constraint, (e) AD-medium constraint and (f) AD-strong constraint. Right: Comparison of the percentage of not fitted pixels (Pnot-fitted) for different reconstructions. CMRO2 maps were reconstructed onto a 32×32×32 matrix. Pixels for which CMRO2 mapping failed due to low SNR are shown in black.

Figure 4. Axial slices of CMRO2 map of human brain obtained by iterative reconstruction with AD-strong constraint in dynamic 17O-MRI with 17O gas inhalation. CMRO2 map was reconstructed onto a 64×64×64 matrix. Pixels for which CMRO2 mapping failed due to low SNR are shown in black.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)