Pseudo continuous description of the diffusion MRI (dMRI) signal through multi-compartment deconvolution is a promising technique to disentangle different water pools in the brain. In this work we verified whether a deconvolution based approach with L2 regularized priors could improve the repeatability of DTI metrics computed on the brain data of 3 volunteers acquired twice. Signal fractions of free water and perfusion could reliably be quantified and removed from the diffusion signal, improving the repeatability of MD estimation both in gray and white matter.
A dictionary of 300 mono-exponential Gaussian decaying signals with diffusion coefficients log-spaced in the range [0,1000]µm2/ms was defined. Membrane restrictions essentially cause the dMRI signal not to decay at strong diffusion weightings, therefore their effect can be modeled with the addition of a constant column to the dictionary, as shown in Figure 1. Deconvolution is inherently noisy, thus we developed a three stage solution. Firstly, L2 regularized Non-Negative Least Squares (NNLS) were applied to obtain the voxel-wise deconvolution spectra of each subject. These were averaged and used to define a deconvolution prior(χ0). The second deconvolution step was performed minimizing voxel-wise the following terms:
where χ is the diffusion spectra, U the deconvolution dictionary, S the dMRI signal and γ a regularization term. L2 regularization may bias the estimation of the signal amplitudes, thus as last step the diffusion dictionary was voxel-wise reduced to its minimal components (non-zero diffusion coefficients in the previous step), then the final NNLS deconvolution was performed. The voxel-wise diffusion spectra were integrated in specific diffusion ranges to obtain fractional maps: IVIM for diffusion values in the range [6,500]µm2/ms, Free Water (FW) in the range [2.5,6]µm2/ms and non-Gaussian (NG) in the range [0,0.4] µm2/ms. 3 healthy controls (HC, 1 male, 27±1 years) were acquired twice at 3T with 7 days inter-scan. The acquisition protocol included a T1W scan (1mm3 resolution, TE/TR=3.7/8.1ms), a T2W scan (1.5x1.5x1.5mm3 resolution, TE/TR=0.1/4.2s) and a dMRI sequence (2.5x2.5x2.5mm3 resolution, TE/TR=80ms/6.9s). dMRI data was pre-processed with Tortoise[2] using the T2W as reference. Mean diffusivity was derived from the linear DTI fit of the data at b=5,1000s/mm2 before(MD) and after(MDC) subtraction of the FW and IVIM components (referred as corrected DTI). T1W data was segmented[3], [4], then boxplots of MD/MDC, NG, FW and IVIM were computed individually within the GM and WM of each time-point. Repeatability of MD/ MDC was assessed with Intra-Class Correlation(ICC).
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